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Approved Starship The Bondara

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Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
The Bondara

Affiliation: Bondara’s Crew
Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering
Model: Modified Wayfarer-class Medium Transport, The Bondara
Modularity: Yes - weapons systems, comm systems, engine systems, cargo module/freight pod
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel
Classification: Freighter/Transport

Length: 82 meters, 52 without pod
Width: 54 meters, 20 without pod
Height: 12 meters

Armament: 8
1 Forward Conner Net Launcher
1 Dorsal AG-2G Quad Laser Cannon
1 Dorsal Dual Ion Cannon
1 Ventral Repeating Blaster Turret
1 Tractor Beam Projector

Defenses: 4
Standard Deflector Shields

2 starfighters or 1 shuttle
4 speeder bikes
3 power loaders

Special Features:
Detachable Cargo Pod
Secret Cargo Hold (Pod)
Detachable Tender
Standard Navicomputer
Standard Sensor Dish
Standard Communications Array
Standard Targeting Systems

Cargo Capacity: 220 metric tons
Consumables: 3 Months
Crew: 2-18
Quarters: 6 crew cabins, 2 officer cabins, 1 captain’s cabin
Refreshers: 4 Showers, 2 Stalls
Airlocks: 1 Starboard Personnel, 1 Portside, 1 Forward (Pod)
Pod - Loading Deck, Cargo Deck
Ship - Sub deck A - above, Main Deck, Sub deck B - below

Maneuverability Rating: 7 (6 without pod)
Speed Rating: 5
Hyperdrive Class: 1, Backup 14

+Modular: the communications array, sensor suite and some of the weapons systems can be swapped out for new tech, so long as the crew can afford to pay for it and its subsequent maintenance.

-Bulky: the Bondara is an unwieldy transport. It is not nearly as agile as some of the CEC YT models.

Crew Positions:
  • Captain
  • XO
  • Cargo Master
  • Chief of Engineering (Cheng)
  • Communications Operator
  • Navigations Operator
  • Sensor Systems Operator
  • Weapon Systems Operator
  • Deckhand
The Wayfarer-class Medium Transport is a cargo hauler meant to dock with large cargo pods or crates using the portside armature, which clamps into place securing the pod. Smugglers value the ship because they can ditch the cargo pod if they are being pursued and make a quick getaway.

Many Wayfarers have been modified from the original design. Below is the layout of The Bondara.*

Main Deck:

Main Deck w/o Cargo Pod:

  • The Bridge has six stations: The Con, the Helm, Navigation, Sensors, Weapons, and the Comms station. With the exception of the comms station, each station has one or more secondary functions. This gives the stations enough redundancy to allow operation of the vessel with as little as a single crew member.
  • Officer’s Quarters: Two cabins for the first and second mates amidships, along with a slightly larger third cabin for the captain.
  • Crew Quarters: Sixth other cabins are situated against the starboard and port bulkheads. All are double berth, but the second bunk can be folded into the wall. If the crew is ‘hot racked’ the ship can support up to eighteen hands.
  • Conference Room: Situated amidships just aft of the captain’s cabin. For meetings of import, usually seen as the O-club.
  • Galley: Aft of the portside crew quarters. A ladder leads above to the armature access.
  • Main Gangway: Primary access way. When the cargo module is attached, the port side airlock is left open and the gangway extends into the module.
  • Starboard Airlock: The starboard airlock has universal adaptable docking collar to allow for boarding and disembarkation. When in port, a ramp can extend down from this airlock.
  • Sick Bay: Placed aft of the starboard airlock against the bulkhead. Includes a surgical table and room for a bacta tank.
  • Rec Area: Aft of the port side airlock. Contains a dejarik table, holoscreens, and most importantly the caf dispensers.
  • Refreshers: Waste stalls located aft of the starboard crew quarters. Shower stalls located opposite the sick bay.
  • Port Airlock: Protects the main cabin from exposure in the event that the cargo module is breached. When no module is attached it is used as an airlock leading to the tender.
  • Engineering Bay: A cramped area that allows for monitoring and adjustment of critical ship systems such as life support, air pressure, communications and the main cabin power. A maintenance lift allows access to sub decks.
  • Propulsion Room: Houses the sub-light engines, hyperdrive, shield generator and reactor.
  • Cargo Master’s Station: From this terminal, the cargo master can engage the primary umbilical, connecting power to the cargo module and can also control the life support functions of the module.
  • Detachable Tender: A small, maneuverable vessel mainly propelled by thrust vectoring nozzles that can serve as an escape pod.
  • Module Systems: Maintenance area for the module full of tightly packed capacitors and battery banks, which can provide the module with a limited amount of power if disconnected from the vessel. This area is often used to smuggle valuables.
  • Segregated Cargo Hold
  • Cargo Lift: Used to load cargo into the hold.
  • Module Airlock: An energy field seals the main cargo area from the lift, allowing the lift to be lowered while underway.
  • Port Access Way: Secluded passage that connects the aft bay to the main cargo hold.
Sub Deck B
  • Maintenance Access: Used for access to systems such as the hydraulic fluid lines, coolant piping and water mains. Below the maindeck on sub deck B.
  • Galley Stores: Where the food is kept. Below the maindeck on sub deck B.
  • Maintenance Lift: Crew can access the upper and lower sub decks via the maintenance lift.
  • Propulsion Sub Deck: Provides access to the ion drive and capacitor banks of the engines. Below the maindeck on sub deck B.
Sub Deck A
  • Galley Ladder: Used to access subdeck B, which is above the main deck.
  • Quarters Ladder: A ladder in the main cabin used to access subdeck A.
  • Sub deck A: contains access passages to the gunnery stations.

Jethro Wright purchased the Wayfarer transport from a used ship salesman in the Kathol Outback with the credits he’d received from selling his house. After naming her the Bondara, the Ryl word for carefree, Jethro went about overhauling the transport. While no engineer by any stretch of the imagination, he knew how to rig up enough systems to make the ship operable. Gave her a new coat of paint too.

With his remaining credits, the old mining hand purchased a new class 1.0 hyperdrive and had it installed on the Bondara. He also made a few other additions in the weapons department.

Development Thread: N/A
Intent: A ship for Jethro Wright and his crew.
Who Can Use This: Wright’s Crew
Primary Source: N/A

*(contains material quoted from Mariusz Zychon’s supplemental data of the Fantasy Flight Games Wayfarer-class Medium Transport.)
Image Sources: Mariusz Zychon’s Supplemental Deck Plan and Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire Wayfarer-class Medium Transport
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
[member="Jethro Wright"], it looks like you've put a lot of time and research into creating this submission, which is very nice to see as a judge.

Jethro Wright said:
Maneuverability Rating: 3 Speed Rating: 2

Jethro Wright said:
-Bulky: the Bondara is an unwieldy transport. It is not nearly as agile as some of the CEC YT models.

I think that the speed and maneuverability ratings are a bit high for the description and its size. This is probably closest to the "picket corvette" in size (~80 meters) which has speed and maneuverability ratings of 7. I'd recommend a rating of 5 or 6 without the cargo pod, and a rating of 7 with it attached.
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