Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking the day off.

Solan sighed as he sat back in a cafe that occupied the streets of Naboo, a quiet place and time where he smiled and looked among its people with a sigh. Such a nice life, peaceful and blissful to the point where there was few signs of any war. He always did like Naboo for that, they stuck out of the galaxy unless it was truly important. What he liked more was the beauty that came with the planet's landscape and buildings. It was something he envied and wished at times for there to be on Kesh. He could always hope one day that he could create some place of pure beauty with no other purpose. Even his garden had become a meeting place and he wanted something that was... perfectly made to admire. But that was a thought for another time, for now the tea was what was important to him as he drank from it.
[member="Solan Charr"]

Jaster had just returned from a buisness trip from Val'hala, a mining post was negotiating exchange and whatnot. Whatever the subject was, Jaster was sick of it after it was done, now he stopped by Naboo. Peaceful place, did a couple jobs there when he was a merc. The cool air and fresh winds help Jaster forget his worries of running a company. He felt so relaxed that he decided to visit a cafe, and not a cantina this time.

Jaster didn't bring his useral guards, cafes rarely saw action, and Jaster was happy to not feel threatened. Instead he walked in his military uniform of the Umbrella Interest, and took a table across from Solan Charr. Jaster back was to the man and he almost didn't notice a few other people in the room.

The waitress walked up and asked him for his order. Jaster replied as kindly as he could, "Nerf steak with some coffee, medium cooked please, sunrise me with a side." Jaster smiled to the nice lady as she took his menu and walked off.

Nice day to be in Naboo, he must admit.

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