Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Alliance

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Things had gone well lately.

Vanir had expanded exponentially, he had become engaged, his injuries had healed, and mostly everything was coming to a settling point.

The Galactic Alliance was a quickly rising star within the galaxy, and Vanir Technologies had been aiding them since almost their inception. His company had designed several weapons for the Alliance as well as diplomatic vessels and armor for the New Jedi Order. Those contracts had been quite simple and even easy to create, but now Alric sought to make something a little more permanent before he stepped down as the head of Vanir Technologies.

He wanted the company to have a measure of security, after all.

That was why he was here on Sullust today, why he had asked for this meeting. Corporations did not interfere with the Galactic Alliance, not as deeply as Titan had in the One Sith anyway, and that was a good thing. Alric simply wanted to make sure that he the Alliance would continue to contract Vanir so that both organizations might benefit from their future.

Light Rises

Business deals with companies that weren’t strictly military in nature needed a bit of help. Vanir Technologies was a large corporate giant and were being given the attention of not only the military but the department of state, the sad excuse the Galactic Alliance had for a government. Two different beings, a Mon Cal, Key, was representing the military, while her counterpart, the male Sullustan, Zann, was representing the government, and the various institutes that followed.

The pair walked in, one in military dress, the latter in a sharp three piece suit. No, ZZ Top was not playing in the background, well, maybe a little. They both looked to [member="Alric Kuhn"] and took seats. It was clear that there might be some tension between the pair, the way they were looking at one another, but the way they kept distance? That screamed something else.

“We appreciate your interest in our government, Mr. Kuhn. We’ve both reviewed your company’s offerings, and are sure we can utilize you, but we’d like to know what you’re looking to gain out of this.” The Sullustan was going to do most of the talking, clearly.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="NPCs by Corey"]

Alric took a seat opposite the two representatives, his lips breaking out into a charming smile.

"That's quite simple." He began to explain. "Stability."

It was what every company sought and needed, what every company required in order to actually move forward with any project of note. "Vanir Technologies sells on a galactic level, and we do well, but we hardly have the capability of running a straight line of logistics. A permanent contract with the Galactic Alliance would allow that and would aid in certain transitions that the company will soon undergo."

Vanir was a publicly traded company.

Shareholders owned stocks and those stocks held sway within the corporation. It was a rather basic concept, but it also meant that events within the company drove the price of Vanir stock up or down. What was about to happen would like to drive it down, but a contract with the Alliance announced simultaneously would mitigate that.

Light Rises

Our three-piece suit SUllustan, who looked a lot less smuggler scoundrel, and glitbiter than Nien Nunb in Return of the Jedi nodded. Stability. That was good. He was aware of how the galaxy moved, and the Alliance was in no place to nationalize anyone. Possibly SoroSuub, and that was something Zann should speak to his boss about, but that wasn’t really here nor there at this point.

Zann was about to speak up but then Key, the Mon Cal, spoke first. “Mr. Kuhn. If you are looking for contracts with us, will they be exclusive products? Will you be dealing with Sith and Imperials? Both are threats to our way of life in this part of the galaxy. They’re a threat to the way of life of everyone in the galaxy.” And if Vanir was double dealing? That would not do well for anyone in the galaxy.

The Sullustan looked at his counterpart. She had a point, but corporations were not required to pick sides in wars like this.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="NPCs by Corey"]

Alric shrugged.

"I can guarantee that any commissioned product Vanir sell to the Galactic Alliance will remain exclusive." That was simple business, and of course would be required in any such contract. "However, I will not stifle avenues of potential business. I've dealt with the Primeval, The Hutts, and even with the One Sith before. We're a company, and in this galaxy a company cannot afford to pick sides. I can however state that any sufficient technological advantage will not land in the hands of the Sith."

He accessed something on the datapad then slid it over. "This is already the case with several of our technologies, including one of the most valuable resources against the One Sith."

The datapad displayed an image of a smaller lens.

"The VT-Disruptor lens, rendering Jedi capable of cutting through Yuuzhan Vong Bio-technology." The display would change to a list of names. "Several dozen within the New Jedi Order already utilize the lens and I intend to increase that number as Vanir grows."

Light Rises

Zann was about to speak up when the Mon Cal cut the Sullustan off. “So, you are actively seeking military contracts with the Sith? It’s a bold strategy, approaching us if you are doing such. And for a company looking to make a name for itself, selling to those who are decimating the galaxy and have zero respect for what is native here, and the worlds under their control.”

Yeah, Key sometimes went off, she was turbid water, and the Sullustan looked at her, and shook his head, its jowels… jowelling.

“What my colleague means to say, is that it may not look good if we’re receiving support from a company that supports a warring nation. I’ve seen the VT Lens, and it is a work of art. Too long the Vong have been working to exterminate many in this galaxy, and the Jedi have been only able to slow them down.” Of course, if they did that dark side thing, they could do a bit more. Get aggressive. “How would that work, for everyone involved, if you’re selling two warring nations, besides?”

An interesting business plan.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="NPCs by Corey"]

Alric held up a hand. "I never said I was seeking contracts with the Sith."

That was putting words into his mouth.

"I simply stated I won't clear out the possibility of not selling to them ever." Alric shifted for half a moment in his seat. "I've worked for the Sith before, as I'm sure you're aware. I ran Titan Industries for near two decades, developed some of the harshest technologies that exist in the galaxy. I've attempted to atone for this. Giving to charity, reconstructing cities, entire planets."

He meant Corellia of course. "However, this regard for dealing with the Sith has given me certain advantages. Such as the reclamation of the Imperious. Due to my contacts within the Sith and my willingness to do business with them I was able to purchase one of the most advanced Star Destroyers in the galaxy for a simple credit fee right out from under their fleet headquarters. The Sith, much like most governments, are a bureaucracy. That can be used against them as much as any war machine."

"Not dealing with the Sith would be foolish." Alric said plainly. "Taking advantage of their waste is both productive for myself, and you."

Light Rises

It was an odd situation. The aquatic species was running off the handle, as fire would ignite, but the member of the species from a lava world was being collected and (mostly) cool. Zann waved Key off from speaking. The members of the Galactic Alliance had to consider the war, and that was something the military did, almost religiously.

“So, you are working with the Sith, to atone for what has been done. I’ve heard of the work Titan did, and I’m sure the military has been informed on it. So there is caution. But the work that Vanir has released, the weapons and systems, it is powerful work. Using their waste, as you say, provides us a new method to handling their plague.”

He looked to the Mon Cal who started speaking. “So, no active production contracts on the Sith?”

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="NPCs by Corey"]

"No." Alric confirmed. "And as I said there likely will be none."

He didn't want to go into any lengthy business with the Sith again. Using them for his advantage, gaining things like the Imperious and old Titan products was one thing, but contracting with them? No. He'd already made a deal with the devil once, and that wasn't going to happen again. "If I can, I will continue to exploit them, trick them. I wish to aid the galaxy. it is why Vanir Technologies has been helping the Galactic Alliance without a contract."

"I now simply wish to solidify that aid." To gain stability. "That is all."

Light Rises

The Sullustan, a politican turned business representative, grinned at Alric with that last bit. Continue to trick the Sith? Well, so long as Kuhn could, and didn’t go back on his word. With that, though, if he betrayed the trust the Alliance was putting forth for a few lousy credits from a homicidal government? One could bet how fast the Alliance would burn the land and airspace Vanir held.

Zann waved off Key once more. “That is true, you have been one of the supporters since our inception. If your people write up a contract, we’ll double check it, and sign off on it.”

Simple, right?

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

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