Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Take that Step to the Unknown (COMPLTETED)

Seasons take their turn. They turn the page, cycling life into a grand motion. A story begins here and ends over there. Then it is cycled right back in, recreating new energy. Take a item out and remove it, the item becomes static. It becomes an unnatural thing, a thing that was never meant to be.

The Elder Kashi pounded this very thing as gripped tightly to a rock. Looking above him, Garith figured he had another twenty galactic standard minutes before he reached the top. His arms sore he still continued to climb. He pushed himself. He kept climbing. There was no turning back. He could not and would not. He knew now. His son was on the Great Walk. In Garith’s mind there was no other Kashi to assist Theo. The boy was all alone. The Great Walk was never meant for one Kashi to do alone. They took cycles, a group at a time. After a period of time another group would step up. Then it would be there turn to give. Theo was alone though, Garith kept climbing.
Muscles grew tighter and his arms grew weaker. His breathe became labored. Still, one hand over the other, he pulled himself up. Higher and higher up the cliff side. About twenty feet above his head he could sense the location. He was close. It was getting later in the day. Thinking upon that as he climbed, he might have to camp one he reached the top.
Time passed…

Straining lifted his right arm. His right hand extended out. He could not see what. He felt the firm object. It felt like a portion of the rock that made up the cliff side. Gripping tightly, Garith let his left hand go of the cliff side. Dangling by one hand, Garith lifted up his left hand. Quickly he found hold with his left hand. “Come on”, he growled at himself. “One last pull”, The Kashi pulled. His arms burned with pain. Still he managed to find the strength. Pulling himself up he was now on top. He rolled onto the edge. He was once more upon a flat surface.
Garith woke up a time later. He sat up before realizing where he was. His feet were dangling over the ledge. He looked far down below. One of the great Endor forests was bellow. Those threes looked so small from up here. It was a mad idea to free climb as far as he did. How far would you go to help or protect your children? There was no other option then this, in Garith’s mind. He looked up, up at the large moon in the darkened sky. He looked at the moon. Historically, for his people…the moon symbolized the great father. The Jedi called the father Bogan. The sun they called the mother. The Jedi called her Ashla. Garith had worked to do, so he rolled back over on the ledge and got up.
After getting up Garith looked around. It was a large plateau, and then in about thirty feet in front of him was another cliff face. He would not have to climb again. What he need was on this plateau. Looking around more closely, He looked at the large white granite type stone. It was flat and looked old. Kashi cravings were engraved with marking of the Breath. It had been so long since he was here last. The stone was not the only object here. There were candles upon the stone. Back further on the plateau was a small shelter. Everything what he needed was here.
There was something else Garith sensed. It was his son [member="Theodosius Organa"] . He was here at some point. The young Kashi was gone now. Garith thought about calling [member="Faith Organa"] , his daughter on his comlink. No he could tell her later and the rest of the family. First there was something he needed to do here. Garith was planning to take a new steep into the future.
Seconds to dawns light…

Candles burning, the smell of incense something of importance was happening. Garith upon his knees, they lay upon that craved stone. The only clothing upon him was his pants. He sung words he never spoke since he was much younger. The song was a payer to the Living Force. Despite his sins and his years of living slavishly he was here. A being that refused to bow to no one, he was now on his knees. He lived for so long outside the seasons of change. He had broken the laws of his people and the bond he had shared with the Force. Now this Dark Kashi was humbling himself to the Living Force.

Dawn came crashing down. The time for judgment had come.
The first rays of Ashla light touched the skin of the Dark Kashi. A first it was smoothing and warm. Knowing what was coming Garith closed his eyes. Arms outstretched he titled his head back. The light grew, it intensified.

Smoke started to slowly waft up off his flesh. The light began to burn his flesh. His eyes now open Garith cried out in pain, the terror in his voice as he began to catch aflame. No one can escape karma. No matter how far you run. No matter how long you run. Karma will always find you.
As he burned he heard words. Not words in the literal translation. The pain continued, his flesh was on fire but he was not burning away. He was under judgment. For breaking an oath and all the souls he had crushed to prolong his miserable life.

Adriea of Lettow

Those two words formed in The Dark Kashi’s mind. He heard it clearly even above the screaming.

Why should you have redemption!

The Kashi Elder was not sure. In fact the best course the Elder believed was death. That would not help his son though.
“I don’t”, The Kashi honestly answered. “How many tend your garden. Is my son the only Kashi? I do not deserve redemption. My son does not deserve to walk alone. Take me. I will take the Great Walk. If I fail you lose nothing. If I succeed you have another Kashi.”

The light still upon the Kashi Elder, the fire stopped burning. The flesh still smoldered leaving behind burnt flesh. Garith gave himself willingly.

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