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Approved Species The Akhenaton

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The Akhenaton

  • Intent: To provide an additional race to operate within the Bryn'adul in keeping with our new attempts at including races other than the Draelvasier, and to provide an option for players interested in them.
  • Image Credit: X
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: [Embedded]
  • Name: Akhenaton
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Traemos
  • Average Lifespan: 70-80
  • Estimated Population: Interplanetary
  • Description: A race of hard-shelled insectoids. They consume the flesh of the dead, and operate within a tribal society that places immense emphasis on service rendered to a Matriarch. Naturally cooperative, the Akhenaton construct massive fortifications at the bidding of the Bryn'adul.
  • Breathes: Type I-III atmospheres, able to enter Type IV atmospheres for up to 3 hours as long as their outer shell is intact.
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.4-2.7m (Rattolijan and Amariatu), 5.8-6.3m (Matriarch)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin colour: White/black spectrum from iron grey at lightest to black at darkest, albinism extremely rare (<0.1% of population) but possible.
  • Hair colour: N/A
  • Distinctions: The shell of all variants of x are made of rigid plates of dried and densely packed cells that gather as the soft skin underneath dies. As a result, these shells are firmly fused to the skin and are difficult to dislodge as long as they are properly proportioned. Other than the differences between the variant sub-races, the Akhenaton tend to look very similar to the untrained eye of an outsider. One shelled insectoid appears oftentimes like their neighbour, and thus it can be difficult for many to identify them unless they have had a great deal of interaction.
  • Races: Akhenaton come in three distinct races, the sturdy Rattolijan, the winged scout Amariatu, and the supreme Matriarch.

    The “worker bees” of the Akhenaton, the Rattolijan make up roughly 70 percent of the species. Their sturdy, wingless bodies are devoted largely to muscle, and their strength surpasses that of many of the galaxy’s races, being around thirty times that of an adult human. Possessing lower intelligence than humans, Rattolijans will blindly obey their Matriarch and their Draelvasier superiors but show a considerable degree of independent thought when constructing or repairing structures.

    The greatest distinction and pride of the Amariatu are their powerful wings. These wings, capable of folding atop the plates of their back, are made of thin, soft, and flexible glassy skin. Due to the light weight of the wings, they can flap roughly 10 times a second, granting them the ability of flight. Amariatu can reach up to 300 km/h in the sky before their wings begin to become damaged by stress, but most commonly cruise at 30-50 km/h. However, flight is an exercise for Amariatu and an individual of average fitness can typically only stay in the air for up to an hour. Additionally, the devotion of some skin and muscle to the wings make the Amariatu slightly physically weaker than their Rattolijan brethren, but they are still highly capable labourers and are just as intelligent.

    The supreme leader of the Akhenaton, the queen to whose mind all members of the species are subconsciously linked. She looms far above her subjects both physically and psychologically, and is roughly six meters in height, and very broad in volume. The Matriarch’s plates are far larger and thicker than those of her subjects, and are highly resistant to almost all forms of handheld physical assault. Physically, the Matriarch can be differed from her subjects by her immense size, enlarged and hardened wings, and a large formation of bone atop her head resembling a row of mountains seen as her “crown”. The Matriarch’s intelligence far exceeds that of her underlings, and she is capable of functioning as the mastermind behind the evolution and actions of the species as a whole, creating mental bonds that are nearly impossible to disconnect.

    Matriarchs are not hereditary, but are “selected” randomly from female Rattolijan or Amariatu. As a Matriarch dies, it projects a partial genetic code into the minds of every Akhenaton. Most of the codes are for auxiliary organs or skin colour and do not change the composition of the affected Akhenaton or their young. However, the genetic code for her crown contains dominant alleles and the Akhenaton who receives the crown code is identified from a young age, becoming known as the “Selected”. The Selected female will grow through puberty far more rapidly and dramatically than her kin, becoming an adult after a mere year to minimize gap years between the reigns of Matriarchs.



    Inherent Strength: All Akhenaton wield immense physical strength in their soft muscle tissue concealed by their outer shell, with an adult of average weight capable of easily exerting at least ten to fifteen times the strength of a human, with Matriarchs being able to go toe to toe with the greatest of galactic heavyweights.
    Beetle Shell: The rigid organic material of the Akhenaton outer shell is as durable as solid steel, capable of resisting limited quantities of projectiles, extreme weather, and even the vacuum of space.
    A Cockroach’s Resilience: The sturdy nature of the Akhenaton combined with their resilient outer shells and relatively low nutritional needs allows them to thrive in nearly any environment or battlefield, feeding themselves solely on scavenging or the smallest of rations.

    Brittle: The shells of the Akhenaton are rigid, and any crack can be easily expanded to break apart a portion, revealing the vulnerable soft muscle tissue underneath. Additionally, the exposure of any soft inner muscular tissue greatly deprives the ability of Akhenaton to survive the elements and the spatial vacuum.
    Double Edged Sword: Due to the inherently co-dependent nature of this species, very few among have the independence or mental faculty to feel or manipulate the force. Resulting in seldom few exercising their will over it.

    Subspecies: Rattolijan

    Power-jacks: Rattolijan have the highest muscle mass ratio of the entire Akhenaton species, capable of performing feats of immense brute force up to thirty times the ability of humans.
    Grounded: Lacking the flight ability of the Matriarch and Amariatu, Ratolijan are relatively limited in mobility.

    Subspecies: Amariatu

    Soaring Flies: The wings of the Amariatu grants them impressive vertical and horizontal mobility.
    Skinny Jeans: The wings of the Amariatu divert some of their muscle mass away from their limbs and core, making their physical strength slightly lower than that of their Rattolijan kin.

    Subspecies: Matriarch

    The Queen: The Matriarch has naturally occurring telepathic links with every member of her species, allowing her to issue orders to any individual via telepathy.
    Empress: The Matriarch is a far larger and more resilient individual than her underlings, requiring a serious concerted strike force to pierce through her shell while preventing her from taking flight to secure high ground.
    Mother Knows Best: The intellect of the Matriarch far exceeds that of her subjects, allowing her to effectively mastermind the advancement of her species.
    Big Mommy: The Matriarch is a very large target, almost impossible to conceal on a battlefield due to her physical and psychological presence.
    Poor Multitasker: While engaged in physical combat, the Matriarch cannot link to her underlings, depriving her of the ability to call in reinforcements. Inversely, the Matriarch cannot easily move while connecting to her underlings, leaving her vulnerable to external assault.

  • Force Sensitivity: Rare
  • Diet: The Akhenaton eat dead creatures, sucking any nutrients left in the decaying meal, as well as the bacteria growing on the meat. The Akhenaton do not need much food to live, taking only a bite or two, but storing the rest in their stomachs for later digestion.
  • Communication: The Akhenaton communicate using a series of clicks and hisses, but with their integration into The Bryn’adul, they have adapted and learnt to utilize Mind Stones for Communication.
  • Tech Level: Primitive at first, The Akhenaton adapted to use Drael technology, such as mind stones, and other devices utilized by their patrons. This means that while they may lack the knowledge to create these biologic machines, they are often capable of utilizing them.
  • Religion: The Akhenaton have been fully galvanised into the societal culture of the Bryn'adûl. Whilst the meritocratic values of the Bryn do not translate as efficiently to the Akhenaton's as the Draelvasier would wish, it has become clear to the Akhenaton's that the rest of the Galaxy as an active threat to their way of life; to the harmonious coherence of purposeful existence between all living beings. This sense of purpose, is indeed something the Akhenaton's have fixated on in their joining of the Bryn'adûl, with new found purpose under the guise of new and strong leadership the Akhenaton's have found assured liberty in readiness to fight and die for true purpose by the will of the Chieftain and their Matriarch.
  • General Behaviour: The Akhenaton are a unit. They work non stop, creating tunnels, and bringing food and treasure to the matriarch. Under the control of The Drael, The Akhenaton obey the matriarch to help build Bryn’adul structures both in battle and in peace. Despite their fierce loyalty to the matriarch and their natural attraction to teamwork, Akhenaten are fiercely independent in how they work. It is typical for them to compete with other Akhenaton, even grouping up to compete with other groups in order to earn the matriarch’s favor. When they aren’t working, the Akhenaton spend their time exploring in small groups, and gathering food for an easy meal later in the day.

    Historical Information:
    The Akhenaton are a relatively new race on the galactic scene. Tribal and primitive, they have roamed throughout the lands of Traemos for several generations, managing to spread throughout a majority of their world, but not yet having discovered greater aspects of industry or technology. The semi-cooperative nature of the Akhenaton made it simpler for them to combine together in service of a single leader: the Matriarch even during their expansion, and while their existence together has not always been completely peaceful, they have never been a warring people.

    Intent on spreading throughout their world and constructing the finest buildings that they could, the Akhenaton found their plans suddenly halted by the arrival of the war-fleets of the Bryn'adul. Whereas these galactic conuerors would normally have annihilated incompatible life, they found the tribal and primitive Akhenaton to be a perfect addition to their war machine.

    Diplomatic negotiations with the Matriarch were made, and the promise of finer advances in bio-technology and in resource acquisitions were made as well as assurances that the Bryn’adul would teach the fledgling race all they knew of the galaxy, and better direct them onto an acceptable path. Recognizing that the alternatives would go poorly for them, and that they had a great deal to gain from their intergalactic patrons, the Matriarch acquiesced to this agreement in exchange for a seat upon the ruling council of the Bryn’adul: The Ish’makra.

    The advancements provided by their Bryn'adul benefactors were enough to supplement the population immensely with cloning vats, and with the development of equipment which met the physique of the Akhenaton. Furthermore, the creation of a number of educational centres upon the world of Traemos meant that the race was quickly brought into line with the ideals of the Bryn’adul. In exchange for this knowledge and technology, a tithe of eager constructors and fighters was extracted from the planet and sent to assist the Crusade. While still not a particularly aggressive people, the Akhenaton have taken to warfare swiftly, finding it to be a more direct approach to the conflict resolutions of their past.

    They serve now as fortifiers and builders for the Crusade, and their tremendous strength and unity has brought them respect among their peers. The galaxy will see what these primitive insectoids can do now that they are free from their home-world, and able to put their world shaping techniques to the test.
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