Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Onith Trill

NAME: Talos-1. Referred to as "Tal" or occasionally "Tally" when being mocked by it's companions.
FACTION: Lords of the Fringe
RANK: Soldier
AGE: <1 Year
SEX: Waaaaat?
HEIGHT: 1.9 meters
WEIGHT: 142 Kilograms
EYES: Green Photoreceptor
HAIR: None
SKIN: None


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Droid construction far less squishy than nature-made species.
+Can run really really fast for a biped.
+Protected against Ion Weaponry far more than the average droid
-Not programmed to understand or operate in social conditions
-Much more vulnerable to losing his mind than nature-made species.
-Artificial-made species, such as the TA-1, have no affinity for manipulating nature's magics.

Single photoreceptor, greenishbrown dura-armor plating, black durasteel servos and circuitry underneath his dura-armor(Most easily seen in his lower body).

Tal's 'life', like most Talos-One Droids, began deep in the hearts of one of [member="Darth Janus"]'s Hedgemonic Automation factories. Like all TA-1 Droids he was built with mechanical care and precision, made to be a soldier that could not only best the average soldier in durability, stamina, and speed but also to be a mechanical soldier that could keep up with one intellectually and tactically. The J2 Droid brain that Tal, and all other TA-1 Droids are implanted with allows them a chance at what was previously thought to be such an impossible thing, but it resulted in what many nature-made species would call an undesirable side-effect. They were far more likely to develop sapience, and were recommended to get extensive memory wipes.

While an order of TA-1 droids was made by [member="Anders Sivas"] for the Lords of the Fringe military due to her fondness of their products, she did not ensure that all of them received regular memory wipes, and thus some of them began to develop personality quirks. "Tal" was one of those droids, and luckily for the Fringe it became somewhat of an excessively enthusiastic patriot. It's vocabulary began to take more regional accents, it began to enjoy the sight of other droids without their plating, it began to think that sometimes it's orders weren't what was best for the Fringe, or for it's citizens.

Tal now attempts to find out who and what it is while still dutifully serving as a Fringe soldier and shock trooper. What it finds, how it adapts, and how long it can stay memory wipe-less is anybody's guess.

A droid owning a ship? What a scandal that would be.
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