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Tatanya "Bad Robot" Murdock (Fenni)

Tatanya "Bad Robot" Murdock




BIRTH NAME: Tatanya Zethra Fenni
CURRENT NAME: Tatanya Murdock
FACTION: Galactic Republic
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: 135 lbs normally, 159 due to prosthetics
EYES: Silver
HAIR: White Blonde
SKIN: White

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Powerful: She is 25% stronger than any other Echani her size, due in large part to the serum she was testing, but also due to having two prosthetic arms.
+ Fast: When it comes to speed, she's easily 10% faster than other Echani her size.
+ Exceptional Pilot: Flight of the uncanny. She is probably one of the most gifted Echani pilots ever.

- Delusional: Tatanya believes that the Echani are out to get her and that there was a conspiracy that led to the death of her mother.
- Unstable: Mentally defunct is a good way of describing her. She suffers from hallucinations sometimes, and other times she's just generally batty, which means she's prone to doing just about anything at the worst possible time.
- Addict: She's a junky for the stuff that made her what she is, and she'll do anything to get it.

She's the typical Echani, really. Though she had a bit of a wildness about her, and a goofy grin that often adorns her cheeks. Most of the time she wears leathers because she likes the way they crackle when she walks and moves about. But if there's going to be trouble, she's guaranteed to be suited up in a set of armor of some type. She doesn't have any tattoos, though she has some piercings in not so public places. She also likes to flaunt her body in a teasing manner, and she has voluptuous curves if you're lucky enough to see her when she's not wearing armor.

It was believed that because of the ailments that befell Janira Fenni, she would be unable to bear children. This belief was not false. Janira's ailments had rendered her unable to bring children to full term, and so she had determined that she would not take the risk of actually trying to bear children. But she still wished to have a child, and so she made a deal with Niamh Raste of EIC, and a surrogate had been produced. An egg from Janira was fertilized with a chosen Echani donor, and the surrogate carried it to term. The child was a girl, natural selection at its finest. The young girl would grow up with a council member for a mother, or so it was planned.

She grew as any child on Eshan did, learning right away the arts of combat, and how to properly deal with deadly weapons. Her mother was a very good teacher, though she noticed that the woman was often violently ill, and Tatanya sometimes couldn't go near her. She hated these times. She hated not being able to be near her mother. This caused her to act out, sometimes violently, against other kids around her, which her mother always scolded her about, but she did it anyway. She wanted the attention.

And then, when she was seventeen, her mother died. Tatanya was devastated. She fell apart, and determined that she didn't have a reason to live. Her mother's funeral was attended by thousands of people. Tatanya was in tears the whole time. Several battles broke out about people wanting to take her mothers spot. Tatanya was so pissed off that she killed several of the fighters. It was then that Niamh Raste stood forward and knocked her out, sending her back to the EIC headquarters where she was restrained and kept on lockdown for a while.

Eventually she calmed down, and realized that Niamh had just been trying to keep her, and others, safe. On top of this, Niamh told her that she believed her mothers death was not due to illness, but due to poisoning. They had no proof because her mothers body was gone. But Tatanya believed her.

Niamh asked Tatanya if she wanted to be a part of a test group for the ARC Project. ARC stood for Assisted Readiness Commandos. Tatanya volunteered. The project was a black list project, completely off the books in EIC and only three people in the corporation knew about it. One was Niamh, the other her friend, and then the developer of the serum. There were a total of four test subjects. The serum was meant to boost speed and strength in critical moments. The first test subject died, the other two entered a coma. Only Tatanya managed to stay awake.

At first everything seemed normal. She felt really good and the serum was delicious. And then she started with the hallucinations. Not long after that, Niamh was killed, solidifying Tatanya's belief that her mother was, in fact, murdered. On top of it all, she started seeing things where there weren't any, and acting off in all sorts of random situations. And she demanded access to the serum, even stealing it from time to time when they wouldn't give it to her. She felt powerful, like she could do anything and everything and she acted on it too.

Until the accident with the laser saw that removed both of her arms.

Her arms were replaced and she was hospitalized for what seemed like ages. When she woke, she about passed out again. Her mother was standing over her. She thought it was another hallucination, but it wasn't. It was a clone. A clone of her mother. It was too much. Tatanya couldn't deal with it. When she managed to be able to move about, she snuck out and went and stole all of the serum that was already made, and she got the formula as well.

She commandeered one of EIC's newest ships, a Manta-class, and left the planet, disappearing into the galaxy with nothing but the ARC serum. Eventually she got picked up by a group of misfits calling themselves Bad Company. They liked her piloting skills, well, almost all of them did. And she was good with other things as well. She fit in, and because of her cybernetic arms, they started calling her Bad Robot. Now she works as part of Bad Company, hunting down Sith and other Republic enemies and slaughtering them.

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