Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Assignment

Oren Sol




TIME: Evening
TAG: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el



As Oren Sol traverses the splendid halls of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant during the tranquil evening hours, he becomes immersed in an atmosphere of unparalleled serenity. The temple's grandeur was a breathtaking spectacle, its elegant, arched architecture seeming to reach ever skyward. The walls were adorned with intricate, luminescent murals that tell the vivid story of the galaxy's history and the noble lineage of the Jedi Order. Soft, ambient lighting emanates from concealed sources, casting elongated, graceful shadows that dance across the polished marble floors, enhancing the temple's profound sense of tranquillity.

The evening air was filled with a harmonious hum, a delicate symphony of hushed conversations, the sound of footfalls reverberating through the corridors, and the faint, resonance of lightsabers engaged in training sessions. It was as though the very stones of the temple were suffused with the omnipresent presence of the Force, bearing witness to the profound power that guides and unites the Jedi. Eventually, he found himself in front of the imposing double doors leading to the council chambers, adorned with the intricate emblem of the Jedi Order, which stood as stoic sentinels. With a nearly inaudible whisper, they part to reveal the inner sanctum.

Inside, the chamber opened up into a circular layout with soaring, arched ceilings. At its heart lay a slightly raised circular platform which was surrounded by, cushioned seats that encircled the platform; upholstered in ethereal shades of blue and green, symbolic of the Jedi's unwavering commitment to the Light Side of the Force. As the evening's dim light gracefully filters into the chamber, Oren Sol advanced with a combination of deep reverence and determined purpose, silently observing this hallowed space as he stood on the raised platform with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Master Kai'el, I am pleased to report that my assignment was a success and that Senator Lucius Abernathy of Nubia was able to safely return to Nuba. When he alerted the Senate that he suspected an assassination attempt, I was hesitant to believe him at first. But as the Galactic Republic felt that is was necessary to provide additional security on his return home, I was more than willing to assist. Never would I have expected though that things would not go as planned, and that my presence was not enough to deter these... assailents."

He paused for a moment as he allowed the words to linger in the air before he continued. "As we exited hyperspace and approached the planet, we were assailed by pirates. Our shield did not hold out for long under their attack, and soon our engines were disabled. I was able to hold off their boarding crew until help from Nubia arrived, though not without significant loss from our side. I fear that Nubia will soon enter into turmoil with news of pirates making their way so far into the core circulate. However, I fear this is not an end to the matter, someone wants Senator Abernathy dead, and as to why... he seems rather unforthcoming in the matter."




Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Oren Sol


"However, I fear this is not an end to the matter, someone wants Senator Abernathy dead, and as to why... he seems rather unforthcoming in the matter."

"Troubling," Jasper noted with a frown, scratching at the scruff on his chin.

He felt a little out of his element. Jasper spread relief to the galaxy, so matters of the senate were a bit out of his wheelhouse. They didn't often request the help of the Jedi either, so this was a strange circumstance for the knight. Not to mention the fact that he was younger than Knight Sol. It made the imposter syndrome creep up a little in the back of his mind, though he wouldn't ever show it. He simply pushed it back and pressed on.

"That is not a big surprise I'm afraid to admit," he sighed. "Matters of the senate very often get... messy. I'm sure their recent decleration of war against the Mandalorian Enclave complicates things as well..."

His gaze shifted to the window, looking out towards the senate building. So close, yet it seemed like an entirely different world.

"Still, I'd say a job well done," the knight concluded. "I... am curious. This senator. What did you think of the man?"

All Jedi had different stances on the senate. He was curious about Oren. It helped to understand where his people stood on the body the Alliance they fought for, given the upcoming war and all. Jasper figured this was important information to have, at least so he could gague interacting with the Senate on their behalf when the time came.


Oren Sol




TIME: Evening
TAG: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el



"Troubling indeed, and with the recent war against the Mandalorian Enclave times will only continue to become more uncertain." Oren promptly responded to the younger man. The difference in age and generation did not seem to bother the older male, after all as Jedi their duty was to better the galaxy as a whole and keep the peace. He was not concerned or bothered with rank and title. "I suspect there is discourse amongst his electorate, after all the man held little political influence amongst the Senate. Or perhaps there is another matter he wished to keep hidden, a secret worth killing for."

Oren's gaze followed Jasper's as they gazed out the window towards the towering senate building that stood not far away. It was a beacon of democracy, but like many things, the idea was often better than the reality. Democracy ensured that everyone had a say on political matters and ensured fairness, but with it came lobbying and endless debate. "Senator Abernathy of Nubia is a curious man with particular mannerisms, he has a taste for... well everything so it seems. If the ship hadn't come under attack, I fear he might have spent the whole trip locked within his personal quarters with his..... attendants." Oren smirked at his own comment, his mind recalling the curious scene, as if it was a recording being played back real-time. "Though, I can tell he cares for his people. He aided the wounded once help had arrived, not what you would expect at all for a man of his station."



Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Oren Sol


"...Interesting," Jasper remarked, grimmacing ever so slightly.

Attendants, huh? He was a loyal man ultimately. That was a life he simply couldn't comprehend. But then again, who was he to judge? The senator cared enough to help save lives. That was at the very least worth something. Not all senators cared for the lives of the people around them. It was all about the power being around certain people brought.

"Sorry, just a tad bit curious," he noted, brushing aside his thoughts. "Politicians have pleanty of motives for killing each other. I just wanted a better picture of the guy. Regardless, I think there's little more we can do aside from relay to law enforcement. We may be protectors, but legal investigation becomes... shacky grounds for the Order to stand on..."

That was for the best. Being wrapped up in the legal framework of the Alliance only poisoned the Order. Their independance from the Senate was a blessing, even if other Jedi didn't see it that way.

"I'll file that report later," the knight decided. "For now I'm curious about yourself, Knight Sol. I like to know my people. It's hard to lead individuals you don't know, wouldn't you agree?"


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