Jorus Merrill
is mek bote

Image Source:'_Sword
Intent: A personal sword and family memento for Jorus Merrill. The final creation of Rave Merrill.
Development Thread: No
Manufacturer: Rave Merrill
Model: Cavalry sabre
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, pontite crystal (integrated), duraplast grip
Special Features: Standard Force-imbued blade properties, including:
- Metal is functionally immune to lightsabres, blasters, kinetic damage, etc.
- Can dissipate or destroy Dark Side spirits
- Can easily cut metal up to, but not including, high-grade alloys like durasteel
- Natural conduit for Force control
- Especially effective against things alchemical (not applicable to so-called 'light side alchemy')
The sword is a standard Force-imbued blade, partaking of Jorus' force alignment rather than Rave's, in all respects but one: Rave made the blade especially effective against products of organic and inorganic alchemy. Knowing that her brother was pursued by the One Sith for his guardianship of the Jedi Order's chief holocrons, Rave created Taralkaar as a Sithspawn-killer, inspired by Seydon of Arda's blade Winterfang. Unwilling to use Sith alchemy, which might taint the blade's presence with the Dark Side, leading to distraction or possibly corruption, Rave jury-rigged a keenness ritual involving svoltan rhyolite, the standard mineral used in the creation of ever-sharp alchemical edges, but partaking of Force-imbued blade crafting and even Jal Shey traditions. The result gives the blade an affinity for alchemy, a tendency to find the weaknesses that Rave would have perceived. The effect is fairly minimal, certainly less than that of Winterfang's sithspawn-inimical nature; Rave was hesitant to push the effect too far due to the possibility of Dark Side corruption, even though she'd taken great care not to involve Sith alchemy explicitly in the weapon's creation.
The Force crystals intermingled with the metal during the imbuement ritual were pontite crystals from Halm, near Fringe territory, the finest Adegan crystals that Iron Crown/Akure Executive Interstellar could offer. As with all pontite crystals, they have a tendency to cool the temper -- help that Jorus occasionally needs. As with all Force-imbued blades, there is a visual effect when the sword is in use; the effect has been described as similar to being wrapped in the faintly jagged, flickering blue-white of hyperspace.
In terms of the sword's physical design, the cavalry sabre was chosen due to Jorus' passing familiarity with that type of blade, acquired during service in an obscure Outer Rim rebel group. Normally, Jorus has favored the knife, and has shunned the lightsabre; this weapon design was selected in hopes of urging Jorus toward taking action on a more personal level, rather than solving all his problems with a starship's control panel. The cavalry sabre is an elegant weapon, slightly blade-heavy but not overly so, very fast on the cut with a slight delay in recovery. With additional speed, as when mounted, the weight from the blade is sufficient to cleave skulls easily. When compounded with the increased cutting power of a Force-imbued blade, Taralkaar is one of the most simply lethal things Rave ever created, and a fitting capstone to her career.
Primary Source: Cavalry sabre description and image courtesy of [member="Ijaat Akun"], an IRL swordsman and swordsmith.