Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tanara Kell

Tanara Kell



NAME: Tanara Kell
FACTION: Independent (Formerly First Order)

RANK: The Voidwolf
SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE: 27

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: Average

PHYSIQUE: Lithe/Feminine

EYES: Yellow (Dark Side Corruption. Naturally blue.)

SKIN: Pale White, heavily tattooed. (Dark Side Corruption. Naturally Ruutian.)



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Charismatic Leader:
Tanara Kell did not come to command her fiefdom through mere luck alone. Only with her sharp wit and charismatic nature was she able to unite a notable portion of the collapsing First Order under her banner when the Imperium invaded. Her soothing voice and seductive, pleasing appearance can calm most tension amongst her underlings, and her manipulation of the force only serves to heighten her capabilities in that regard.
Intelligent Warrior:
A warrior of great skill, Tanara has mastered many forms of Lightsaber Combat and other martial skills, and has studied military and naval tactics extensively as one of her many interests. She can get the best out of the officers and troops under her command, and, unlike some generals, is more than willing to get stuck into combat at the front lines, fighting alongside the men and women she commands. In combat, she's like an artist of death, cutting down her foes with supernatural grace and unleashing the full power of the dark side like a precision tool with which to annihilate the enemy.
Despite her many skills and talents, even Tanara is held back by her ego. She is incredibly self assured, believing her defeat to be highly improbable, if not impossible. A significant defeat could shatter her, emotionally. Her ego might also be fanned to manipulate her, if someone skilled at such whispered into her ear.
Power Hungry:
Tanara has always long desired more power and influence upon the galactic stage, after having spent so many years as a mere slave before her liberation and recruitment by the Knights of Ren. The recent collapse of the First Order has only provided her yet another opportunity to increase her own status and power. This need for power is the result of her bondage, never wanting to be used as a tool by another again.

An elegant and physically stunning Twi'lek woman in her late twenties, Tanara Kell epitomises the word seduction. Her skin would be pale white, and covered from head to toe in exotic Sith tattoos, in a style commonly associated with that of the One Sith of yore. Her common garb would usually be a revealing, yet functional black leather outfit, hidden beneath loose fitting black robes when not in combat. A crossguarded lightsaber hilt would commonly be affixed to her belt.

Once a common slave girl, owned by a despicable hutt crime lord on the planet Ryloth, Tanara had few prospects of escaping her forced servitude. However, her life swiftly changed when she was liberated during a raid on her master's palace by a task force of the Knights of Ren seeking Sith artifacts held by the Hutt in his treasure hoard. Sensing her great strength in the force, she was taken as an initiate by the Knights of Ren, trained and honed into a weapon of the First Order, an opportunity she took in her stride, excelling in her studies quickly. However, this new rush of power had secretly made her crave even more. As the First Order grew in strength, she used her natural talents to slowly acquire and grow in influence amongst the First Order's naval and military branches, securing a noteworthy power base, albeit a secret one, as well as securing an equal amount of influence amongst the criminal underworld.

With the recent invasion of the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium, however, the opportunity she'd long been waiting for was finally here. As it's government on Dosuun quickly fell into chaos with the loss of Grand Moff Fortan, Tanara contacted her allies amongst the First Order and the Criminal Underworld, assembling a sizeable fleet and taking it into the territories of the Outer Rim Coalition, declaring herself the "Voidwolf" like the infamous Sith admiral of ancient times.

TIE Silencer:





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