Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sword, Beskad, Lightsaber, ugh.... Rapier? (Open)

Factory Judge


There was just something about this planet that I had a gravitating feeling towards. The people here trained with weapons, skills, and used it as a form of honor, and being able to... show affection? I am not really sure about what it was with the Echani, but they interested me greatly with their Fire dancing. The ability to use weapons in unison to such a degree, and completely on the fly. Sure, the moves may have been learned from a very early age, however, the chosen set of moves were different it seemed every time from the limited holo vids I had on this species of near humans.

Echani were known for their abilities in swordplay, as well as being people who were of the night. Worshiping their moon, as well as their queen. As far as I could tell, the name alone meant a lot. This Mrs, Varanin was the queen of these people. However, from the little information I could find, official images only showed a light blonde hair? She might be a half-blood. If so, then either there was no discrimination against half-echani's or it was so well hidden as I walked through the streets.

Looking around, I wanted to maybe find something to do here before I started to look for classes on swordplay. Sure, using a Beskad and a Lightsaber were easily taught with my Master. But I needed more training. If I wanted to become better, unpredictable, and to reliably become the Shadow of my Manda'lor, the one I believe was the true person who should lead the Mandalorians within the Crusade, I had to become better. I had to learn from many cultures, and many places to become adept at swordplay. Eventually in my own lessons I could transition that to my lightsaber usage with it's unique blade form.

For now, I waited, and watched. Maybe something would happen between the time I wanted to find lessons, and the time I returned from my "mandatory vacation" from the new Crusade being dubbed "The Vanguard."

OOC: [member="Spencer Varanin"], As you are Queen of Eshan as far as I can recall, I am tagging you should you choose to enter this thread, or not. Otherwise, this is an open thread for those who wish to RP can join me. Keep it Civil, and keep it reasonable. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Valashu walked the streets of the darkening planet, eyes on the ground, hands in his pockets. Most would never guess that Valashu had Echani training, but he did, heavily. He was born to the Jensaarai-Ka, raised by them, but their people were a mixed sort. One major player had been Vorressi, an Echani master warrior, whom only taught the most worthy. From her he had learned to wield a plethora of weaponry, she had even adapted to show him how to properly utilize a bow in a situation of close quarters orientation.

His first broken wrist was at her hand, same with ribs, an elbow, and many more. Through her teachings, combined with that of his father's, he had been allowed to become the Kensûrai when he was called to do so. As leader of the people, he had been able to elevate Vorressi to the Council, giving her true power amongst their population.

It had saddened him to no end when he was found to never be able to see her again. Sure, transporting to this universe, though an accident, was beneficial. But he had lost everything he knew, all of the people he loved. There was no chance he would ever see his wife again, his teachers, his friends, or anyone similar. It was a devastating feeling, really, knowing one was all alone. Sure he had found niches to fit into in this universe, but it was still incredibly depressing.

Drawing the hood of his jacket into place, his emerald eyes scanned the area. There was no danger, rather it was a means of distraction.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

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