Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Beacons are Lit

Alderaan was in need, and Draco, currently the personality in charge of the body that people identified as Draco Vereen, had pledged his fleet and army to protect the ancient world. But, he was well aware he could not do so indefinitely without the assistance of the United Clans. He had already put the call out to his people, and Aten Vizla had rallied a sizeable war fleet from Concordia, pulled assets from ArmaTech off Concord Dawn, and claimed the Flagship of Clan Vereen graciously from Mandal Hypernautics, and was currently rallying the fleet at Myrkr preparing to take the long way in order to avoid cutting through literally all of Republic Space. One of the few benefits of having allies everywhere.

Draco at heart was a good man, honorable and kind. He was also weighed down by a plethora of guilt and loss. Guilt from his own hands before the schism of his mind, and guilt of his hands well after Vulkan manifested, or worse the beast that Vulkan held at bay.

The ship that ferried he and Faith Balor-Organa from Obroa-Skai was small, but large enough that he was given his own quarters. Standing in his full Drahr'kandar, helmet on, his true face looking at the hologram projector as it connected. He needed allies quickly, and he needed to secure the assistance of the Slayer of Worlds if he was to have any hope of liberating Alderaan. To do that, he needed to check with Rygel Larraq's boss first. Clan Dem'adas was well known for its naval prowess, and it controlled arguably the largest fleet of any single Clan.

It finally connected and he stood, looking eye level at the projector, having set it so that the figure would appear at standard size.

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Darth Vulkan"]

Combat reports cluttered Olivia's desk. Dossiers and accountings from Clan Vereen and Clan Rekali told the tale of Nickel One. Above her desk, in holographic glory, the video recordings of over a dozen sources played out. Each video from the point of view of a Mando'ad visor. The recordings showed Ember Rekali shoring up the defenses in the Mandalorian Quarter of civilian station. They showed sections of the station being vented of atmosphere. They showed civilians being murdered carelessly... to slow the approach of Mando'ade that were known to wear vacuum sealed suits. <The hell were they thinking?> Olivia thought to herself as she continued to watch the multiple recordings, and not for the first time.

The recordings showed the Republic's military commander fleeing the station, in spite of multiple forces moving to apprehend the woman that had, apparently, given the order to vent atmosphere. Olivia picked up a written piece of paper and read the words aloud for the umpteenth time. It was the written and signed sworn testimony of one Mr. [member="Ember Rekali"]. One of the few men whom held Olivia Dem'adas's respect. Olivia had no clue what "flow walking" was, but she trusted Alor Rekali's word that he was a master of such a technique. As did she trust his statements regarding the orders given by the woman.

"Typical pairs, okay? Get to front line defensive areas outside the hangars and any other access points. Mount your defenses there. If you lose ground, retreat and seal it off behind you, then use the overrides to vent the lost sections to space. We'll be able to get plenty of them that way. Once it's done, clear the vented areas, and reestablish fighting positions. If that's not possible, use your best judgement. Astor, Wolcraft, you're sticking with me."
And the orders given by the woman's underlings.

"Do we have access to the hangar bay control systems?"
"We do, sir. Top level overrides can only be used from one of these control centers."
"Mandalorians wear vacuum-sealed outfits typically, do they not?"
"Aye, sir. It's not uncommon. Couldn't speak for their fodder, but many do, yes."
"What about civilian presence in the hangars?"
"The working shifts ended some time before the Mandalorians arrived; if there are any personnel remaining there, they are either worker clones or remain by choice. Seal the hangar entrances if possible and deactivate the shields. Vent the hangars overtaken by Mandalorian forces. At the very least we can slow down their advance through the rest of the station by scattering them into the wind."

Olivia turned her gaze from the paper and back to the recordings. They showed republic soldiers using civilians as human shields. They showed republic soldiers using nerve gas on civilians. They showed republic privateers opening fire on civilian transports.

<Are these really the same people we have been helping for all these years?> Olivia thought to herself.

With the press of a button, the video recordings faded away and were replaced by different images. A holographic representation of Roche filled the display, images of Mandalorian and Republic ships dotted the landscape. It was a recording compiled from the data-logs of the Skira, made from the compiled sensor readings from three separate Ulur'uur Frigates. Below this, various video logs played. They showed the events that transpired upon the command decks of a number of Mandalorian Warships, as well as external video recordings of the space surrounding each craft.

This was the combined combat action report of Hyperion Security and Mandalorian Protector ship and squadron commanders... and it told the rest of the tale of the battle for Roche.

It began, innocently enough, with a verbal exchange confirmed by no less than 2486 individual sources.

::Mandalorian leadership, this is Kol'k Ota, a foreign representative to the Verpine people. We have detected a rather large and militarized presence in the system and within Nickel One. We are curious what your needs might be.::
"The Mandalorians, as always, have no hostilities towards the Verpine."
"But the Republic can no longer be trusted to guarantee the safety and neutrality of the Roche system or the Verpine people. Their failing political system is turning against itself and moves have been made to consolidate the rightful properties of corporations and free governments under the control of their political and military leaders. I fear that even now, the Republic moves to bring Roche under thumb through military force."
"It is for that reason that the Mandalorian Clans have come. We will annex this system into our protection before the Republic has the opportunity to bring the Verpine people under heel."
"To any and all Mandalorian forces in the system, you are asked to return to your vessels and leave Republic space. The usurper government lead by the traitor Genevieve Lasedri has been confronted by the Republic Senate and Military and halted. Your holdings and investments are in no danger, and our government recognizes your rights as business-persons and a people. Your existing contracts will be honored without alteration, hesitation, or otherwise. However, initiating hostilities against us when you ought to be helping us eradicate this clone threat would be foolish. You cannot win a war with us. We are better equipped than you. We are better trained than you. We are more organized. And we have the Jedi on our side. Do not start what you cannot finish, and let it be known now, that there is absolutely no reason to initiate hostilities of any kind against a government and a people that seek only to be your ally. I urge you to make contact with us in order to discuss this misinterpretation of events. The Republic has no conflict with the Mandalorian people and we would rather help you drive the Primeval back into the edges of the Galaxy than take arms against you."
*a chorus of laughter*
"We are better trained-"
*more laughter*
"Stop. Stop. I'm going to pee!"
*continued laughter*
"Woman. I don't know who you are, but you just insulted the entirety of the Mando'ade. On the honor of my people, it is my duty to inform you that you have just declared war on Manda'yaim."
"On behalf of my people, I accept your terms. The total destruction of every Republic asset from here to your capital, or your head on a pike. Until one of those two conditions is achieved, the Republic will not know peace."
"The Verpine people choose membership with the Republic willingly. It was already decided by our government. You cannot free us from an alliance of our own selection. Even if the Republic were here against our will, annexing our world by force to prevent another from doing the same is...illogical. It is suspected that the Mandalorian presence here is intended to secure the phrik sources. While we are unclear as to the legalities of such an act, we are sure that the Mandalorians intend no peace for the Verpine that does not come attached with their acquisition of the phrik. Your interests are selfish, for which we do not fault you; your businesses are important to you. Yet as such, we cannot condone your course of action, which has clearly placed Verpine lives in harms way. We of the delegation urge the citizens of Nickel One to secure themselves transport via the Republic's evacuation vessels. Any peaceful Mandalorian citizens residing on Nickel One are encouraged to do the same, for you are clearly not of the same people, and are still welcome within our homes."
Olivia sighed and muted the recordings. Instead, she simply watched the battle unfold before her, sped up to five times normal speed. Ships moved, her brother failed to notice three Galactic Alliance capital ships because his crew was busy laughing, ships fired at eachother... the Galactic Alliance ships fled... Privateer forces moved to secure Nickel One... The same privateer force opened fire and destroyed a civilian ship... Mandalorian frigates and a swarm of starfighters move to overwhelm the privateer fleet... The fleet flees... Larraq bribes the privateers... the privateers accept the bribe and leave the system.

Olivia spared a quick glance at the name of the Privateer. [member="James Justice"] of Justice Shipping. The man had, apparently, contacted Mandal Hypernautics later to claim his five million credits.

Returning her eyes to the hologram, Olivia watched the rest of the battle play out. Republic scouts entered the system, Mandalorian Ships initiated interdiction... and the rest of the Republic fleet entered at the edge of the interdiction effect. The Republic fleet moved in on an entrenched Mandalorian Fleet... shots were fired, asteroids were destroyed, and the Republic and Alliance ships eventually fled the system.

Below the holographic map of the asteroid belt, a series of videos played... Many of which came from the starfighters that escorted Larraq's pet Bio-Ship as it tried to chase down a republic shuttle. Olivia rolled back the time-logs of the recordings and compared them to her logs of the Nickel One event.

The ship that had escaped had, most likely, contained one Ali Hadrix, the woman who had ordered the venting of atmosphere from Nickel One. And, if her sources were accurate, the woman who had issued insult against the Mando'ade. And, according to data recovered from the security systems of Nickel One itself, had claimed to be Mando'ade herself.

Olivia picked up another piece of paper. The Hyperion Security dossier on Ali Hadrix.
  • Born on Commenor to one Myra Hadrix, Mandalorian.
  • Presumably trained by her mother.
  • Failed businesswoman.
  • Brief employment with a mercenary group stationed out of Keldabe City.
  • Only lasted a year among the Mando'ade... before she botched an extraction job and got two of her team mates killed.
  • After that she disappeared from records... until she reappeared within the rank and file of the Republic Army.
  • Later to become the Supreme Commander of the Rupublic Military.

Olivia sighed as she laid the paper back on her desk. Her brother had openly announced total and unconditional war upon the Galactic Republic. Including an assault of the Republic capital... Over the insults of an idiot.

Olivia picked up the documents Ember Rekali had sent her. Among them, a list of casualties. Among them, [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]. Daughter of Ember Rekali. Force User. Healer. Jedi.

Olivia sat down the documentation and pressed a new button. This one activated a holorecorder.

Cold blue eyes staring into the recorder, Olivia delivered the following message.

"My name is Olivia Dem'adas. Chief of the Dem'adas Clan. Member of the Alor Council. Kin of the Worldslayer." She began. "Due to recent events, and with no Mand'alor to speak for the clans, I take it upon myself to issue the following statements on behalf of the Mando'ade."

"This is [member="Ali Hadrix"]." Olivia said coldly. She would insert an image of the woman before she transmitted the message. "Supreme Commander of the Galactic Republic's military. Born of one Myra Hadrix on Commenor, Ali Hadrix is a Mandalorian by birth and by training. Fully knowing our honor, our traditions, and our code... Ali Hadrix issued the following insults to the Mando'ade, directly challenging the Slayer of Dromund Kaas."

Before being transmitted, a recording of Ali Hadrix's verbal statements would be spliced into the transmission. From her own messages transmitted openly, the following.

"To any and all Mandalorian forces in the system, you are asked to return to your vessels and leave Republic space. You cannot win a war with us. We are better equipped than you. We are better trained than you. We are more organized. And we have the Jedi on our side. Do not start what you cannot finish."
"More importantly, the woman knowingly issued orders that directly led to the death of numerous civilians and at least one member of the Jedi Order. One Aaralyn Rekali." Olivia added. At this point, she'd splice in audio recordings recovered from the security systems of Nickel One.

"Get to front line defensive areas outside the hangars and any other access points. Mount your defenses there. If you lose ground, retreat and seal it off behind you, then use the overrides to vent the lost sections to space. We'll be able to get plenty of them that way. Once it's done, clear the vented areas, and reestablish fighting positions. If that's not possible, use your best judgement."

"As of this moment," Olivia began. "I, as Chief of Clan Dem'adas and member of the Alor Council, declare Ali Hadrix to be Dar'manda and call for her immediate summon before the Alor Council to face judgement for her crimes. Any Bounty Hunter able to bring the woman before me, dead or alive, will receive full compensation for their efforts to retrieve the woman, 20 million credits, and five tons of raw Beskar ore."

With that, Olivia ended her recording, edited it as she wished, and transmitted it throughout the Mandalorian Territories and beyond.

A moment later, a fresh comm channel beeped from her desk, demanding her attention. <Nobody's that fast.> Olivia thought to herself after briefly wondering if a Bounty Hunter was already attempting to collect on the reward. "Alor Vereen." Olivia said as she recognized the helmet of the man to whom she spoke. She herself wore her new Beskar'gam. Minus the helmet, which sat upon her desk. "What can I do for you?"
Draco stood there, in his full Drahr'kandar as the image of the woman shimmered to life in front of him. Cold dark grey eyes looked at the blonde woman's face from behind the mask. "Alor Dem'adas. A pleasure to speak with you again. I've called you on urgent business. Even now my clan rallies to the aid of Alderaan, but I am only able to offer a temporary arrangement." He cut straight to the point. He didn't have time, and might be rallying his forces into a prolonged battle against the Republic, one he could not seriously win without assistance. "Long has Alderaan been our only friends in the Republic and they have held familial bonds with other clans for years." Bonds he was technically stepping on.

"While the Republic hasn't reacted violently to Alderaan's banning of their forces from the system, they might respond differently to my fleet protection the system." He took a quiet breath, a hiss escaping his helmet. "I need some back up if the Republic decides to glass the planet. I have a vested interest in its safety, and I seek allies in this endeavor. They call for our aid to liberate them. I would see their requests answered." He had every intention of taking the matter to the Alor'e Council as soon as he had confirmation from Alderaan's ruler that they indeed wanted to fall under Mandalore's yoke. It was certainly the safest, most practical route for them.

He eye'd the blonde, waiting for her response. No doubt she would have demands and questions, he had experienced her unique brand of bitchy and angry before.

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Darth Vulkan"]

"You... took a fleet to Alderaan?" Olivia said with an arched eyebrow. "My idiot brother convinces the council to send everything it has at Roche, declares war on the Galactic Republic if some idiot woman isn't brought to Mandalorian justice, and leaves Manda'yaim herself vulnerable to a surprise attack from Death Watch... And you took a fleet to Alderaan?" Olivia asked in equal parts confusion and anger. "I've had to withdraw ships from every sector to fortify Mandalore against further attacks... All the while unable to withdraw our fleet from Roche without compromising the blockade of the system and leaving it vulnerable to a Republic counter-attack. Not to mention the continued political tension coming from the Verpine themselves. Their leaders have denounced the Republic and declared Ali Hadrix and her constituents to be traitors to the Verpine people, but they are still pissed that we're parking a war fleet on their front yard."

"I don't give a damned how friendly some spoiled princess from Alderaan is with your or any clan. She is not Mando'ade, nor are her people. And unless that situation changes, I don't give a damn what you need." Olivia said coldly, her anger at the situation barely contained below the point of shouting at the man. Unbeknownst to her, the fur-lining of her collar bristled in response to her anger, radiating her emotions weakly in the force. "What the Clans need, is for you and your fleet to help protect our borders. Not to go racing off after some pretty little girl all the way on the other side of the Republic Territories."
Draco almost spat. He had felt this very same brand before. "We are at war, Alor Dem'adas. For the record, I maintain the same size fleet at Concord Dawn and still have ships over Concordia. Much like your Idiot brother, I possess a very large corporate presence, and a moderate clan presence separate from what we contribute to the United Clans." The Sith Lord's presence began too seep out across the stars, reaching for Mandalore. It would take time, but he had every intention of proving a point if need be. Phantoms were dangerous, and could easily prove that he deserved more respect than she was currently offering him.

"Alderaan is a peaceful planet that has welcomed our presence on their world. They are in a strategic location if the war against the Republic is to continue. We cannot ignore that there has been no official word on the Terms War Master Rekali sent back with the Republic Delegation, nor can we ignore that instead the Republic focuses on bolstering their military presence." He cleared his throat, and continued on. "If you wish to avoid Republic counter-attack, we will need to continue to press them, to batter down their defenses, and devastate their morale. If we are to do that a strategic campaign against their territories is required."

"I will abide by peace if the War Master agrees to it. But I will prepare for war, not hide on my rock and hope they don't come to squash me once they have recovered from our bite." Draco drew himself up about the last comment. "Never break faith with a friend or ally, miss Dem'adas. You would soon find yourself with none just as the Republic has. Regardless if you see this as me doting on a princess or not, you cannot deny the strategic importance of a world like Alderaan given its location."

The only reason he had chosen not to be forth coming about his relationship with Faith was that he had promised that he would not. "And besides, she is Mando'ade. Niece to Field Marshal Ordo."

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]
[member="Darth Vulkan"]

Olivia Dem'adas's eyes squinted of their own accord as she glared at the man. "It is not an attack from the Republic that concerns me Alor Vereen. Those fools can barely keep the Hutt Cartel at bay, let alone pose a threat to the Clans. I couldn't care less if we were at war with the Republic or not." Olivia said coldly, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her armored chest. "It is the unseen threat of the Death Watch that stays my hand. After Roche and Mandalore, I cannot commit to a major offensive until we know more about the capabilities, resources, and locations of the Death Watch terrorists."

"But... you raise a good point." Olivia said as the fingers of her right hand drummed upon the armor of her left bicep. "I was unaware that the Alderaan nobility were family to Clan Ordo. And... An offensive action would keep the Republic on their toes. Possibly even allowing us to withdraw more of our fleet from Roche, easing the tension between the Verpine and ourselves and giving me more resources with which to defend Mandalorian worlds."

Olivia paused for a moment as she mused over the prospects. "Alright." She said at last. "I'm not happy about it, but I think I can free up some resources from Yavin and Maridun. But before I can commit them to your aid... I'm going to need you to solidify the interests of the clans on Alderaan. I don't care if you have to put a ring on that woman's finger or send Resol'nare salesmen door-to-door. You get the people of that planet as invested in our interests as you are in theirs... and you will have my support."
No doubt the woman was aware of Draco's extra-circular activities with the One Sith, and the assets he had obtained from them on occasion, as well as his current alignment in the Force. For all that it was, Draco was not a stalwart supporter of One Sith, nor would he ever be. He was Anti-Republic, almost to a fault, having been left for dead twice during his time with them and suffered countless betrayals at their hands, but he was not Pro-One Sith. He was a Mercenary who sold his sword and the Republic would not pay for it, but the One Sith paid handsomely to have it on their side. "Know any good Resol'nare salesmen?" He asked with a smile and a sensible chuckle. Rings were currently out of the question, "You assume a bit much if you think that a Princess of Alderaan would agree to marry a Sith Lord." By now, that news had been spread to the leadership, and Draco was a bit ashamed, but not able to drag himself out of the pit alone.

"I will solidify their support, but their sovereignty is important to them. We cannot swoop in and enforce rule on them and hope to keep their support. I will treat with the Heir to the Throne and ensure a set of terms, but we cannot treat them as vassals. Their world must be seen as theirs, just as much as Yavin is seen as the Rekali's world. If that is agreeable, I will see to the rest, and you have my thanks. I am a man of my word, and I agreed to defend their home to the last man." Granted, Aliit Vereen had its fair share of Force Users and a moderate number of knights running amok and thus wasn't exactly powerless despite its relatively small size.

Draco waited for a response, hoping this one condition he could think of wouldn't be disagreeable to the woman. He had no intention of dragging out and maintaining a massive assault force on Alderaan alone, but even with the Royal House's fleet, his own was simply not enough.

[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]

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