Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Art Of Lightsaber Creation 101

I was not ready to create my new lightsabers, yet. I barely scratched the surface of knowledgeable lightsaber construction, but the appeal to learn was gnawing at my brain. My current ones where given to me after completing my trials at the Acadmey on Glee Anslem, but they didn't reflect me, nor did they possess anything special about them. They were just the basic of the basics, and that simply would not do for me. The only crystals set in them only managed to turn the blade red, and though I appreciate the color red, it wasn't the color I would choose for my new weapons.

There was someone I had met here at the Acadmey who was willing to bestow upon me their knowledge of lightsaber fabrication, but before they would teach me what they knew, I had to go out and find some unique crystals for them. According to Marton, the man who would instruct me in this art, I had to first find the crystals that would one day find a home within the hilts, or what he referred to as 'soul searching'. So it was here in the Acadmey's archives that I sat doing research as the night grew long.

I had comprised a long list of crystals through the tiresome night, but I lacked the knowledge of what each crystal did. The archives held some facts and information on the ones I had chosen, but only Marton could actually tell me what was gold and what was rubbish. I usually don't take the time to get to know alot of people because one day a person you call friend may turn out to be the same person who drives a blade into your back. But with Matron, there was no concern about treachery or betrayal for him. For one, he was nearly blind. Secondly, he was at the age where one would say he already had one foot in the grave. And despite his uncanny knowledge of lightsaber creation, he was void of the Force. He was the perfect friend for me.

I rubbed my eyes as I switched the over-worked computer terminal. I looked at my list, feeling a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment wash over my being. In the morning I would go seek out Matron, where the old man would use his knowledge to set me upon my proper course.
"A well comprised list you have created," Matron acknowledged erasing some of the information from my list. The old man, all short and robust of him, looked up at me adding, "What I've left you with is a small list that would appeal to a Darksider such as yourself, unless of course you have visions of jumping ship?" I tapped fingers from both of my hands on my two 'appointed' hilts in answer to his insolence question, drawing a reaction from Matron that he understood there was no turning back for me.

"In my experience, Acolyte, there is only one way to discover if a crystal is right for you. But judging your appearance and demeanor, I say off to Dagobah with you."

Great! Swamplands!

I snatched the datapad from his cracked, skin hands eyeing which crystal he was referring to you, sighing mentally to his suggestion. The planet which had been made famous by a pint-sized extinct Jedi was one that I hoped to avoid. That little planet of swamps possessed some nasty little buggers I hoped to avoid, but on second thinking, made me smile with delight. I needed to expand my skills and abilities, and what better place than Dagobah to do it.

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