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Tears in the Snow (Natasi)

Lieutenant Maximilian Jens' formal Navy attire would be somber enough for this event, not least because of its brooding grey tone characteristic of all Imperial uniforms. He would have worn it to any funeral, but it was especially appropriate now, given the fact that the deceased had been killed in action as a member of the Imperial Navy.

Maximilian had only known the heir to House Herevan in name only; he hadn't actually had the pleasure of meeting him personally, although he was sure that they had been in the same room at least once, if not in the Naval Academy then surely at some noble function on Galidraan. Still, his distant relationship had caused him to be bereft of emotion for the departed, aside from the sullen feeling that came when any member of the Empire fell in the line of duty. Rather, he found a strange sense of excitement churning within him as his speeder approached the front entrance to the Herevan Estate on Galidraan that day, which Maximilian knew was wholly inappropriate.

As far as he'd known, the Fortans had only been distant relatives. The deceased and his sister were only third cousins, and he had much closer relatives in the Imperial hierarchy, thus he never expected to inherit anything from these people, much less be any more than a fragmentary part of their lives. He was shocked when he'd received the holocommunication from the Fortan's lawyer. Had he known that this man's death would effectively make him the heir-presumptive of House Herevan, Maximilian would have at least tried to stay in touch with a Life Day card here and there.

His speeder stopped at the looming entranceway to the estate, and Maximilian climbed out. He was alone, much like he preferred it. After stepping out, he pushed his grey officer's cap over his head, keeping the lightly falling snow out of his hair. Diligently, he walked towards the door, where a footman was already waiting.

"More condolences from the Navy, I presume? Thank you, right this way, please," The footman beat him to the punch.

"Actually, I've been summoned by Lord Fortan. My name is Maximilian Jens. Would you tell him I've arrived?"

"Oh," The footman paused. "Yes, yes, of course. Please, step inside. They've not yet returned, I'm afraid. I'll show you to the drawing room."
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The long, black speeder that carried the family back towards Herevan moved slowly through the gate to the estate before swinging around to stop at the entrance to the house. Emerging from the back of the car, Natasi pulled her black fur stole tighter around her slender form and waited for her father to step out with his solicitor, who was saying, "He should be here early this week if not now. I know you don't approve, but at this point there's really nothing to be done about it."

The Earl of Herevan grimaced and canted his head to the side, then pulled out a cigarette holder and lit himself a cigarette, taking a drag and exhaling before answering: "You're still digging, though, aren't you?" He took another drag, glancing at his daughter, who was diplomatically straightening her gloves and pretending not to listen to the conversation. "This cannot be the end of it. To have everything I've worked for handed lock, stock and barrel to some stranger from gods know where--it's not to be borne."

"I'm doing my best, milord," said the lawyer. "I had better take my leave and get back to my books. Hopefully we'll get this sorted without much fuss."

"You're not staying for luncheon?" Lord Herevan asked, stubbing out his cigarette in a planter nearby and flicking the butt inside. The lawyer refused, and so Lord Herevan and Lady Natasi walked inside the house and were helped out of their coats by a butler and footman, respectively, revealing their dark mourning clothes beneath.

"My lord, there is a Mister Jens waiting for you in the drawing room. Oh, and where is the solicitor? I thought he was to stay for luncheon."

"There has been a change of plans. See if Jens will join us."

"Father, you can't be serious!" Natasi exclaimed as she peeled off her gloves and handed them to the footman who had just taken her coat and stole. "It's one thing to give him my inheritance, but to have him to dine? I really don't see the point and doesn't it just turn the stomach?" She shook her head, her eyebrows furrowing as she narrowed her eyes at her father. "Let him have a tray, if he must eat."

"There is no need to be uncivilized, Natasi. Callan, go and invite Mr. Jens to join us for luncheon. And no, Natasi, you may not be excused."
"My Lord, the Lord Herevan has invited you to luncheon. If you'll follow me?"

Maximilian was busy examining some of the holobooks that were resting on the coffee tables when the footman popped his head into the drawing room. It was mostly dry stuff on social and political musings, the type of thing that one might expect to be found in a noble's lounge, but readings that Jens ate up anyway without apology. He'd read most of the books here, or at least vaguely skimmed them, and enjoyed rehashing his memory. Reluctantly, he pried his eyes up from the holoscreen to meet the footman's, and put the book down.

"Has he? Well... alright."

What choice did he have but to follow the footman through the winding passages of Herevan Hold? To refuse without at least speaking to His Lordship would be impolite, yet at the same time Maximilian did not want to take up too much of the family's time on a day like today. There was no pretending that the situation was not terribly awkward, especially on their end, he imagined, and dining together seemed like it would only magnify it.

For heaven's sake, he didn't even have the proper tails.

Finally, he arrived in the dining room, where a grandiose chandelier tied the room together, suspended in midair like a twinkling, majestic miniature galaxy. Immediately, upon seeing the Lord Herevan, Maximilian bowed his head reverently and extended his hand.

"Hello," He said, doing his best to diffuse the awkwardness from his voice. "Baron Maximilian Jens, as you know. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, all of you," His eyes drifted for a moment to Natasi, "Though I'm sorry it had to be under such terrible circumstances."
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After Lord Herevan shook hands with his would-be heir, he gestured to his daughter. "May I present my daughter, Lady Natasi Herevan?"

In the split second it took for Natasi to extend her hand--automatically, as a reflect--she sized up her distant cousin with a gaze that could only accurately be described as glacial. Her lips twitched up at the ends in a smile that was not at all friendly. So, this was the man who would inherit Herevan and pocket all the swag by virtue of being a man. How ridiculous it all seemed now -- he was a virtual stranger to the family. It all seemed terribly absurd.

As they shook hands, Natasi's wrenching grip very firm, she said: "Haven't we met before? At Cousin Imogen's ball, wasn't it? Or am I thinking of another flaxen-haired naval officer?"

"How do you know Imogen?" asked Lord Herevan as he settled into his seat at the head of the table. When Natasi let go of Jens' hand, she took her seat at her father's right hand.
There was no escaping the cold stare of Natasi, even as Maximilian bent his head low politely in greeting. She was striking, to be sure; her porcelain features sharp and finely symmetrical, creamy skin without any blemish. Were it under any other circumstances, Maximilian would have called her beautiful, but her sub-zero aura seemed to sap all the loveliness from her face. All that was left was a fleshy doll of resentment, but could he blame her? He understood exactly why she seemed so distant, but he wondered if she realized that this was all terribly awkward for him as well.

"I don't think so, mi'lady. Perhaps only in passing," He tried to smile. "I was at Cousin Imogen's ball, but if we'd crossed paths there, I would have remembered it."

Seeing that there was no avoiding the doom of being forced into a room with these bereaved strangers for the next thirty or so minutes, Maximilian took a seat by the Lord's left side, directly across from Natasi. He would much preferred to have his first meeting with Lord Herevan in private, and under conditions which he could easily excuse himself, but apparently Herevan had other plans. Perhaps they were both planning something, and doing this intentionally. He could not know.

"Imogen and I have spent time together on Naboo, actually," He said, as the footman put bread on his plate. "We studied at a summer institution there as teenagers." Then, a pause. "Do you do much off-world traveling away from Herevan Hold?" He directed his question liberally at both of them.
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Natasi's eyebrows raised as he dispelled the notion that they'd met before. Of course they had never met; the way he set her teeth on edge made it clear that she would have remembered him as well. Although perhaps in another light, a light when he wasn't angling to steal her home, her father's title and her mother's fortune, she wouldn't have found him quite so repulsive. She took a sip of her wine as a footman came to her father's place at the table.

As he helped himself to a cutlet, Lord Herevan said: "I don't get much time for interstellar travel. There's much too much work to be done managing the estate, and I wouldn't leave it in the hands of a manager. No, being Earl of Herevan means being married to it if you're going to do it at all properly."

The footman came to Natasi next, and she helped herself to a cutlet. "I spent a good deal of time on Dromund Kaas for my job before... before this." She pressed her lips together and then took another sip of her wine--a delicate claret for the first course. "Do you see a lot of the Capital--is it Lieutenant?"
Turning momentarily to the footman, Maximilian accepted a cutlet onto his plate, though he did not eat yet. He held his fork and knife in his hand as though he were about to simulate the motion, though in truth he was gathering enough comfort and courage to do so in this new place. Just as he was a foreigner here, so too was Herevan Hold foreign to him. He could only compare it to his own castle elsewhere on Galidraan, and the walls, hallways and decorations held none of the same comfort that his home did. He couldn't visualize himself living here, especially not with Natasi Fortan, who would stare across the table icily at him every night.

"I see some of the capital, though not often," He answered Natasi's question, happy for the conversation. "I've personally requested transfer to the front. Thankfully my superiors have granted it, so that is where I spend most of my time."

Maybe that would comfort his hosts. After all, if they were looking for a way to get rid of him, there was always the chance that he would be killed in battle. Still, Maximilian wanted to find out more about the woman sitting aside from him. If he was going to be spending a great deal of future time with her, he could at least attempt to start things off on the right foot.

"A job, you say?" He raised an eyebrow curiously. "What was your job on Dromund Kaas?"
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Natasi closed her eyes and felt a lump harden in her throat. Her brother had been killed at the front, not so very long ago. And as much as she focused on this interloper who was hoping to take her inheritance, it couldn't take the bitter sting out of her brother's death. She lifted her napkin and dabbed the corner of her eye and then smoothed the napkin over her lap. "Pardon me," she murmured, then took some green beans from the bending footman. "Thank you," she said quietly.

What was her job, really? Natasi couldn't quite describe it. She had only just finished her entrance exams and was working temporarily in some Ministry office while her results were being processed. "I hadn't been assigned yet. I'm expecting my entrance exams results within the next six weeks. I was working in a Ministry office until they came back when... when I had to come back."

Her father glanced over at her and tried a smile. She nodded at him and reached over to pat his knee under the table. Lord Herevan set his knife and fork down and looked across the table at his heir. "I understand you're a naval officer, young man. That sounds like a life that takes you away from home quite often. Is that right?"
This whole foray was getting far too heavy for Maximilian. Natasi's emotions were palpable, and the weight fell particularly hard upon Maximilian for some odd reason. He felt a horrific, unexplainable sense of guilt rise up in his stomach, as though he had killed Natasi's brother with his own hand. Was what he was doing now, sitting here at a table with these perfect strangers, preparing to inherit their fortune, killing him even more?

"Yes. I'm a first Lieutenant currently serving onboard the ISS Indomitable," He struggled to respond, clearing his throat first. "I graduated from the Naval Academy five years ago and then went to flight school."

Awkwardly, Maximilian hacked a green bean with his fork. Shifting in his chair, he figured that it would be better to at least acknowledge the elephant in the room before it grew so large it would collapse the walls around them.

"With all due respect, Lord Herevan, I know you are asking me these questions because you have legitimate concerns about your estate in my hands. Yet I feel as though perhaps this isn't the best time to be having this conversation," His eyes wandered to Natasi, "I think you need time to mourn. And while I respect and grieve for your son, and brother, I did not know him. What place do I have at your table?"
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Before Natasi's eyes had a chance to widen more than a millimeter, Lord Herevan was on his feet, slapping his napkin down to the side of his plate, his nostrils flaring. "How dare you!" he exclaimed. "You were invited to my table because you are my heir, whether you or I like it or not. I summoned you from half a world away and I thought it was the decent thing to do to give you a meal for your trouble before we get to business. I thought it would be wise to give you a look at what Herevan is about before I kick the bucket. More the fool am I for thinking it."

He smoothed his jacket and straightened to his full height. "Never mind, Lieutenant. It was a fool's errand. Good day."

Lord Herevan stalked around the table to the door, reaching it just in time for the footman to yank it open ungracefully so that he could march through. Natasi stared after him, her eyes a mixture of fear and sadness, her chest rising and falling quickly as she processed what had just happened. She set her fork and knife down. "Badly done," she murmured, looking over to the footman for help. He came and pulled her chair back and she rose to her feet. "Thank you so much for coming," Natasi said, her voice glacial and her eyes hard. "We're so sorry for the inconvenience."
Maximilian watched haplessly as Lord Herevan stormed off, the exchange not going as he had hoped or planned. Now, on top of everything else, some effect of damage control needed to be done. He stood up after Lord Herevan, pushing his chair back, but the man escaped before he could reply. Not that he would really know what to say, anyway. Then came Natasi's icy response.

"Inconvenience? It was not an inconvenience for me to come here," He shook his head, "Rather it seems that I myself am the inconvenience."

He turned and walked towards the door.

"I'm sorry about your brother's death. You have my deepest condolences. I'd wish this entire circumstance away if I could, for all our sakes. You don't seem to want me in your life, Lady Fortan... I understand that. The problem is, I am. And short of premature death on the front, it doesn't look like that will be changing any time soon."
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The young woman shook her head and sighed. "I have no preference at all about having you in my life, Lieutenant. It's having you as the heir to what should be my home that I find distasteful. It isn't your fault, to be sure, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating and you are, after all, the closest thing to vent frustration upon." Her lips twitched up at the edges. This was apparently meant to be some sort of apology, for she continued with: "That being said, it was very poor form to return Papa's clumsy attempts to bring you into the fold the way you did."

The young lady twisted her hands together. "Your problem, as well as mine, is that this estate isn't Papa's. Not really. It is the family's, and according to the solicitor it will be yours when Papa is gone. Unless..." She puresed her lips and then glanced towards the door as a footman came in.

"Milady, Lord Hellingston has arrived. Shall I...?" He glanced towards the drawing room.

"Show him to the drawing room. Lieutenant, would you come with me, please? You'll need to meet him as well." Natasi glanced at her guest, her cheekbones coloring slightly, and she turned and led the way towards the drawing room. A tall, rather good-looking gentleman entered from the other set of doors and spread his arms as he approached. "Do forgive me missing the service, my dear. My flight was delayed. Was it dreadful? Poor dear." He took her by the biceps and leaned down to kiss her cheek before apparently noticing Maximilian. "Who's this?"

"Lord Emrin, may I present my ... well, distant cousin -- Lieutenant Maximilian Jens, Baron Innistrad. Cousin Maximilian, my fiancé the Duke of Hellingston."

"Lieutenant, eh? What do you fly?"
Maximilian didn't know whether to accept her jagged apology or defend himself from her next accusation, and so the frown remained on his face as he relegated himself to simply sighing and crossing his arms. Five minutes with Natasi Fortan had already taught him a great deal about his cousin, not least of which was her sharp, yet detached disposition. Jens didn't know whether to take it as cold-heartedness or pragmatism. It seemed to him that this entire family had a rather peculiar way of expressing themselves that he was not yet up to speed with. That would have to change, since he would eventually rule over this place, as Natasi begrudgingly admitted just now. Unless... Maximilian leaned forward, hanging on her last word. What was she talking about? Unless what?

Luckily for Natasi, Jens didn't have time to probe into this question, as a new diversion presented itself in the form of Lord Hellington. From the way they interacted, it became apparent to Maximilian that the two were in a relationship even before they announced it. Admittedly, it was hard to picture Natasi exhibiting any sort of affection or warmth to anyone, but Max supposed that his opinion was premature and likely biased. He ought to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Lord Hellington. It's a pleasure," Jens extended his hand in a firm handshake. "TIE Predators, actually. Currently serving in Battle Group Tiger. I see you're privy to uniform rank insignia. You... have some military background, Hellington?"
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It was as if Hellington hadn't heard the question for a moment. He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned towards Natasi. "No chance of a brandy, darling?" The message was clear; he was dismissing her for the moment. Natasi glanced at Max before dutifully going to the sideboard and scanning the liquor cabinet. While Natasi searched for the appropriate liquor, Hellington turned back to Jens.

"I served in the army," he told Max. "I did three tours in the field, then some work at Central before I went into the reserves. My father passed and I had to return home to run the estate." He shrugged. "Bit like Lady Natasi, actually. Is there any brandy, Lady Natasi, darling?"

"I've just found it." If Natasi was irritated about being spoken to like a servant--and she was positively burning with irritation--she kept it very much hidden. She brought over two snifters of brandy, offering one to her fiancé and the other to Max. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when Hellington continued: "Did you know the deceased well? What is a distant cousin doing all the way from Innistrad?"
"Always a pleasure to meet a fellow veteran, then," Maximilian gave a cordial smile, while his eyes momentarily followed Natasi as she crossed towards the liquor cabinet.

Perhaps her fiancee was her Achilles' heel, Jens thought. In contrast to her previously uncompromising demeanor, she now seemed to be relegated to being completely subservient to him, as if knowing her place. Taking his glass of brandy, Maximilian cradled it by his side. He hadn't asked for any, and truthfully wasn't thirsty, but accepted it anyway out of politeness. He had already lost enough points with these people for one day, he decided. Then of course came the awkward question.

"I'm afraid we did not know each other. I'd only heard of him," He shrugged, knowing that this was most likely scratching at an open would for Natasi. "I was just as shocked as the rest of you were when I heard the news about, well... you know. And it's with the utmost sorrow that I accept this position out of necessity."

Surely Emrin was up to speed with the heir situation, Max figured.
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Emrin stared at Jens for a moment, then cocked his head to the side. Rather than speak to his obvious confusion, however, he swirled the contents of his glass and then took a sip from the brandy and then settled into a prickly silence. Natasi glanced at Jens and gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head. Must he blather our business to everyone who passes by?

"Papa has received some ... well, troubling news. It seems that, due to some things beyond our control, Cousin Maximilian is slated to inherit the estate in the absence of a closer male heir." She sniffed indignantly, as if simply admitting it was like reliving the discovery afresh. "Only, I think he was about to volunteer to see if the entail can be broken. Weren't you, Cousin Maximilian?" She turned to Max and offered what was, admittedly, rather an acidic smile. In truth, she had been on the verge of asking him. Perhaps she should put her case to him now.

"After all, no one could accuse you of making trouble. You stand to lose the most if you succeed. It would be a very principled statement, don't you think?"
The way Natasi referred to it as 'troubling news', troubling though it was, made Jens feel even less welcome. He suddenly became aware that Emrin hadn't yet been brought up to speed on the situation, a feeling that felt a bit like making an embarrassing tip of the hand at a sabacc table. For better or worse, however, he would have had to find out at some point, Maximilian thought.

"I was... wait, steady on now," Maximilian replied as his brain caught up with Natasi's sudden assertion. It was already woefully apparent by her actions that she wanted him gone, but here it finally was in unapologetic word form. With the equally stoic Lieutenant Jens, it would have the opposite desired effect. "I never agreed to such terms. I think I should like to take a look around this estate first. If I feel I can run it on par with or better than its current administration, then that is what I intend to do."

Feeling proud of his own moment of brazen fortitude, Maximilian deduced that he needed to fight fire with fire. If Natasi was going to be openly hostile, then he would have to do all that was necessary to preserve his own stake in this matter.

"That won't be a problem now, will it?"
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Natasi's eyes widened slightly at Maximilian's statement. He was a gold-plated jackass, it seemed. "And here I thought you would be more interested in doing what was right rather than what was self-serving. My mistake, clearly." The would-be Countess pursed her lips and folded her hands over her knees. "Don't forget that you don't have a right to this estate or anything in it until my father dies. Do try not to salivate at the thought."

She turned back to Emrin. "Papa's solicitors are still working on the situation," she told him carefully. "There must be a way to break the entail. It's completely mental to give the estate to some stranger," at this, she waved dismissively at Maximilian, "By virtue of his gender alone. Surely the proper authorities will recognize this and set everything right. Papa only invited Cousin Maximilian because he's the heir at the moment and he wanted to get acquainted. Of course, he didn't know Cousin Maximilian when he made the invitation -- otherwise he may not have made the arrangements."

Emrin frowned and took another swig of his brandy, then gave Maximilian a predatory smile. "Family relations can be difficult, hm?"
Jens was now being obstructive to Natasi's plans almost out of spite. Inheriting an estate from heretofore perfect strangers and depriving someone of an inheritance didn't seem right, but neither did letting this stranger dictate his whims. Besides, perhaps inheriting Herevan could be made to feel right, with a little time. And perhaps this obtuse woman, who spoke as if he wasn't in the room standing right next to her, could use a little deprivation.

"This doesn't concern you, with all due respect," The Lieutenant waved a dismissive hand at Emrin, and turned back to Natasi. "You do what you will, Cousin Natasi. But the law is the law, and if your little legal witch-doctors can't find a way to cut me out, then I will inherit. And I will need to be ready, for the sake of this estate."

He crossed towards the door.

"Nobility is not about personal gratification," He said, whirling around one last time in front of the door. "I'm going to take a look around. If I can't get you or your father to show me this place, then I'll ask a damn footman."
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Emrin could see the writing on the wall and did not feel much like playing audience to a family meltdown. He simply drained his glass, set it on the coffee table, and stood to follow Jens towards the door, Natasi close on his heels. Emrin said, "You're right, old chap. Near as I can tell, it doesn't concern you either, at least until Lord Herevan passes on. Excuse me, would you?" He pushed through without so much as a by-your-leave to his fiance, leaving Natasi staring after him for a moment. She soon cut her eyes to Maximilian.

"You have a lot to learn about how things are done here if you hope to be a proper heir," she said, her voice controlled but barely. "For instance, that the staff don't answer to strangers. Nor do they deserve to be cursed. These are our employees and usually our friends. We respect them and the work they do." Natasi inclined her chin gracefully.

"I will show you the estate. Unlike Papa, I am used to dealing with gauche and greedy people and their insults. It will take more than your poor behavior to drive me to sulk. Besides, someone has to make sure you don't pocket the silver on your way through. What do you wish to see first?"

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