Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Bookworm and the Artist



The library was expansive. Of course, Olaya Astrapi was no stranger to libraries or studying. Most of her childhood had been studying to perfect every course. Her years in college had her stuffing her head into holobook after holobook. It was a strange return to familiarity, coming here. Having just joined the Jedi Order yesterday, she was determined to learn everything she could the best she could. She was dreadfully clueless about everything concerning the Force. And so, she found herself tucked into a corner of the library, surrounded by piles of holobooks. Sipping a large iced coffee, she carefully read up on the subjects ranging from the three schools of the Force to the founding of the original Jed'aii Order.

Placing her empty coffee mug down, she continued to read. For hours and hours... She was an absolute genius, learning quickly and absorbing the information like a sponge. She was worried, however, about stepping onto the training mat.

How am I supposed to master all this?

Iris Arani Iris Arani
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