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Approved Tech Tenloss AFS-HVG M1 Weapon System

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I'm Sexy and I Know It

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Intent: To create a unique, interesting, and flavorful HVG for the Republic's soon-to-be-announced Flagship
Development Thread: Someone May Have a Conniption
Manufacturer: Tenloss Corporation
Model: AFS-HVG M1
Affiliation: "Affiliation: Galactic Republic, Open Market
Modularity: None, aside from different munition types (these will be subbed separately and judged individually if made). this means no additional modifiers can be placed on this weapon (ie. heavy, long range, etc) beyond what is already placed on the weapon.
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, Titanium, Tungsten, Anti-Spalling Liner
Classification: Hyper Velocity Gun/Cannon
Size: Ship-Mounted
Length: 50m
Weight: 194 tonnes
Ammunition Type: Kinetic Slug
Ammunition Capacity: Approximately enough ammo supply for a prolonged engagement.
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Automatic (1 shot/2 seconds. 1-2 minute spin up required [I've translated this to the equivalent of 1-2 posts before firing])

The AFS-HVG M1, or Automatic Fleet Support - Hyper Velocity Gun Model 1, is an experimental and unique set of starship weapon systems. The M1 is set up as a type of gatling variant where there are multiple barrels spinning around a central axis. As each barrel meets the "receiver" located just aft of the spinning barrels, the weapon fires and sends the magnetically accelerated slug down the barrel and downrange. The weapon is designed to be placed in a turret capable of a 200° arc of fire, with a 90° elevation and a -15° depression ability. The barrels are made of Tungsten-Alusteel alloy for added strength and the gun itself is both reinforced and anchored to the ship's structural supports with Titanium. Generally speaking, gatling-type weapons are normally only used in atmosphere where overheating occurs in the barrels. However, the concept of a space-borne gatling weapon is to spread the wear and tear across multiple barrels as well as to allow weapon redundancy.

Each barrel is placed separate from each other, allowing each to fire regardless of any damaged barrels. The weapon system's sensors know when a barrel is damaged and unable to fire which allows the gun crew to set the systems to skip that barrel in the firing rotation to prevent damage or destruction of the gun. The power conduits and sensor lines to the weapon are also redundant. Five nodes connect the weapon to the ship through the turret. This exists so that in the event of damage or weapon failure, the repair crews can quickly locate, access, and repair any damage to the cannon that prevents it from firing.

The weapon has a pair of target acquisition systems that are routed through a pair of advanced targeting sensors, both for redundancy and accuracy purposes. The data is then routed through to the host ship's targeting array, giving a boost in long distance accuracy and targeting abilities. This allows the ship to reliably engage with the AFS-HVG M1 at longer ranges than typically normal for a standard HVG system.

All in all, the weapon, while accurate, isn't solely designed for engaging enemy ships in space. The primary purpose of the weapon outside of damage capabilities is simple: Psychological Warfare. The weapon is devastating and fast firing, capable of creating long streams of HVG rounds for extended periods of time. Republic tacticians theorize that enemy fleet commanders may not know how precisely to react to such a weapon and that individuals commanding smaller flotillas or individual fleets may panic when confronted by the weapon. This may send the enemy fleet into disarray, allowing the Republic warships to capitalize on the chaos to emerge victorious. If successful, this means the weapon system is far more effective than just dealing physical damage to targets.

The weapon does have its drawbacks, however. The weapon system is very heavy and the turret it's designed to be mounted on isn't designed for traverse speed. The weapon is most effective at long ranges where it can engage enemies within a small window that requires few, major targeting adjustments. At medium to close ranges, the weapon is slower to traverse, making it ineffective at firing at anything but the largest and slowest of enemy warships, though the lucky chance may appear of a ship stalled or drifting into the weapon's sights at such ranges. The weapon also requires one to two minutes of spin-up time before it can fire. This is to prevent weapon damage or destruction from misfires due barrel misalignment (IC'ly, this will be 1-2 posts before firing). The maintained speed must be met before firing can begin and the weapon's safety parameters prevent any and all firing without the barrels spinning.

Despite these drawbacks, the weapon system is deemed a full success and awaits mounting on the specified warships it was designed to arm.

(The weapon is a Heavy, Dual, Long Range HVG - 10 x 2 x 2 x 5 = 200)
(The weapon value was originally set at H, Q, LR HVG, but at 400 gun count, I felt that would be too Overpowered)


Professor of Alchemy

Dev thread, specific fire arc, specific gun count, weaknesses in range and start up time. You've gone to great detail. I like this a ton. I know you won't, but can I get you to add in a line that it can't be made heavy/LR/dual etc. and only exists in it's base form?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Edited it in for ya.

Modularity: None, aside from different munition types (these will be subbed separately and judged individually if made). this means no additional modifiers can be placed on this weapon (ie. heavy, long range, etc) beyond what is already placed on the weapon.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Let's talk fire rate, 'cause I'm a little stumped here. Here's the only approved HVG I know of. Where do we go from here?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Valik"]
Tagging me didn't work for some reason :p

The fire rate is one shot every two seconds after a full minute to two minutes of spin-up which I translated to one to two full posts before the firing post. The concept was to create something that can put a stream of fire downrange. The idea with that concept was to make something that can do a lot of damage, but was primarily supposed to send enemy fleets diving for cover, disrupting their formations and allowing friendly ships to take advantage of the new gaps in the enemy lines. I can edit the rate of fire if you'd like. I thought there would be more issue over the spin-up time or gun points so I didn't put a huge amount of thought into the RoF other than the one shot every two seconds concept.
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