Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
// Tasgetius \\
"Do not dwell in the past, for that is the realm of memories. Do not dream of the future, for that is the realm of what ifs. Concentrate your mind on the present moment, the Now."

NAME: TasgetiusSPECIES: Human
AGE: 48
HEIGHT: 1.8m - 6'0"
WEIGHT: 75.7kg - 167lbs
HOMEWORLD: Kal'Shebbol
FACTION: The Knights of Kal'ShebbolRANK: Commander
- Teras Kasi Master
- Highly Intelligent
- Insomnia induced through nightmares of Kialla's death at his hands
- Drug dependency to reduce pain and induce sleep
Though he has aged throughout his years, his body still appears young; fitted and toned through his many sessions of Teras Kasi training. Black hair is cut short, though it still has some length to it. Blue-grey eyes pierce the world around him as he seems at times to just stare straight through things. His skin is slightly tanned, though his body is often kept covered; either in the body suit of his armor or the suit of armor itself. As noted clothing for him is simple, usually nothing beyond boots and his armor's body suit when it private. When he is seen in public he never appears to be out of armor, nor is his helmet ever removed. His most notable feature is that of his right arm; having lost it just below the elbow when he was younger. The metallic prosthetic was never covered in synthskin, leaving it with its robotic appearance which Tasgetius doesn't appear to mind.
Orphaned at a young age, Tasgetius would never know his parents. Roughly at the age of three; he was placed in a foster home. While there he grew close to a young girl that was two years older than he, whose name was Kialla. He looked at her as an elder sister whom was guiding him and keeping him out of trouble. Tasgetius' first run in with the Jedi was one he still remembers as the day that they took his big sister away.In the following months he would wait for her at the door; hoping she would return. Only when it became clear to him that she was gone did he begin to run away. Over the next few years Tasgetius was moved to numerous foster homes. He would run away from them all. It wasn't until his eleventh birthday, or thereabouts, did he fall out of the system and into the arms of the local criminals.
The leader took a liking to Tasgetius; beginning to raise him like a son. He was taught many skills as he grew with the gang that he now saw as a family. Finally having found a home, fate would decide to play a cruel game and bring his past back to him. Due to the Gang's actions and their rapid growth, the government on Kal'Shebbol requested aid from the Jedi Order. This in turn brought Tasgetius face to face with Kialla. At first he was happy until he realized why she was there. Kialla was leading the Jedi send to "clean up" the gang. Seeing what the Jedi trained her to do turned his stomach. Tasgetius could no longer see the smiling face of the girl Kialla once was, only the swinging lightsaber she wielded.
His horror only increased when Kialla took his arm, no longer remembering the young boy that Tasgetius had been; only seeing the man he had turned into. The only reason his life was spared that day was due to the man that had raised him. His father put himself between Kialla as he ordered his men to save Tasgetius. The last time he saw his big sister and the man that was his father was when he blinked his eyes and his father fell to his knees; his head rolling on the ground as Kialla stood before the body.
With the gang broken into warning groups that the government began to clean up themselves. Those few still loyal remained with Tasgetius, going through great risks to get him off world and away from Kal'Shebbol where he now had a bounty. Still dealing with the pain; both of the loss of an arm and what Kialla had been turned into, he was taken away and quickly hidden for his safety.
For years Tasgetius would be forced to deal with bounty hunters from Kal'Shebbol seeking to collect on his head. Each time he managed to get away, only to have another take the place. As he grew into this life style he realized the only way to stop it was to over throw what had already become a corrupt government. Without the proper training though he had no chance of doing so. This would push him towards an old order that had seemed to nearly fall away during the Gulag Plague. Seeking out the Followers of Palawa; he was lucky enough to find a hand full of the practitioners whom still held their age old grudge against the Jedi for a war the Jedi had started thousands of years ago.
Finding a new home with the followers, he was protected by those loyal to him as bounty hunters continued to track and hunt him. With each passing year he trained and master the art of Teras Kasi, in turn teaching it to his own loyal warriors. In an oddly poetic way Tasgetius saved the Followers of Palawa and their history by not only mastering the art; yet also teaching it to his men in turn. Over those years spent in a hunted exile he trained and fought against the bounty hunters that continued to come after him. It was not until he was sure that he was ready did he return to Kal'Shebbol.
Before leaving those of the Followers of Palawa that had welcomed him with open arms, he was given a gift. A new arm to replace that which was taken from him. After which he returned to his homeworld determined to end the corrupt government. With a handful of those that he first hidden him away he once more reunited the fractured gangs that had split off from the original. As they grew in power he and his men began to train their new soldiers in the arts of Teras Kasi, turning a rag tag assembly of petty thieves, brawlers, murders and criminals into an effective fighting force.
Just as he had foreseen, the government once more called upon the aid of the Jedi Order. Once more putting him face to face with Kialla, though this time he realized it was a situation in which either one of them had to die. Sadly by the time the dust settled and the government of Kal'Shebbol had been over thrown; Tasgetius was found cradling the body of Kialla in his arms, holding the dead woman that he had called sister all those years ago. While others would call it taking a trophy, to Tasgetius when he took Kialla's lightsaber it was a form of honoring the young girl that had been trained and turned into a killer.
In the recent years Tasgetius has turned to consolidating his strength and power on Kal'Shebbol. He would revive the Followers of Palawa, though in a new light and in his own image. Crafting an order of his own as a mirror to the Jedi Order; he would found the Knights of Kal'Shebbol, a determined force of warriors and civilians alike that had grown weary and tired of the wars that the Jedi and Sith had caused throughout history.