Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Task Force 191: The Creation

Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Acquire Forces for Task Force 191​
Location: Rendili Space​
*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep*
Groggily Aran slaps the alarm clock above his bed, leaning up in his bed trying not to disturb [member="Sara Lee Jones"] who was sleeping next to him. It was just another day on the Accuser, hopefully though the lead he gained on Scarif would pay off here. Since the last two locations were a bust.​
"Captain Piett, Conn, we are approaching the old Rendili shipworks area, please report to the bridge."
"uggghhh, we are there already? Alright give me 20." Stretching and rubbing his eyes trying to wake up, walking into the bathroom to take a shower and finish getting ready, trying to be as quiet as possible to let his girl sleep, he didn't want to disturb her, at least not now. Getting his uniform on, then splashing some cold water on his face, still having some trouble waking up. Aran just looked into he mirror and smiled at himself, things were pretty good in his life, now hopefully he could get Task Force 191 built to his style he wanted, with some old school ships he would hope to get his hands on here. Though not knowing what could be waiting was a bit nerve racking to him, Aran didn't like going in blind but Rendili was far enough away from First Order space as their sensor nets wouldn't reach and thus there no information on was inside the system itself at the time.​
Sara listened to the loud beeping noise as she rolled I've rtakimg a pillow and putting it over her head, however she felt aran move out and slowly woke up herself, though she didn't fully she heard the water running nearby and slowly sat up

man, talk about a good sleep

She said to herself with a smirk as she got into her flight suit, she made her way into the bathroom as she gave a smile to aran, herself seeming to be wide awake...then again being a pilot had its advantage

morning aran, so what do we have planned for today? I think I barely heard we are nearing the old rendili shipworks...least I think
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Acquire Forces for Task Force 191​
Location: Rendili Space​
"Oh, I was trying to be quiet and let you sleep, but yes we are nearing the old Rendili Shipworks the old Galactic Empire used."
Not wanting to tell anymore to Sara as Aran himself didn't know what would be found here.​
"I see you are all ready and suited up, I myself have to get going to the bridge, I told Cmdr. Halsey I would be up there in 20, and you know how she gets when I'm late."
Aran did kind of hate how Maree was a bit protective of him, but kind of understood at the same time. It stemmed from the Wargame for the Resurgent prototype, when she saved his life from a mock assassin. which wasn't part of the war game but still interesting curve throw in there by command.​
[member="Sara Lee Jones"]​
[member="Aran Piett"]
it's fine I've slept enough as it is. Ah well then I guess I should get to the hangar and get the crew ready for recon, unless you wish for me to be on the bridge

She moved out as She gathered her stuff knowing the rest was in the pilot prep

Ah right cmdr halsey....she been a real pain in my head lately...maybe it's just me but...never mind

She looked to him and sighed as she started out the door
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Acquire Forces for Task Force 191​
Location: Rendili Space​
"Where ever you want to go is fine, you can come to the bridge, or not. As for Cmdr. Halsey what is she doing that is being a pain in your side?"
This was the first he had heard of Cmdr. Halsey being a bit out of line, normally she got along with all the crew, well not completely true, most respected her but a lot didn't like her. She was much harder on the crew than most of the other officers, and she was Aran's enforcer for the most part as he wanted to lessen the hands on he was with internal problems. This however was something different when it involved him in a personal way, he could understand if the two butted heads with some things, as pilots and fleet tended to do so. But something seemed different in this problem, at least how Sara was putting it something seemed different.​
"Want me to talk to her about what ever is going on? I don't want you and my XO having issues that may or may not come up in this mission."
[member="Sara Lee Jones"]​
[member="Aran Piett"]

She sighed as she turned to him and took a step

I know she is hard on people really I respect her for that but to me lately she's...i don't know being standoffish...

She rubbed the back of her head, recently halsey and her got in argument over something silly as beimg aboard the bridge...

yea go ahead and talk to her, she seems to be trying to push me away from the bridge each time I go up to talk she meets me right at the door...dont know what the problem is at all

She didn't wanna say it but it was obvious to sara...halsey seemed a bit jealous ...granted Sara was a little worry she was trying soemthing but to either case it could be settled easily
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Acquire Forces for Task Force 191​
Location: Rendili Space​
"I'll talk to her about it."
Still a bit unsure as to why his XO was getting so bent out of shape about Sara.​
"You can still come up to the bridge if you want to, not sure sure what we are going to get into yet."
Finally ready to get moving towards the bridge, Aran gave a look towards Sara to see if she was going to join him or not.​
[member="Sara Lee Jones"]​
[member="Aran Piett"]

She looked to him then sighed with a nod as she followed on beside him giving a light smile

my squad needs a little shut eye anyways been running them ragged in the Sims

It wasn't becasue she was was becasue she wanted the best and cared about them, in any case she walked beside Aran as she looked forward

so what are we hoping to find on these planets?
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Acquire Forces for Task Force 191​
Location: Rendili Space​
Walking towards the bridge of the Accuser, the halls filled with extra crew. The ship was very over populated with personnel, about three times the amount needed. So getting around was something of a chore.​
"We are searching for some old ships from around the time of my great great great great grandfather, I want to bring them into a Task Force I am building. Also how is Sabre Squadron doing? Hopefully the weapon systems that arrived are working well?"
Sabre Squadron was part of the new special forces initiative, they were some of the best trained pilots the First Order could produce, but if pressed they could fight just as well on the ground as troopers. Sabre Squadron was to be headed by Sara, and the pilots where chosen by her, so it was something that had to be earned.​
"I hope you have candidates for Sabre squadron as well, cause I would like to see the roster filled by the time I get Task Force 191 setup. Okay my dear?"
[member="Sara Lee Jones"]​
Indeed with three times the people of was quite hard to move around inside of the ship but thankfully for Sara it meant getting more candidates for sabre...the newly formed special forces...something Sara only could dream of was happening

hmmm I see old ships from the empire I assume? As for those weapon systems we haven't got around to doing test upon them was hoping to get that done today maybe

She had a big responsibility on her shoulders, not only being chosen for the first of her special forces like this but choosing people she felt was the best that she could rely on

of course, I've been using the over population to my advantage, as for that roster I've already got two filled and that's bolt two and two most trusted wingmen. Don't worry I'll have it filled up i do not disappoint sir

She said with a smirk and wink as she kept on with him to the bridge

[member="Aran Piett"]
Wandering Naval Officer
Objective: Acquire Forces for Task Force 191​
Location: Rendili Space​
Finally reaching the bridge of the Accuser, and looking out in front of the Resurgent, the shipyard Aran was searching for was in ruins, but it looked like there were pirates inhabiting the ruins. They had the ships Aran was looking for numbering to five Hammerhead Corvettes, and 15 Victory-II Class Frigates. Surprisingly they were still in good working order. Now the only problem was the pirates.​
"Commander Halsey, start to engage the pirate ships, I want their defenses down."
"Aye Captain."
Maree started to bark orders around the bridge, mostly to Weps. The batteries of the Accuser started to open up, and engage the active pirate ships.​
"Captain Jones, get Sabre squadron in the air, clear out the fighters so I can send the boarding parties to capture the ships I need. If you get an opportunity try to board the station and capture the pirate leader." Turning back to Cmdr. Halsey, "Cmdr. tell Capt. Faust to get Obsidian Squadron up and helping out Sabre if needed."
Maree gave a disgusted look towards Sara, then turns back to Aran. "Aye Captain."
[member="Sara Lee Jones"]​
[member="Aran Piett"]

She looked out seeing the corvettes and frigates, she had to admit one lone destroyer against all of them had to be daunting, however she immediately heard aran giving orders out, she gave a smile as she turned and gave a salute hearing her orders

air yes sir, we won't fail your orders

She looked at maree, she gave her a look that caused Sara to frown and shake her head, she didn't have time for something childish was game time. She ran out of the deck as she got on comms


Boots flanked on the metal flooring as the men and women of her squadron ran up the stairs and scaffolding getting into the tie interceptors and a few normal ties, they all stardist up Sara in her interceptor taking off and out

The new saber squadron was headed straight for these pirates, Sara hopped into comms ad she spoke to her squad

clear all bogeys out of the way make a way for the drop ships to get in, two three with me we have a station to attempt to board

16 fighters started off towards the enemy ready to meet them head on

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