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[Suvian Sciences] Aionis

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(Liquid Form):
{Solid Form):

Intent: To provide a material for Jeff to use in a future submission.
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Suvian Sciences
Model: X-1000 Metal
Affiliation: Jeff Solaris
Modularity: No
Production: Minor
Material: This is a material in and of itself.

Aionis is a liquid like material that was synthesized on Tatooine by the brilliant minds of Suvian Sciences. This was based off of the liquid grappling hook, but has been modified to be different. Upon contact with air, this can form into a material. Electrical shocks however could make this substance malleable and able to be shaped into various items. Due to the nature of this material, it is not sold in the market yet as testing is ongoing.

This material is one of the most closely guarded secrets Suvian has, because it will be used in a personal armor for the CEO. Aionis is normally colored a red mottled white, and when solidified, looks like bars of metal. When liquid, it looks like red and white circuitry. This material is vulnerable however. Extreme heat could damage the metal, and so could extreme could. It should be noted that this can shield against electricity and electromagnetic pulses. The thickness and durability of the armor created from this material depends on how much of it is available to the Command Unit in a liquid form. This is also a substance Suvian has no plans on mass marketing, but keeping within their own company.

This material can be shaped by means of a command unit that administers electrical shocks to it, allowing it to be shaped into a whole myriad of shapes. The command units conceal a droid brain that is semi sentient, and connects to a HUD controlled by the user in case they should need it. The material when it is shaped into armor forms a transparent form of itself over the face that is no less durable than the rest of it. This is also a material that Suvian believes is not ready for the public, as of yet. When the wearer wishes to take it off, he can activate a button in the hud that will turn the armor into liquid, and suck it back into the command units until needed again. Aionis is also a material that SUvian plans to develop several variants of, later.
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