RC 212

Mighty Emperor Titus has risen up out of Morellia and called in to him the debts of several noble houses. Now they meet upon the Courtyards of the world and battle plans are drawn. Support is pledged and wealth is exchanged.
Mercenaries long under his control have formed Ranks and a special Cadre of elite Clones has been revealed. Now comes the time for the culling. Soon the other Noble houses of Morellia will fall, under the opening Salvo of the Black Imperium!
A Brief Overview!
The Black Imperium is comprised of many parts. It draws inspiration from the old Roman Empire, Halo, Game of Thrones, Warhammer 40k and of course all in the context of the Starwars universe! Here we aim to create a Sandbox faction based on the premise of dark storylines. War, inter political struggle and a single over arching plot to expand and conquer drive us.
What is the Imperium?
The Imperium is as you guessed it, a rising Empire. But this Empire is Ruled by a single Emperor and he takes counsel from the Noble Barons and Baronesses of their respective houses.
The Imperium is set up to be a vast war machine, lacking ethics of morality, intent on destruction, industry and expansion. Here there are little hinderances to the dark development of your plots, save the overall intent of the Emperor, Conquer, settle, expand, Repeat.
Tell of the Noble Houses?
Currently there are two noble houses.
House Tyrel- Adorned in numerous riches and brought to the rank of noblity by their ancestors, the Tyrels are avid traders and merchants, running the central banks of Morellia
House Tarros- The Tarrosians are stalwart warriors and robber barons of industry. They take by force and operate the bulk of the industrial might of the Morellian commonwealth.
The Intent of the houses is to add a politcal side to the RP experience. Here house heads and agents can conspire to sabatoge, assassinate and betray one another. Each house vies for supremacy over the others in the Emperors eyes.
Conspiracy sandbox, check.
The Structure of the Houses is up to the players. The politics of each house is up to the players as well. Each house contributes in someway to the overall mission and plot arc of the Imperiums might! When a new base is established or planet conquered, later on of course, each house shall rule a planet to themselves. This will create rich backgrounds for story.
Tell me about force users? Where do they fit in?
Force users have the option to Join the Dark Templar Order or remain nuetral soldiers and politicians. The Dark Templar order is based off a version of the Knights Templar and the Inquistion. They root out lightsiders and disruptive force users, whilst also providing specialized battlefield support.
The unique weapons of the Black Templar will be their swords, which I hope to have alchemicalized as I go on. I also hope to make a sweet armory just for their use. Templars live by their swords and follow the Emperors will. In their spare time they practice and study ancient Sith Magics and Sorcery.
Tell me about the Military?
The Military is a new concept based off of Roman Legions. A new concept was added. Soldiers who are the Marines and the Army. Helltroopers! Largely inspired by the ODST, Helltrropers are organized by Legion and can drop into battle or conduct space brone operations.
There is another new unique feature the Spectres. Four teams of Clone Commandos, origninal donor? RC 212, infamous war criminal. Each team is led by a non clone commander with only four teams of five ever existing.
Again a veritable sandbox of military forces to use. Though they may seemk cliche my intent is to bring back massive NPC battles. Beautiful writing can come out of armies clashing, blood spilling, the grind of blade upon blade. Enemy forces manuever against one another. Victory is determined by tactics rather than brute force!
Tell me about the general culture of the Imperium?
The Imperium values strength abaove all else. The economy is built as a military industrail complex as well as a trade machine. Coming alliances will strengthen our ties and solidfy our posistion in the galaxy. The general populace works in factories and merhcant centers. The Warrior class is favored above all else and conquered slaves comprise the brute force labor of the menial tasks.
Where do I fit in?
That's the glory of it. You fit in wherever you shall please. I would like to expand our lore and focus on creating rich stories and epic tales of warfare. You cna be a noble and squabble house against house. You can be a warrior, fighting in the Emperors name to bring glory to the Imperium.
You may be a Dark Templar, expanding and prolifferating the lore of a unique sect of Champion force users. You may be a commoner, toiling endlessly, or a head of house, eventualy ruling a planet as you see fit?
Where will you fit in?
Shall you join us?