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The Awakening of Skoll [Avidon Oligarchy & One Sith]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Billions gone in an instant, without a single word or knowledge at to what had happened. Countless worlds left to fall to the Chaos as entire units of Militaries and Law Enforcement organizations were left undermanned. Worlds across the Galaxy burned as chaos reigned, rules and laws left unenforced as many sought to protect what was left of their families.​
The command had been simple, given without a hint of delay. The droids were meant to be tested further, to test their weaknesses and make them stronger, yet there was now no more time to waste. The Baroness wouldn't stand by and allow her own worlds let alone those of her allies fall to chaos. In that moment the day would also be known as the Awakening of the Skoll.​
Millions of droids were quickly churned out of the foundries of Magrath Industries. Their design pushed unto the open market. These weren't the sturdy security droids of old. These were a security droid of mass, deployed to rapidly restore order in a chaotic Galaxy. The moment that the Avidon System opened its hyperspace beacons, thousands of cargo ships spread out across the void, pushing towards worlds throughout, and more importantly, heading towards the Core and the worlds of the One Sith.​
The Baroness sat quietly as she contemplated what was to come in the next few days. A small grin crossing her lips as she held a glass of wine in her free hand. The other petting the head of the Nexu that remained at her side. Soon enough the galaxy would be filled with units of Skoll class Security Droids and the Baroness was happy.​
[member="Darth Venefica"]​
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]​
[member="Velda Nar-Donna"]​
[member="Darth Vornskr"]​
[member="Darth Isolda"]​
[member="Danger Arceneau"]​
[member="Alicia Drey"]​
[member="Alena Beswin"]​
| [member="Baroness Magrath"] |

Two factions, which held the same person under two different personalities. To the One Sith, she was the Sith Lord Darth Ayra, the Lightsaber specialist that tore down her enemies under her unrivaled temper. To Baroness Magrath, Magrath Industries and the Avidon Oligarchy, she was Alicia Drey, an business entrepreneur from Chandrila who sought to bring her industry to the Avidon system.

Two faces, two different worlds, one mind; and neither knew she was one or the other, as was her plan.

Darth Ayra wore a Sith robe that had the cowl raised over her head, concealing her facial features from view. She had no business coming on the side of the Avidon Oligarchy in this event. As Alicia Drey, she was merely a civilian. Why would she attend a summit between the Oligarchy and the One Sith? It did not make sense. Thankfully, as her real identity in Ayra, she could be there to gaze upon the proceedings and the Skoll-class security droids the Baroness was providing in the ensuing chaos that had gripped the galaxy.

On Coruscant, the hooded Sith Lord waited for the Avidon Oligarchy's arrival, at one of the capitals many space ports, where the Baroness and her delivery would be received.
[member="Baroness Magrath"] .... [member="Alicia Drey"]

The small attachment of Fenrir Guard that had been assigned to watch over the Baroness on her trip to Coruscant stood at attention and their heads looking toward their feet. Each one had been hand picked by Darth Venefica herself for this occasion, each one loyal and dedicated to the preservation of Baroness Magrath's life. Normally at least two would be no more than two feet from the leader but here aboard the craft, she was safe; and Darth Venefica wanted to both inspect and lecture them.

"Once we reach the planet of Courscant, you will form a circle with a radius of seven feet around her and her guest. No one is allowed to enter that circle unless the Baroness herself grants permission. And if she does, the guard to her immediate left and right will step forward and conduct a thorough search of the individual. If any try to breach that circle without are authorized to exercise any force you deem appropriate. Are we clear?"

The group nodded their head in unison, showing they understood what the consequences would be for failure. With a clap of her hands, she began the inspection of the guard. She rifled off several questions regarding protocol, made them present their weapons for inspection, and checked that their uniforms were up to code. Darth Venefica would not let it be said the Fenrir Guard were a lot known to be slouches. She sought perfection in everything she did and expected no less from them.


Noble Goals but Foul Deeds
There was one fact about intergalactic trade that Durbileel understood with clarity. War is good for business. In this case, the chaos of the mass disappearances across the galaxy had created an interesting opportunity, one which [member="Baroness Magrath"] had already capitalized upon with her export of mass produced Skoll droids. Durbileel had lost count of the sheer number of cargo ships leaving Avidon and had promptly boarded one in the direction of Coruscant. Stepping off in the Galactic capital he was greeted by one of the metallic Skoll monstrosities at the space-port

"Papers traveller" it said in a monotone voice. "Of course" Durbileel promptly pulled out his data pad that identified him as Sir Tarek'Gor of the Avidon system. "Move along" the droid motioned.

Durbileels' interest in the Skoll droid export was limited, clearly the Baroness had that deal well in hand. He was more interested in what the cargo ships would be bringing back. Gor shipyards was in desperate need of slaves. And not the battered and broken rabble the Hutts always sold. He needed skilled labourers, technicians, even engineers all in good health and reasonable enough spirits and something told Durbileel that the Sith on Coruscant were the place to start to secure a contract for a higher quality slave. Many a Republic or Mandalorian POW would likely trade the prospect of eternity in a Sith prison to work in reasonable comfort on Avalon for the promise of eventual freedom.

"Papers traveller" another droid interrupted him. "Of course" Durbileel promptly pulled out his data pad a second time and identified himself as Tarek'Gor of Avalon. "Move along" the droid motioned.

Unfortunately neither Durbileel nor the Avidonian he was impersonating had contacts within the One Sith organization. "This will be tricky" the Twilek muttered to himself, "I wonder if the baroness can help"

"Papers traveller"....

[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Baroness Magrath"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Quietly contemplating the event that had gripped the galaxy in such chaos, the golden-yellow hues snapped open as they gazed across her private quarters on the vessel. For this gathering, such an arrival to Coruscant, the Baroness had chosen to travel on the ADF Hera, the Amarok class Cruiser that had made countless state trips around the galaxy. Deep within its modest cargo bays and in the few quarters now left vacant, the Skoll class Security Droids slept, waiting for their final destination.​
Sitting up from her seat, she moved towards the large view glass, her hand still running along the large Nexu's head as it followed step for step. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she shut her eyes for a moment. She had been lucky that her family was still intact, even with as much planning and thinking she had done to remove her rather ineffective husband, there was still a part of her that was pleased that the Baron hadn't gone missing as well. Though her heart was carried more by the simple fact that her children remained. Her thoughts had often drifted to the other families across the galaxy that had lost others, and she understood very well what they must be going through. It wasn't that long ago that she had lost her youngest brother, a story which she would remember on a different day.​
In that moment her eyes snapped open as the stars began to blink and twinkle once more before they were over taken by the sight of Coruscant. A small smirk crossing her lips as she looked at the massive city covered world, a place that was perfect for the droids, even having sent a few squads of them ahead of her official visit. The Baroness though was here for more stately reasons. It was one thing to send a few squads, it was something else entirely to have entire units of the droids spread across a swath of space as large as that which the One Sith held.​
[member="Darth Venefica"]​
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]​
[member="Velda Nar-Donna"]​
[member="Darth Vornskr"]​
[member="Darth Isolda"]​
[member="Danger Arceneau"]​
[member="Alicia Drey"]​
[member="Alena Beswin"]​

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