Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Take What You Want

Rook Heimdal Rook Heimdal

Sirens blared.

The relative peace and quiet of a supposedly easy task was shattered as something jerked the freighter out of hyperspace and forced it to revert to realspace, lest it tear itself apart. They were nowhere. Dead in the middle of space, somewhere along the Parlemian. This land had been stable for a long time, but now it had become lawless territory. And lawlessness brought one constant: Pirates.

The pirate ship wasted no time laying down fire upon the freighter.

The pirates' assault was swift and brutal, but it did not seem like the guns were firing to destroy. Rather, they focused a lot on the freighter's com systems and rear engines. It would seem it was trying to isolate the vessel and stop it from dropping back into hyperspace. To any experienced guard the signs were obvious: They were about to be boarded.

Shuttles launched from the pirate vessel, racing toward the freighter like blood-sucking bugs.

On board one stood a giant of a woman - An empress once, now turned pirate of the void.

A marauder.

Joycelyn Zambrano tucked the silver pike under her arm, watching the ship grow in perspective as her shuttle, among many, buzzed toward their prey. Her career in piracy was fresh, but she had already begun to make a name for herself. It was a good start, but nothing short of infamy would begin to satisfy her. She was not yet so recognisable that ships immediately surrendered, so she made a resolution to increase her brutality until they did.

This would be one of many examples set.

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