Image Credit:
Affiliation: Galen Arterius
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Co.
Model: Custom XR-95 Vector-Class Heavy Freighter
Production: Unique
- Durasteel
- Transparisteel {Viewports}
- Premium 100% Natural Bantha Leather {Seats}
Length: 57 Meters
Width: 25 Meters
Height: 8
- 2x Concealed Quad Laser Turret {Top Left and Top Right}
- 2x Laser Cannons {Front}
- 2x Ion Cannon Turret {1x Left 1x Right}
- Flex Tube Proton Torpedo Launcher {Under}
- "Ground Buzzer" Surface Defense Blaster Cannon
- 1 Small Stargither
- -OR-
- Up to 2 Swoop/Speeder Bikes
- -OR-
- 1 Speeder/Skycar
Special Features:
- Heavily Modified Power Core
- Resreve Power Cells
- Power Converter
- 500 Series Hyperdrive
- QQ-45H/310T Countermeasures Module
- x3 Class 1 Escape Pods
- x2 Force Cages
- Back-Up Deflector Shields
- Standard Shielding
- x2 Heavily Modified Sublight Engines
- Encryption Suite
- General Sensor Jammer
- First Respondent's Medical Bay
- Living Quarters for 3 {2 rooms + Captain's Quarters}
- Common Space w/Kitchen
- Communications Array
- Standard Life Support
- Standard Navigation
- Astromech Access Points Throughout the Ship
- False Transponder "The Aluminum Falcon"
- False Transponder "The Great Bantha"
- False Transponder "The Blood Wing"
Maneuverability Rating: 5
Speed Rating: 2-1
Hyperdrive Class: .6
- Fast and Agile in vacuum
- Heavy Armor along with Redundant shields makes it a tough Freighter
- Greater Combat Capability than other freighters of its class (generally speaking)
- Modified Engines, when thrown into overdrive (Speed 1) can overheat and blow the power supply, leaving the ship "dead in the water"
- Not only does the Countermeasures module take up 5 tons of cargo space, his other modifications leave his ship's cargo capacity lower than the standard
- Mostly droid crew leaves his ship, weapons systems, and even navigation at times extremely vulnerable to EMP and other electronic warfare tactics
Description: The Avalon in its current state is the culmination of decades of seedy jobs and unsavory situations. Gifted to him by his father after a particularly good Spice run, the Avalon started as a junker. Whomever the previous owner had been had run the ship through the ringer, but it was Galen's new ship. Job after job he accumulated the funds to keep the ship afloat, eventually putting in some custom work on the bird.
Various encryption and anti-detection systems have been put in place, as well as the common smuggler's holds throughout the ship. The power core has been heavily modified to withstand the output of his sublihgt engines, though this does not mean he can endlessly put out amazing amounts of energy without a cost. The engines can only be run for so long before burning out, or worse, exploding causing permanent damage to the electrical system of the Avalon as well as making the engines all but useless. A 500 series hyperdrive also gives the Avalon the edge when it comes to hyperspace travel. With one of the fastest hyperdrives on the public market at a class .6, it can get in and out of systems in the blink of an eye. But the Avalon isn't all about running and hiding.
Armored and armed to the teeth, the Avalon's motley crew of droids man the quad laser and ion cannon turrets that protect Galen and his goods from would-be pirates or Galactic Authorities.
Development Thread:
- Receiving Payment and Countermeasure Module
- Running Guns to Asahi for "The Underground"
- Marketplace purchase of 500 Series Hyperdrive
Who Can Use This: Galen Arterius
Primary Source:
XR-95 Vector-Class Heavy Freighter
XR-95 Vector-Class Heavy Freighter "The Avalon"