Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ta'ra Kenja


"A caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and her tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird."

Full Name: Ta'ra Kenja
Alies: El Tigre
Race: Kiffar
Gender: Female
Previous Clan: Vos
Fraction: The Paecian Empire
Force Sensitive? Yes
Orientation: Straight

Appearance: Ta'ra bears several different types of whip and burn wounds long her spin and down the sides of her legs all from her abusive past. While the Vos Clan are known primarily for their yellow facial markings she was able to get the greener colors instead. As well as taking on a circle just above her eyebrows and the strip going down her chin. Keep in mind these are permanent markings such as the qukuff and cannot be removed nor does she want them to be. A mixture between wavy and curly brown locks fall down past her shoulders she finds it more comfortable to wear her hair in ponytails on hot days. Tara is around the height of 5'11 and weights about 150 pounds.

History: Ta'ra was born and raised in Kiffu. She lived the daily lives as simply as any other Kiffar would. Her father was very influenced by the Jedi Order and with his daughter's Force and her Psychometry abilities he encouraged her strongly to join the Order. She earned the nickname "El Tigre", which translates to "The Tiger" after she took on the qukuffs and in what fashion they were applied, now it is what she goes by. As well as the way she would dance and fight would be stealthy and flexible she has always had a love for the art. At the age of 16, Tara was abducted.

For several weeks she felt as though someone was watching her, following her, tracking her. It was only until on a late hot night, she was torn from her bed and sold into the slave markets. Being sold from criminal circle to criminal circle has most defiantly taken a toll on her. At night she was sleep on cold floors, drenched in sweat and tears. Her hands clasped together as she rocked back and forth, praying to be saved from the savaged lifestyle.

There was not one day when she was not praying to be released from the hell she was placed into. Days she went underfed, abused, and over all mentally scarring, attempting to contact anyone who would remove her from her current situation and even waited years for an answer after having contact with a member of the Jedi Order. It only took her one more year for the anger to boil within her mind. Her last stole from a Sith and swindled him, the Sith found the man to exact revenge.

Ta'ra didn't remember much happening, in fact it was a lot like how she was enslaved in the first place. He came in the middle of the night, she awoke to the screams of her master. He liberated her and gave her a choice: slay her master and be free, or die with him. There was no questioning if she wanted to or not. Tara slaughter her order owner, beheaded him, placed his head and placed his body outside of the house he caged her in as a message. For once she finally tasted tainted freedom.

She then claimed the possessions of her previous owner for herself including is prized (tamed) giant tauntaun. She never has returned to her parents in fear of what they would think of her experiences, disfigured skin, and her new lifestyle.

The Sith took her under his wing and taught her a plethora of helpful skills. How to control and use her force, how to use certain weapons, and unarmed combat. Once she was done Tara set out on her own, intent upon making her own path. Ta'ra will never forget the hymns her mother used to sing to her and at times she finds herself singing them to herself. Singing and dancing is the only thing she has kept with her from her past as well as her mother's head piece.
  • To her life has no meaning, it's what you do with it that matters.
  • Will do whatever it takes, make sacrifices to get where she wants to go.
  • Respect if everything, if people do not respect you then what is the point of doing anything.
  • She is embarrassed to speak about her past life and refuses to.
  • Taking a life is not a big deal to Tara as long as there is a good reason behind it.
  • Ta'ra has never done anything without working for it.
  • Ambitious
  • Has a love for dance and in her spare time it helps her express bottled emotions.
  • Cannot allow something to slip past her and everything must be calculated correctly in order for her to take action.
  • Despises almost and every single Jedi.
  • Makes it her life goal to free whatever slaves as well as being known for harboring fugitives, slaves, and people of that sense.
  • Loves her disgustingly odored giant tauntaun and relies heavily on him.
  • Revenge is very important and Ta'ra tends to do it slowly, sending messages and taunting the wrong doer and then going in for the kill.
Strengths & Weaknesses:

[ + ] Is talented in more than one form of combat such as technology weapons and unarmed (hand-to-hand).
[ + ] Has been able to learn how to properly saddle and mount a giant tauntaun.
[ + ] Knows some-what how to wield her force.
[ + ] Ta'ra was raised to become a very, very avid dancer and is one of her top qualities even if she does not express it publicly.

[ - ] The areas on her body (all down her right leg and around her spin) that were burned and scared by her previous owners are unsightly, weak points, and are good areas to strike.
[ - ] Tara's revenge can act like a cloud and fog her judgement and common sense.
[ - ] Her force lacks the proper training needed to extend to her full potential.
[ - ] The ways she uses Psychometry are very discouraged among Kiffar

I take no credit for this artwork whatsoever. Everything was obtained via her master.

Primary Armour (Basic, Durasteel plated armour)
Giant Tauntaun (Saddle included)

Force Abilities:

Animal Friendship - Novice
Psychometry - Novice
Alter Environment - Competent
Plant Surge - Competent

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