Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Acrobat and the Assassin

[member="Niyla Ar'i"]

In a rare moment for him, Sabastian had given into temptation. He'd crept into town away from his hiding place to take in some entertainment, Gods knew he could do with actually seeing another human being after how long he'd been hiding alone. As it turned out an Ancrobat and Dancer of some Renown had come into town, a perfect opportunity really.A chance to mingle with others without standing out too much, which is what brought him to the field outside of town where a circus tent had been set up. The show wasn't due to start for nearly a galactic standard hour, so he found himself wandering around outside, observing some of the carnies getting ready for their performences
These were always the most stressful times for the young ringmaster, before a performance. She had her costume and makeup done, and she was just surveying the site, making sure her family of freaks were on task and on schedule. The tent was up and the crowd had mostly yet to come, besides their 'biggest fans' and the occasional wanderer. They left the doors open as all were welcome, however Niyla didn't mean that in the sense of welcome backstage, like this fellow had.

She watched him as he surveyed her performers, she had seen people like this before. She was a smuggler, she knew the walk of an assassin. Calm yet nervous at the same time. Niyla pushed her cape back and walked towards him, when she was face to face with the man she put her hand on his chest, calmly stopping him. "I'm sorry, this area is off limits." She adorned a peaceful look, her emerald eyes staring him down. Perhaps he had been one of the 'capables' she asked over the black market for a hand in the cortosis expedition.

[member="Sabastian Bane"] (OOC: Sorry I am in class so it may seem rushed!)
He cocked his head to the side and inspected the woman before him, she certainly wasn't easily intimidated, which was certainly nice. "My apologies then M'lady, as I mean no offence by what I say but, I believe I am exactly where I am meant to be. " He took her hand, and bent into a formal bow, kissing her hand "Sabastian Bane, at your service. I have heard that you may seek a companion for travels to a certain place, and that said companion had to possess certain skills. I'm certain I'll be able to meet your requirements" He promised. His voice was sweet and flowed like honey, or if one was more cynically minded, like poison. He fixed the girl with a smile, though the smile didn't truly reach his eyes, which glowed a sinister yellow "For now though, I believe I have payed for the pleasure of enjoying your performance, I'm certain we'll find the time to discuss these matters more thoroughly. Au Revoir" He said softly, bowing onece more before exiting the backstage area, his movements fluid and filled with lethal grace.

[member="Niyla Ar'i"]
Niyla stood frozen, his movements and the fluidity of his words taking her back for a moment. A blush painted her cheeks as he spoke...She had never been addressed so, formally. Perhaps she was a fool to fall for such an attitude but his company was of the kind she could certainly get used to being around. As he trailed off she went back to her crew, stepping up to Shawn with a sardonic smile. "Looks like we've found our last contact, the expedition should go smoothly." She then turned to the carnies running around. "1 hour everyone!" She yelled and walked back to her room, calling for her pet.

An hour had now passed, the tent lighting was dimmed and a quiet darkness overtook the large crowd that filled the stands...The murmur that came from all around had hushed as...a voice sang in an unknown tongues, a fantasizing timbre she had.

"Shaili'shia nahiaswa kawhar'say da." It rang, educated members in the audience would recognize this as the Yuuzhan Vong language. As she sang a quiet hissing could be heard, seeming to forte as the audience quieted and the lights began to dim. The hissing only grew and once the audience was hushed it was on the edge of ear-piercing yet seduction. Near the center of the room a faint candle light could be seen flickering, suddenly more and more until the lights almost devoured the center of the hangar. It was too dark to notice anything else, even see your neighbors.

As the light grew just bright enough one would notice where the hissing was coming from, quickly a large beam of light climbed up about 30 meters and revealed was a huge Arrak snake, its body coiling around what seemed to be people. The beam shined away from the snake, revealing a figure in a meditative position floating in the fire. As the beam focused on the figure it seemed to raise an instrument, a high yet soft sound coming from the figure.

As it played the hissing continued, it seemed to be changing directions and locations. A few gasps could be heard in the audience but they were quickly silenced by the sound of the hiss. The figure in the middle faded to black, the music continuing to play as another outline grew in the fog. Floating as well, like it was the same person yet so obviously not. The voice spoke in a common tongue, a thick accent laying over it. "Welcome one, Welcome all." She said, the candles blowing out as a fire ignited in the ceiling. The snake wrapped its body around the rafters, multiple audience members tangled in its coil. "To the Alura Traveling CIrcus!"

The people dropped as the snake uncoiled, many acrobats swinging from unknown locations to catch them, returning them to their seats in the stand. A quiet muttering from them was amazement along with adrenaline and fear.

"Prepare yourselves for heart-pounding thrill as death defying feats are performed in front of your very own eyes!"

As the fire in the roof faded away, the beam returned. Revealing Niyla Ar'i standing on the Arrak snake's head.
[member="Niyla Ar'i"]

A part of Sabastian wanted to believe that there was inherent dangers, that the acrobates were performing reactionally, that it was a struggle of life and death, but he was too cynical to. Instead he decided to simply enjoy it in another form, instead of watching it as a drama he watched it as a competition, to see which acrobats diplayed the most dazzling performance of them all, Yet his gaze would constantly return to the tanlented young ringleader. As the show went on he actually found himself somewhat enjoying it, which came as a small bit of a suprise.

When the show ended he stood up and clapped softly, which for those who knew him well was on the scale of expression as if a normal man had stood up and begann to scream and clap and stomp in applause. They had skills, all of them, especially the young one, perhaps even something slightly more than human....Not that it mattered, but it was a curiosity to him certainly, one he may find time to investigate in the coming weeks
After many performances and much applause it had come to the final act, throughout the show Niyla made sure to keep a close eye on the assassin and she had an idea to test his 'skills'. As this was her show she had no rule to apply to, and of course this act was her.

"Thank you all, for such an amazing show! Now... for our last act of the night we will be calling a lucky member to the stage from the audience, let's see who this fellow is. Please check under your seat, underneath the chair of the chosen ones, will be a small white sheet." A man walked up to Niyla, where she stood atop a high platform. He walked a bucket to her and she placed her hand inside, giving a wink to the crowd. After a few moments of shuffling she pulled out a number, the number being the one under her contacts chair. "Well, looks like I've got a winner." She smiled and rested her emerald eyes upon the assassin. "298-335-563. YOU are the one!"
Sabastian found a smirk forming on his lips as the ringmaster began to play her game with him. Oh how interesting she continued to prove to be. Sabastian rose from his chair, playing the role he'd been unexpectedly given perfectly. He brought across just enough wild eyed amazement to be believable without overdoing. He waved to the crowd turning to give them all a chance to see him before he descended down the steps of the bleachers toward the middle of the circus ring, were his fate at the hands of the Acrobat awaited him.

[member="Niyla Ar'i"]
She smiled as he stepped upon the stage, she bent down and whispered to him. "S'amuser." Niyla mocked him, as if he was the only one capable of speaking another language besides galactic common.

The smuggling ringmaster then turned to her audience, raising her hands as a hot fire crawled up the wall behind them. "Sorry about this to those in the front..." She adorned a sardonic smile and motioned to the set guy. A large platform then fell from underneath him, she clicked the nulling clip on her belt and began to float as Sebastian Bane dunked into the wet pool below.

"So, I've just soaked this fine fellow from the audience. You may be wondering, why? Well I'll tell you. The man below me will be given five minutes to accomplish a task I've set out for him! You see, there is a dragon snake in the pool, don't worry it won't kill him. If he can tame it in the time period he gets to kiss me. If not? Well we will let that thought rest on your minds! Commence the games!" She rolled her eyes as she opened the crate at the bottom of the pool, the snake swimming out, rather quickly.

[member="Sabastian Bane"]
Sabastian decided to let the audience think he was in danger, he reached out to the snake through the force, urging it to lash and lunge and him, which he would always just narrowly dodge in the water. They played a back and forth game for the audience, before finally Sabastian once again turned to the snake. He once again linked his mind to the snake's. He began to crush it's will to resist, molding it's mind like that of a domestic pet. Soon the snake was dancing to his tune so to speak, and Sabastian decided to show off a little. He made the snake come up beneath him, raising him out of the water on it's head. When he so emerged from the pool he gave a long bow to the audience, before fixing the ringmaster with a smirk.
"Hm." She spoke aloud, forgetting she was on the mic."Good show!" Niyla said, quickly correcting herself.

How the kark did he tame that snake so effortlessly? She thought, seeing through his little 'act'.

The smuggler turned the com off and looked down to him as he bowed, she rolled her eyes. "Show off." She quietly muttered in a joking tone. As he stepped out of the pit she finished the show, and let the applause ring on.

Niyla motioned for the musician to begin again, accordingly the player started to play a soft piece which was meant to sooth the audience as they left, she rushed off of her pedestal and grabbed Sebastian on the shoulder, pulling him towards her. "So you can tame a snake, aren't you hot stuff." She wouldn't lie, she was jealous. Though after second thought she heard the rudeness in her tone.

"I am sorry, that was not very kind of me. Perhaps you may follow me to my dressing room so we can, further 'discuss' our deal?"

[member="Sabastian Bane"]
" Well I did have a good teacher " He said in a playful tone referencing her earlier performance in calling the snake. "And since I did manage it...Ignoring the methods applied, I do believe you owe me something? " He teased further a smirk tugging at the edges of his mouth as he looked down at the girl while following her toward the dressing room. When they were inside it he glanced about before picking a spot, leaning against the wall to listen to her from. It should be an interesting proposal to be sure, he didn't need the credits per say, but he was dead tired of the lack of adventure he'd had recently. " You know...I might be able to show you how to do what I did...I have the feeling you might just have what it takes " He said as he observed her

[member="Niyla Alura"]

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