Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tatooine, A Common Visit


Alask had lost his light saber probably foolishly. Luckily, he had his electrostaff that was strapped against his back for quick use and easier movement. Touching down on the planet of Tatooine in his YTA 1300 Light Freighter, along with his master, he began to walk towards the ramp to wait outside for his master. His goal today would be to locate and craft a light saber with a Krayt Dragon Pearl. When his master would make it outside, he would be standing with his arms crossed patiently. "Are dragons fond of electricity?" he would ask jokingly.
"It tends to really piss them off actually." Krest was quick to follow [member="Alask Diruno"] , both hands resting behind his head. Once more he was here on Tattooine, letting the wind and sand brush over his red skin. It was relaxing, if you could call it that. On his hip as ever was his sword, resting with the edge faced skyward. With a grin, he would step down beside his apprentice, offering a slight nod. "That probably won't work to well against the dragon less ya hit it in the eye or some other soft spot."

He laughed in his head. Alask felt like he was like a Krayt dragon sometimes. Electricity can kill humans but if you train to resist it for a good amount of time, there's a good chance you'll live. The dragons were probably the same way although they don't train. When his master commented about his staff, he nodded in understanding. He also analyzed the sword that was resting on his master's hip. "That sword looks awesome. Where did you get it?" he asked as he walked slowly away from the ship looking for tracks. A question every now and then couldn't hurt, right?

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