Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Augur

The flutter from wings can be heard approaching, becoming more prominent as it closes in. The wings of an avian. Amongst the more innocent things native here, speaking in its tones of chirps. The sound of its claws scrapping against a monument that use to reside there. It was shattered, disintegrating with age, all it would become was history, destined to echo what it use to be. To the bird however, it peaked a curiosity. Though the creature lacked the intelligence to piece it all together. Steps were heard, as branches and twigs cracked beneath something heavy. Emerging from the wood, and walking up the hill was a silhouette of a person; it was this figure that startled the creature, prompting it to spread its wings once again and disperse; oh black bird... Thus it was gone.

There was a wind; slight. The air began to thin due to changes in altitude. Flora was becoming less and less prominent as the oath continued, there were less trees and flowers. The sky had become grey, there was no light creeping through the crevices of the clouds. It appeared as if it would start raining at any second, one could smell the moisture in the air.

"Truth is not the end, but a beginning...I found goodness in the place that I once believed to be evil. The truth is so far separated from where I thought it existed. It can be such a wild, unbound journey: the journey from the illusion into the truth. Some people take that journey, but more people don't.”

All there was was her dark brown hair slithering in the wind...while she walked the muscles in her legs would tense, and she would feel it, but the drive she had wouldn't allow her to stop. Her feet were numb...but she knew that she was within close proximity. There was a lingering taint in the air, it grew in intensity with every step she took.

"Perhaps it is hard to believe but I was not born as I am now... There was a time where my vision was on par with yours.."

When she looked up from her haunched over position from ascending a hill, she placed her hands to her hood, and took it down without hesitation. Her face was wrapped; bandages covered her eyes. Her face was blank, showing no emotion. It was then that your were plunged into an inevitable abyss of her past...

"I was...a slave once...a prisoner in my younger days. I could see all things before me, or so I thought. My slave master cut my eyes out for having no words to answer him. It was a crude injustice, yet a blessing all the same. From what I remember of that moment was a bright flash, and then darkness..."

A younger version of her wanders, blood trailing from where her eyes were. She was discombobulated, in shock from the event she...witnessed. She couldn't tell if she was crying or not...and then thats when she realized that she was able to see far more clearer than she had ever been before.

"I realized that for a long time I had been blinded. It wasn't until I was disabled that I was free of limitations. My miraluka heritage had been achieved, and the Force had activated in me...something. How did I make it you ask?"

Her present day self has become the main character again. The terrain has become a rocky one. She was in the Mountains. Her cloak blew in the wind behind her, and still...she felt the taint of the Dark-side intensifying; a nexus. Her hand ran along a jagged wall of stone, and eventually she came to a path that lead to the darkest and most tainted sights of Endor.

"I had to accept myself. I had to accept my strengths, weaknesses. You'll realize that if a door is closed, its because what was behind was not meant for you. So I began my pilgrimage...the Force led me this receive my see what work I will do."

She walks down a pitch black, narrow, passage. It leads her, and the whispers can be heard all around her. She hadn't a fear...she approached..and she was eventually brought to a large opening. A grove made of stone, and in the center...there was a light that was trapped by jagged pillars. She slowly approached...feeling the Force radiating from the center of this room; it hit her hard.

She maneuvered herself through the pillars only to feel her feet sinking into soak sand. She got down on her knees, and she reached out her hand to touch stone that was wet to the touch. Immediately on contact bright flashes of light, that weren't unfamiliar to her, filled her mind; a vision.

She crawled closer...and closer...and submerged her hands into a pond of cool water.

She was struck with visions...bright flashes of light, rings of fire...the darkest darkest...and the future she would lead... She nodded. She knew....she found it...the knowledge she needed, her truth.

"Sometimes...the things we earnestly seek lays in the most distant places, and people..."

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