Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tempting of the padawans

Location: Ossus

Looking at the Jedi Archives

Serena was an accomplished pilot having come from a family that traveled quite a bit, so when they asked to borrow a ship to go to Ossus on a mission to look through the Archives looking for a clue regarding the Gormak Mystics. There had to be more than what they had reviewed on Voss.

Serena and [member="Emma Prinn"] were in the reference section of the library, intent upon their task they looked over the endless texts of the Jedi Master's before them all of them speculating, and giving their "point of view" on the Mystics.

"I don't know Miss Emma, I am truly beginning to think that the Mystics only exist in archives. In all your time on Voss have you ever felt a need to go off and find one?"

Serena was working on keeping the thoughts and emotions of others from assaulting her own senses. Staying in the company of Emma would help, her thoughts were well ordered at times, and she was a padawan like Serena.

She hoped that they would find what they needed on this trip.


Disney's Princess
Prinn put down her glasses and thought about that for moment. She' most certainly never thought to actually go out and find anything of the like? Hmm. Maybe she would do that someday.

"Well. No. I can't say I ever have. Practical application tells me that such a trip would be dangerous beyond my years. I'd have to bring a Knight along for company, or perhaps a Master. ...No. If I was ever going to go out adventuring? I'd probably do like we did with the cave diving. Just a few close friends. And maybe a Wookiee. Hehe."

She kept her feet up on the table and let her white fuzzy clothing fall comfortably around her. Emma was always dressed fuzzy for some reason. Must be her mother's influence, I suppose. That, and her bad manners with desk tables. She crossed her boots and put her glasses back on. She hadn't seen a Librarian for hours.

"Why ask? Thinking of stealing out at midnight are you? ...I. Well. I hear you haven't been sleeping well since we've met."

[member="Serena Bouie"]
"Some things are best done in groups, others nit so much." Serena laughed I loved that trip to Onderon. I learned a lot." Serena watched Emma for a moment, yes she was methodological. Most scientists were had to be, Serena was but only in her work and studies otherwise she was jumping off the ledge, challenging herself.

Then the subject changed, her sleeplessness rose up like the 500 pound rancor in the room. She smiled slightly embarrassed.

"Yea, sleep is a luxury that it seems I can't afford." Serena wondered should she tell her. "My mind doesn't seem to shut down so yes I go out looking for adventure. In the dark. I will come get you next time if you want"

She didn't think Emma would approve, but Serena needed challenges. "You seem to sleep well, your mother likes fuzzy things?"

[member="Emma Prinn"]


Disney's Princess
Emma blinked twice. My mother? ...Oh. Right. Prinn had heard of this before. Empath. Somebody you can skim your thoughts or absorb your most prominent emotional state. It was uncommon amongst G Humans but certainly attainable. Facinating. Emma had never bothered to notice before. She just kinda figured Serena had a sleeping problem do to stress or allergies. Such was very common trait amongst natural spacers undergoing atmosphereic adaptations. Erm. Science stuff. Nevermind.

Emma stopped her studing and took off her glasses again. Chewing on them before spinning around in her chair,

"Ah. You're empathic. Right? How'd you know I was thinking about my mother. Yes... Goodness Bouie, I never knew? How long?"

[member="Serena Bouie"]
[member="Emma Prinn"]

"I am it's a bit of a curse. Things fall out of my mouth and I don't realize that I've heard or felt something that no one else did" Serena half smiled.

"Something with my studies actually. I think the more in tune I became the more pronounced it became." Serena was nervous about it, "Miss Emma if I say anything odd weird I'm sorry, I'm still getting control of it"

Serena folded her hands placing them on the table "you miss home?"


Disney's Princess
Emma nodded. She could understand. Being a Jedi was scary at first too. Add to that mentality: empathy, school, religion, and other stresses? Well. Serena was right to feel overwhelmed at times. It seemed only natural.

"It's fine Bouie. You can talk about it openly, if you wish. Afterall, In a galaxy this big? I'm sure even the most xenophobic Ithorian would understand a few quirks here and there. Hehe."

She pondered about how to guard her thoughts more, though. There were technique to keep scrying to a minimum, but Emma didn't know any of them. Her brain would appear an open book. Oh my. That wouldn't do.

"Look. I'm sure you'll control it eventally. But until then... Hehe."

Emma thought about Serena nearly-naked in colorful panda underwear. Oh that was terrible. She loved it.

"...Haha. You'll just have to ignore anything ridiculous or embarressing I think about. ...Oh dear. I'm sorry. I'm having too much fun now. Oops."

Prinn blushed and clasped her hands together. That was much too playful for the Library.

"Well. Let's just say I find ways to 'not' think about home. It helps ease the distance, I think. Mm."

[member="Serena Bouie"]
Serena laughed this time "how very true" she remarked to the comment about the ithorian. She watched her fellow Jedi trying her best not to hear her thoughts, or feel her concerns. Yes she was open right now, but Serena was also trying to build barriers that would allow her to control how much information she got.

"Its like building a dam to keep the water back, sometimes it works and sometimes it shatters. But I keep trying it, eventually I'll learn how to keep it in place and just allow what I really need to seep through."

Serena's face turned crimson, "I." she thought for a moment, "might look cute as a panda" She giggled more then. "Its ok, I don't mind it's better than a lot of the other things I've felt and been subject to" The horrid dreams, the skies of red, the endless nights. goddess if anyone really knew how many hours she was awake, how do you turn everyone else off when you're trying to sleep.

Serena nodded, "I think of home, it helps sooth me. I hold onto things which help me drown out the other emotions, and thoughts." Serena half smiled, "Watch out for [member="Hawk Solo"] he trolling for female, such an odd Jedi"

Then there was [member="Connor Harrison"], and the dark secrets.

"So no luck on the research, I was so hoping to find a mystic, and talk to them" Maybe they were avoiding her until she was more in control

[member="Emma Prinn"]


Disney's Princess
Emma returned to the desk in front of her and lifted her glasses. Hmm. Yeah. No luck as of yet in her studies.

"Honestly, no. The Library is an excellent resource but I fear it will not suffice for our needs. ...Thoughts?"

She spun around in her swivel chair and pursed her lips. Even in [member="Serena Bouie"] clever presence, Emma was rather stumped.
[member="Emma Prinn"][member="Serena Bouie"]

Hawk was deep in his own research when he heard someone mention his name. He listens quietly for a moment than a grin spreads across his face. It was Serena and Emma. So Serena was picking up on his thoughts. A wicked idea form to teach Serena a lesson. He purposely thinks about his vacation on Spira where he met a Zelton named Leliani.

He closes his book than walks around a stacks of research material to peer around. "Hi guys. Can you keep it down people are trying to work." He says teasing them.
[member="Emma Prinn"]. [member="Hawk Solo"]

Serena looked up to see Hawk standing there, she was not shocked. Why, perhaps she knew he was near.

She then looked at Emma. "Nothing. I'm. Confused"

Then the comms went off, Serena pulled hers out and began reading making faces as she did. She looked at Emma, "what does yours say?"


Disney's Princess
Emma smirked at Hawk's arrival before retrieving her glasses to contemplate the messages further. She didn't really know Hawk as a person. More of, just a sport's fan. Still? He was a long way from Voss. This was Pub territory and it was nice to see a familiar face.

She continued reading,

"Temporal energy flux on a nearby jungle moon. It might be Force-based energy readings too. They're requesting the Silver's check it out and we're the nearest ship. Welp. So much for Library Hour? Guess we've got some real work to do."

Emma stood up and turned her books aside. Hopefully the Republic Order wouldn't mind her folding bookmarks on some of the pages. Oops.

[member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Hawk Solo"]
[member="Emma Prinn"][member="Serena Bouie"]

Hawk pulls his com out and reads. He had received the same message as the girls. "Mind if join the fun on the Whelp. I came here by public transportation." Hawk had left his own ship Kamikaze back on Voss. It was undergoing some modifications.
[member="Emma Prinn"]. [member="Hawk Solo"]

She read the message energy fluctuations, that could mean a few things. She looked over to Emma and then to Hawk, "more the merrier, let's go check out a moon" She got up regretting the end of the the research. She would one day find them, meet them.

"Should only take a hop skip and jump to get there." She smiled "we will come back Miss Emma" Serena made ready then started to head out.


Disney's Princess
Emma was about to question Hawk's motives before [member="Serena Bouie"] invited him along. Oh? Okay, I guess. Bring the random sport's guy who just happened to be on Ossus along with them. That's not sketch at all. Well... Emma didn't believe in coincidence anyway. Hmm.

No. Prinn simply sighed and keep her thoughts to herself. Maybe bringing along a stronger Adept was a good idea anyway. He could lift the heavy stuff, right?

"Coming. Right behind you."

Emma scooped up her books and set them back down on another table for collection. Then she grabbed her purse and sheathed her glasses. Since they had borrowed a starship from Voss, this wouldn't take very long at all.

"Actually. I'm going to grab a few things for the Republic Cafe and met you back on the ship. Have her warmed up when I arrive. I'll try to be quick about it. Should just take a few minutes."

Prinn didn't plan on ever coming back to Ossus anytime soon. So she might as well grab a goodie bag and some food to go. Hmm. Maybe some of those Rathkanian Skin Jedi Boots too?

She shook the shopping trip out of her mind and focused. This was no time for dwaddling. Hehe.
[member="Serena Bouie"][member="Emma Prinn"]

Hawk raised an eyebrow at Emma. Was she seriously going shopping now? Women. "Okay see than." He says to Emma trying not to shakes his head. He had a feeling that he would never understand women.

Waits until Emma leaves the room before speaking to Serena. "Are you really pick up people's thoughts without meaning too?" That could be serious problem. It could drive Serena insane.
[member="Emma Prinn"] [member="Hawk Solo"]

Serena looked over at Emma, "Ok, don't be too long". Sure they could bring him along to lift things. She looked over at Hawk, "Yes, I do it quite a bit, and I warn everyone before hand, so don't think or feel anything you don't want me to know about" Serena put the one book she had away, and picked up the data pad.

"I'm going to the ship, I want to do preflights before Emma gets there." Yes it was a bit unexpected to be going off to investigate, and that Hawk just happen to be on Ossus at the same time they were. Stranger things did happen, and Serena had too much of a headache to really think on it.

Serena started for the door, she was sure Hawk would follow. Serena began to think about the fluctuations, it could be something man made or it could be something natural occuriing, either way they would investigate and report.


Disney's Princess
Emma hurried off the cafe area of the Jedi Academy. She spent about ten minutes browsing, ordering, and finally getting her meal to-go. There were no special trinkets from Ossus that she desperately desired, so she left them be. The menu was surprisingly small for a Jedi Academy and she blamed their humility for the lack of flavor as well. Oh well. Better than space food, I guess.

She trudged back to the docking bay with a skip and a jump. Hopefully the others wouldn't mind her being a few minutes late. Bah. What's fifteen minutes to galactic travel anyway. Flights get delayed for days or weeks at a time. A few minutes wouldn't make any difference.

Prinn took a bite of her apple danish pastry and nodded. Mmm. Dessert first. It was the only way to travel.

[member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Hawk Solo"]
[member="Serena Bouie"][member="Emma Prinn"]

"Yeah I had the same trouble in the beginning with my visions." He says quietly to her. He walks along with Serena as they made their way to the ship. Hawk was curious in what kind of ship the girls were using.

"In the beginning, I had visions at night. At first I thought I was going insane. Soon I figured out what was going on and wanted to learn to control it. That one of the reasons, I joined the order." He had control over his visions lately. They came when he mediated. Figuring them out that was another thing.

"I wonder...I've been having some visions about a something in meadow. I can't see it clearly yet. It's an image....its a relic.." He trials off.
[member="Hawk Solo"] [member="Emma Prinn"]

He had the same problem, couldn't sleep, could hear all thoughts, and feel all emotions. Umhmm she was sure it was disturbing and yes she was being a bit selfish, and self centered. She should ask how he got through it that was the point of sharing right, co misery, partnership, there were other words for certain.

"Well becareful of relics they bite" they could, their history and who had them last that could affect the outcome of finding one. She had found a few and their bloody history were enough to make anyone not want to read about it again.

"Start looking in the reference sections of the library for the image" it was what she could offer.

They got to the ship Serena walked up the ramp, "I'm sure Emma will be along, she is very responsible" That was what Serena sensed from her, what did she sense from Hawk, and why was she thinking on it.

Without thinking she let it slip, "I'd like a good nights sleep without having to be invaded by 20 other people" She hoped that soon she would be able to foster enough ability to block them all out no matter what, it was a matter of using the force so she could sleep.


Disney's Princess
Emma came along a few minutes later. Trotting up the boarding ramp and into the passenger's compartment with her bag of goodies in tow. She finished her baked goods and began licking her fingers. Why did she always forget to pack more napkins? Ugh.

"I'm back guys. Hello!? ...How comes our exit? Did the Republic Jedi give us access to leave yet?"

She opened up her locker and began to shove her bags inside. Reminding herself to grab that book for the journey. Hyperspace is so boring without a good read to keep you company.

"All set back here. Ready when you are!"

Prinn should really stop shouting.

[member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Hawk Solo"]​

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