Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The assembling

With the setting of the sun Mantic made his way toward the temple doors. The day had been a long one and it was not over. In his satchel he carried components that he knew would be vital for his attempt to strengthen his capabilities on the battlefield and he knew he had not seen the last of them, regardless of how much he had wanted it all to end.

On Yutan, the populace was fairly accustomed to the jedi mystics that had arrived to the planet. The Republic Knights were not well known as an order of itself and most did not realy understand the differences or the strange politics that had built up the schisms.
On this day Mantic had wandered the world, talking and meeting different people of Yutan. He had tried to get in touch with their daily lives. Because tonight’s attempt to build a new and improved lightsaber was something he wanted to be built as a reminder to himself that he was to protect the common man, to safe guard freedom and guide those that were in need of help.
He wanted to put himself above jedi politics and simply focus on the purity of the code, the purity of the light.
The young padawan smiled and jumped to her feet as Mantic walked in on the front door of the temple. He had been keeping his hood down up until he reached the door way.
He returned the smile and offered a hand on her shoulder, a simple gesture that they belonged.

“I could need some help here young one.”

She eagerly nodded with a questionmark painted across her small features.

“Come with me.” He merely explained and passed through the doorways into the temple main hall.
His mind started to wander to the task at hand and he kept silent as the pair moved down the hall way. The temple on Yutan was the Knights main temple, yet it had a long way to go before it came close to something like the old temple on Ossus. Yet, the simplicity of it all appealed to many of the jedi that had remained in the Republic.
It had also been a humbling experience to allow oneself to proceed the task at hand without the former vast resources.
Still, they had managed to build up the main necessities and for now, all Mantic sought was the sparsely decorated meditation.
The meditation room was a smaller room. It held a clean table in the middle and a few lower seats were placed around it. Mantic asked the youngling to hold out her hands.
She did so and with a curious face she could not help but ask.
“You did not just bring me here to watch you meditate, did you?”
Mantic smiled, he was partly already half way into meditation. This entire day had been about meditating and to focus on the purpose of the weapon he was about to create.

“No, not only.” he merely answered. Then he produced a satchel and began to pick up different items from it. A lens, the components of a saber hilt and a strange crystal.

“Hold these please.” He asked and placed them into the girls hands, her eyes started to widen.
She was about to witness something most younglings barely dreamed off.
The air was somewhat cold, but it suited Mantic that took it in with a deep breath. It had been some time since he had last tried these procedures but once he had begun setting his mind to it everything started to come back to him.
The Hilt resting in the hands of the youngling was the first he grasped with his mind. It started to float from her and hovered itself to a position straight over the small table. There Mantic let it hung for a while. He examined it carefully with the force guiding him through it.
Every detail of the weapon was important to know and every part that he would use for it was going to be just as carefully examined by the jedi master.

Mean whlle the youngling watched, with eyes widening, as piece after piece left her hands and floated through the air to finally form a circle together. There they seemed to dance a slow dance before her eyes. Each piece contributing with a style of its own.
It took time. Mantic had already been meditating for days to attune himself with the crystal, and now nothing must feel wrong about it.
There was a depth to his meditation, similar to those times when his mind had left his body to find places not possible to visit in the physical world. He was balancing on the fine line between the physical world and the hidden one that only those of the force could sense and recognize. IT was from there that he drew the power that was needed for the process, it was from there he made sure to cleanse all the items, not only the crystal, from any corruption.
It was going to be a weapon of the light, something to defend the defenseless, and something that would remind him of his duty, love and admiration for the common man.
These were ideas and thoughts that he imprinted into the weapon, making sure they were not masked with darker feelings that could lead himself to corruption.
No, nothing of the darkness would be allowed to follow him into this process.
The youngling tried to mimic the master’s posture and through that perhaps learn just how to accomplish what he was doing.

The force was there, she had sensed it on several occasions before but this time was different. The Master was naturally more powerful than most she had encountered but there was something else to it as well.
It was the items, more especially the crystal. It emanated energy that felt vivid, alive and more powerful than other objects.

Was this in fact what the older padawans spoke of, the attunement?
She gasped as Mantic allowed her into the process and wit his help she could see how he examined the pieces one by one. It was almost as if he was polishing them. Yes, she could not find a better word for it. He went to great length not to allow any dirt be left on them, and he was good at finding dirt. He saw things before she even realized it existed and corrected it with subtle nudges of the force.

She opened her eyes again and realized that everything was appearing just as when she had her eyes closed.

"Oh my..." she gasped.
There, the hilt turned as the crystal slowly made its way into the heart. It was indeed the heart of the saber that would shape its purpose, some would argue more than the hand that wielded it.

Tilting his head Mantic then pushed the lens over the crystal before the case was sealed around it all. The saber components were in place and the now only the hilt hoovered over the table.
He let it hang there for a while, sensing it and allowing it to sense him. It was almost like a new master allowing his dog to familiarize itself with the new master before it would accept its hand.

The moment seemed to last forever in the youngling’s eyes but it was worth it. To have witnessed and sensed the rite that was legendary among the jedi was something she could brag about later on…
It made her lower her face somewhat. Master Dorn would scowl at her for such thoughts she figured. Pride was not a favored trait among jedi.

With that Mantic smiled.

“Do not worry young one. The fact that you realize your weakness makes you strong.” He whispered still with eyes closed. The girl had brought innocence and inexperience with her. Traits that he had wanted to be part of his rite to imbue the weapon. Again, a reminder of what the weapon was made for.
Reaching out the hilt started to float toward him. It was a magnificent feeling and the weapon was far more powerful than any saber he had owned before. Parts of him felt guilty for increasing the already devastating effects a saber could have but times were changing and it was necessary to not allow stagnation to be reason for the darkness to win. Combat was unwanted but a jedi must be able to fend from the evil that from teh chaos that haunts the light at all times, especially this time of chaos.

It landed in his hand and he gripped it. It sent a familiar almost comforting sensation through him. The heightened senses of the Lorddian crystal along with the high power the new components manufactured by [member="Matsu Ike"] was something he needed to get used to.
He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. It was a simple metal hilt, one without any engravings or other trinkets, yet it contained power that few would expect.

Turning his head to the youngling at his side he inclined his head.

“Thank you. I would not have been able to make it without you.”
The girl grinned at him and shied away searching the floor with her eyes for a while. She had been part of something amazing here yet she did not really want to leave. she wanted to see the blade, what it could do. Master Dorn was a known warrior; surely to see him use a lightsaber would be something extra.

Mantic suspected the younglings feelings and raised a teasing eyebrow at her.

"Are you certain you want to stay with me for a while longer? Surely you have better things to do?"

She shook her head violently at him.

"No, Master Dorn. I don’t have anything special to do for the rest of the evening. All my work is done. I can stay... I want to stay." she searched her mind for better reasoning.

"to learn more. I want to understand more!" she gleamed at him.

"Normally younglings are not part of these more advanced techniques." Mantic said with a worried voice and looked at his newly created saber.

"But, I guess since you are done with your work I could make an exception...."
"Thank you Master Dorn," she spoke, struggling to not sound to excited about it. But she could not help fixating her eyes on the lightsaber in the masters hands.

Mantic nodded and assumed a serious face.

"Then you must listen very carefully to my instructions and follow them to the letter."
Mantic let the saber rest in his open hand for a moment. Unaware of it the youngling was still helping Mantic imbue the saber in a way. Mantic felt it and was surprised but in a good way that the weapon felt more comfortable with a child present. Still, the youngling was soon about to be very disappointed.

"Come sit next to me." he instructed and both assumed crossed legs on the floor as Mantic held out the saber in his hand. It started to lift and floated a bit in the air before he gently placed it on the ground in front of them.

"Now, do exactly as I say."

The girl tensed and stared between the lightsaber and Mantic with fascination and excitement.

"Take a deep breath." he began and did so himself. "Then breath out, close your eyes and feel your body relax. Breathe out and breathe in..."

She realized it too soon and she was trapped. The lesson in meditation was not going to be over any time soon.


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