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Approved Location The Adamite Tower

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Sola Wessiri


Out of Character Information:

  • Structure Name: Adamite Tower
  • Classification: Temple
  • Location: Weik
  • Affiliation: Paladins, Sola Wessiri
  • Accessibility: Mostly buried within the Ordan Spine Mountain range, only the Tower Bridge is visible above ground, providing the only access. A home and Temple for the Paladins of Weik, it is not open to the public and under constant guard of the Paladins themselves.
  • Description: Metalic and white brick tower structure that clearly stands out among the trees and meadow in the mountain range. Paladins are often seen in the area.

Bridge Meditation Chamber: Being above ground and spaceous, the old bridge was an ideal spot for the Paladins to meditate and have quiet contemplation.

Maze of Corridors: Hundreds of rooms survived the initial crash, as did several of the corridors, creating a bit of a maze for intruders and newer Paladins that were not shown the way.

Hangers: Some of the hangers also survived, though were heavily damaged. Broken fighters and transports lay strewn on the floors, most with their hull platings removed, as well other useful mechanics salvaged.

Bunks: A lot of the bunk rooms survived, providing the Paladins with sleeping quarters.

Engineering: This room carried a lot of the old tech which had long since died without any fuel or energy sources. It had since been boarded up.

Armoury: Ancient trooper uniforms, blasters and rifles lay within in locked crates. The armoury is also boarded up.

Messhall: Also above ground, the messhall is two floors beneath the Meditation Chamber. Here all the meals are cooked over fire amd in clay ovens.

  • Paladins​
  • Durasteel Hull​
  • Heavy oak door​

Long ago during the Clone Wars, a damaged Star Destroyer crashed on Weik in the Ordan Spine Mountains. The soldiers within headed to Vossport in a bid to take over the city. But the Paladins helped to defend the city and defeat the soldiers. For a reward the Paladins asked to keep the Destroyer and the lands surrounding it. That request was granted. And so the Paladins worked tirelesly to make it their own Temple and home.

Hundreds of years later life continued on as normal on Weik, without the intervention of any outsiders. There were wars and festivals, classes for learning and ceremonies for the dead.

The Adamite Tower stands as a beacon for Good and Hope. The Paladins guard it and it's numerous secrets quite well. The durasteel hull and heavy oak doors make it difficult for intruders to gain entry. And there are some that have tried.

It is hoped that the Paladins would always maintain ownership of the Tower. But the future is never set in stone.
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