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takashi bloodreaper the sith emperer - SATIRE

  • Thread starter Takashi Bloodreaper
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Takashi Bloodreaper

takashi bloodreaper


name - takashi bloodreapor
faction - sith empire
rank - sith emperer
species - shapeshifter dudes whatever they aree
age - 12
sex - all the time
height - 7'1"
weight - 158 kgss
eyes - blood red becuz he is a blood reaper
hair - awesome
skin - smooth
force sensitiv - he is a sith dark lord


strengths and weeknesses

these are his strongs -

he is strong
he is fast
he is quick
he knows the force
he gets girls
he is smart
he is powerful

these are his weekness -

he is greedy
he is depresed


takashi is tall and looks real cool. he is muscly and can bench a lot. his hair is spikey and yellow becuz its cool. his eyes glow like blood becuz he is a blood reaper. sometimes his teeth are spikey becas he has to suck blood with them. this can be done on comand. he weres cool cloths as well


takashi was born on koriban the home of the dark side. he grew up using the force to kill creaturs and to move stuff. his parents were scare of him and tryd to kick him of the planet with the force. takashi killed them insted and feasted on there blood making him a blood reaper (vampire). he then was seen by the emperer of the sith empire who got scared of him aswel. then he made him the emperer.


a big one


bountys colected


Takashi Bloodreaper


*unseethes his light katana and slices aletras head of and drinks her blood*

you think you can best a sith emperer???

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