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Survival on Valrar (The Sith Empire)

Location: Valrar, Mid Rim, Valrar System
Local Time: 0700 Hours, Day One of Seven

A lone figure stands in a clearing at the edge of a dark, dense expanse of forest. The figure is tall and willowy, clad in a dark green tunic and russet trousers tucked into shin-length boots of leather. Coming closer reveals that it's a Muun with the typical hairless cranium and elongated features. The Muun is male and of physical maturity. Closer still reveals a scowl on his long face.

Greenish-yellow eyes search into the murky depths ahead. You don't have to be empathic to know he's not pleased to be here. His name is Maro Dansk and, up until some months ago, he'd been a financier on Muunilinst. Now he's apprenticed to the Order of the Sith. It was at the behest of his Master that he was here at all.

Long months of training had culminated into this. Every day more rigorous than the last as The Order didn't coddle it's apprentices. He'd learned that you could push yourself beyond what you thought by drawing on your hate and your ambition. Through them you fueled the Dark Side.

But countless days under the harsh tutelage competed with a lifetime of Muun prejudices. This place was nothing compared to his homeworld. Just a vast planet-wide rainforest with a smattering of research stations. Not even a proper spaceport let alone a capital.

One part of his brain calculated the resources that might be exploited. Lumber of countless varieties, many of them unique to this environment. Exotic woods for the discerning collector. As it was, this world was simply an experiment in vivo. The briefing had been clear about a variety of Sithspawn.

Dangerous, to be sure, but a Muun was always careful.

Besides, he though, my powers continue to grow daily. This backwater will prove little more than an annoyance to me.

The though changed his scowl into a malicious grin. His Master had said there was a reward to be found here. He had a week to find it until transport off-world would arrive in the clearing where he stood. Acquisition was in his blood.

He also was told there would be competition. Other apprentices inserted elsewhere and searching for the prize. But competition was nothing new either. It was unfortunate that they were prohibited from killing or maiming each other.

That didn't mean he couldn't inflict a certain amount of pain on them. To let them know he was the one to be feared even more than whatever lurked here. But he would strike from the shadows at just the right moment. Dansk still had an aversion for open conflict despite many hours of martial training.

Already Valrar's sun had begun to beat down on the surface. Humidity made the air feel thicker and he could feel a trickle of sweat down his back. He could see nothing but murky trees but the buzzing of insects and the songs of birds told him that nothing was amiss.

Or at least that they can tell.

He gave one final check, reaching out with his feelings. He searched as far as his powers let him and...nothing. His scowl returned. He didn't like this at all. The relative normalcy seemed wrong.

But he knew time was wasting away and he had to act. Others may have already plunged into the forest. After what he truly considered to be his and his alone. Maro Dansk drew in a deep breath and stepped into the shadows....
Positioned atop the hill's crest overlooking the nearby rainforest region, crouched down to minimize discovery; Mikilanna used the advantage point to observe and calculate the surrounding area. At the bequest of her Master, she had been volunteered to participate in what the young Felacat could only assume to be Sith games; though a prize had been neatly tucked into the mix, she cared little for the materialistic pleasures twisting this into a game of cat and mouse. And it had been far to long since she engaged her feline pleasures in a hunt. However, the game had rules; no maiming or killing. Still, there was no mention of psychological warfare, a healthy appetite she thoroughly enjoyed sating.

As she learned and understood the others she trained with, when not in the presence of her Master, they sought victory through strength. Strength was a powerful ally one could not deny, but so was knowledge; especially how to unravel opponents and enemies through the exploitations of their weaknesses. So while others trained, she secretly constructed an index of her fellow Acolytes and Apprentices. So that left the planet itself. Prior to her departure from Korriban, she spent the last few hours researching Valrar; seeking an advantage beneficial to her for this seven day furlough. Riddled with monsters of all shapes and sizes, all manners of dispositions, and nasty little secrets to ambush wary prey; this planet was dangerous. This pleased the young girl.

Sensing no immediate dangers, she began the slow descend toward the rainforest and it's jungle habitat. Some of the nastiest creatures called this neighborhood home, but most sought refuge in the darkened hours of the planet. A quick assessment to the sky, the sun's daily cycle was dwindling as it was negotiating the terms of his surrender. Another quick assessment of the situation pitted her in a tree, awaiting the final splashes of light to wink into complete darkness.

The veil of darkness as her ally, she had become like the planet's other nocturnal predators. Her eyes, genetically evolved over countless millennia, granted her the ability to see through perfect night vision. Like the cat she was, she sprang through the tree's canopies high above the jungle floor; in search of her mouse.

Darth Argentum Darth Argentum
Some hours later Maro had penetrated into the murk. Not nearly far enough to suit him, however. There were massive roots, fallen trees and vines obstructing many of the obvious lanes. It forced him in an ellipses and he seemed to veer off to the side as much as he went forward.

He ground his teeth in frustration while the sweat streamed down his hairless cranium. It was oppressively humid among the countless trees. That had informed his decision to avoid excessive leaping about. So too had the limited rations the apprentices had been issued.

Water was going to be the biggest issue. A few liters had been issued and enough purification tablets for a few more. That, by his expert calculations, would last two or three days in these conditions. Half a week would not do at all.

There was drinkable water to be found. If you went searching for it. The Muun wanted to avoid that as long as possible. So he'd sipped from his canteen sparingly. But he couldn't totally avoid drinking with his rate of perspiration.

Birdsong and the buzzing of insects had washed over him. Given it's omnipresence, it was pushed back in his awareness. Otherwise it'd threatened to grind away at his sanity. So he stopped in his tracks when the ever-present wash of noise changed.

He blinked as he surveyed his surroundings. Dansk brought his canteen to his lips and had a brief drink as he considered. Yes, he decided, the trees were beginning to thin out. That would mean another clearing...or....

A few dozen more meter forward revealed the other possibility.

A swamp!

The Muun let out a long sigh of exasperation in spite of himself. Looking both left and right revealed the same things. Fetid, stinking water as far as he could see. That it let off a foul vapour reinforced his decision to circle around.

He pressed his lips with distaste at the smell. Sweet decay mixed with brine. It was nauseating and he couldn't wait to be out of it's range. So he chose to circle to the left.

Nothing indicated either direction to be the better choice. The flitting around of winged insects and the occasional insectivorous bird seemed innocent enough.

It was similar to the forest where he'd encountered nothing more dangerous than biting insects. But who could say just how deep this foul bog would suddenly drop down. He'd heard tell of beings stupid enough to try walking through the waters on various worlds. From their surviving colleagues.

Maro studied the vegetation growing up through the brackish water. Stunted trees too, some broken off at jagged angles. Occasional bubbles would surface as if the swamp itself was breathing. Perhaps whatever aquatic life lived here caused the rising pockets of air, he thought.

He'd walked some distance around when he stopped again. Something was amiss. He could feel a looming sense of danger somewhere ahead. Reaching out with his feelings only confirmed this.

The Muun slid behind the bole of the nearest tree. He knelt down and his hand came down to rest on the hilt of his lightsaber. A few moments ticked by as he waited. The sense of impending danger didn't lessen.

In fact it began to grow. Slowly the sound of something moving through the waters reached him. It was moving methodically, as if hunting. And the amount of water it displaced told him it must be quite large.

The adrenaline began to flow and Maro had to focus on his breathing to calm his beating hearts....

Ladybug Ladybug
Pausing briefly on a gnarled, holed riddled branch to get her bearings, the sounds of the jungle had grown eerily silent. From past experiences hunting on her home planet of Felacat, silence bred predators; either massive monsters or pack hunters. Here, it was just silence. Until she heard the echoing snap of a fallen tree branch off to her left. Slowly turning her head, she stared into the mist that was hauntingly emerging hoping her nocturnal vision would spy something, anything. And nothing. She paused a few minutes longer before continuing her trek across the branches. Sensing something indeed was watching her.

The last of the branches was drawing to their collective end, imposing before her a landscape of open wilds. She lept down, and upon landing look over her shoulder she sensed something not far off. Traversing through the open lands would be madness. In the jungle, she could use that to her advantage; especially if she had to square off against a massive beast. So into the jungle she returned, except on the ground this time around.

Retrieving the two hilts from her belt, she held them tight with her thumbs hovering over the activation studs. The ground underneath her began to violently tremble, the sounds of felled trees crashing grew louder. Through the Force she felt the impending danger, anticipating the challenge ahead. What came through was something horrific, yet beautiful in it's own way. It was a Sithspawn, the dreaded
Suppurater, and it had set it's gaze on the young Sith.

The young Inquisitor had studied the beast prior to her arrival, placing all data pertaining to this creature and others on her datapad. However, there was no time to review her precious device. She would have to recall the details on the fly. Simultaneously she ignited her blades, utilizing her reverse-grip stance; and waited for the beast to make it's final charge.

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The source of the noise slowly became apparent. Through the murk of the swamp he could see a shadow form. It was very large but unfortunately it wasn't a trick of the the eye. Water still sloshed about confirming the mass.

Not long before it became visible, the Muun began to sense the Dark Side. His brow furrowed in further consternation. No, not another Force user. But the Muun wondered if it could sense him in kind.

The creature's identity was finally revealed. A three meter or more mammal, hirsute and with a bulk exceeding 200 kilograms. It resembled a wampa for all of that impossibility. But they only resided on Hoth, as many beings knew.

Yet here it is.

Maro's mind raced to remember just what this creature was. Meanwhile, he rested a hand on his lightsaber's hilt. Though he felt some comfort, his first plan was still to let this beast pass. Caution came naturally to him.

No need to waste time nor energy on unneeded conflict. But the wampa stopped and began to sniff the air. It's head slowly rotated left to right. It was searching more closely.

He gritted his teeth as he decided it could feel him. How was beyond him at the moment. It was more important that it could. It's search vector began to narrow and Maro knew it was time to act.

Maro drew upon the Dark Side as he'd been taught. Just as he'd thought, the beast's gaze came to rest on his approximate location. It uttered a low growl as it moved forward toward dry land.

Almost time...not quite...just a little further...

The Muun was so focused that his natural fear seemed distant. The wampa seemed to move at a pace outside of normal time. It's feet touched dry land and he unhooked his weapon's hilt. Conflict was inevitable now.

It came forward, certain of something it viewed as prey. But Maro wasn't prey. In fact he was a predator in this forest. This wampa would discover it to it's detriment.

His muscles tensed. The beast edged forward, oblivious. He bore his teeth in a silent snarl. An unnatural hiss came from the trees as Dansk thumbed his lightsaber to life.

Maro thrust an open palm forward and sent a concentrated shove with his accumulated energies. It connected a second later and sent the hairy beast reeling back into the waters. Out sprang the Muun with his crimson blade before him.

With a great two-handed slash, he gouged the wampa's torso. It roared in sudden pain and swiped back at him mostly on instinct. Sensing just such a response, the Muun sprang back just outside the claw's range....

Ladybug Ladybug
Stomping the ground with it's two front bladed claws, whilst slashing the air out in front of it with the two smaller ones, it prepared for battle. Side to side it swiveled the horrific head, jaws both top and bottom snapping angrily. Through the Force, Mikilanna could sense a confusion in the engineered mind of the Sithspawn, as it struggled to ascertain what stood before it. The creature was designed to hunt the enemies of the Sith, possibly created to sense and track the energy of the Light Side, but the young Sith girl was of the Dark Side. There was the possibility this creature, and others of it's design by Alchemy, had been denied the hunt of Jedi or those walking among the Light; now expanding it's prey.

The agitation ceased, and a silence fell between beast and Sith. Mikilanna adjusted her feet, still looking for weaknesses in the creature and trying to recall them. Then came the charge, as the Sithspawn utilizing it's six legs scurried toward her, maw open, and acid-like saliva dripping off it's razor sharp teeth. Despite it's size, it moved fast; but it's bulkiness and awkward movements made it extremely slow in comparison to the Felacatian's genetic speed and reflexes, and it was further crippled by the enclosed area of the surrounding tress. She was surprised that the creature took to a frontal assault rather than the ambush tactics it was known for. Unless, she pondered, the creature was ill or wounded or it's desire to eat overcame it's traditional style.

Timing her jump perfectly, whilst aided by the Force, she lept over the monster avoiding bladed appendages and snapping jaws; landing behind it, spinning around quickly and swiping the back legs of the creature, the hot blades from her lightsabers cutting through the chitin armor covering those limbs, and severing them. Face first the creature crashed, now exposing it's underbelly. Alas, any attack would have been foolish as it's middle legs frantically kicked in a defensive posture, legs that could easily shred the Sith. She could almost taste, basking in the flavor, the pain the creature was radiating.

Gripping one of the severed legs, by virtue of the Force, she hurled it toward the beast's undercarriage; only to do the same with the other a near second later. The result, the kicking legs repelled the first limb, only to allow the second to pass by unblocked, where both the points and blades dug into the belly flesh. The creature howled, and stirred around the ground painfully, and dying. From here, the Sith finished it off academically.

Darth Argentum Darth Argentum
The wampa roared in anguish as it came on towards him. Several wide swipes forced Dansk back towards the trees. One last swipe and he felt the trunk of one knock into his back. He grunted, forced to ignore the jolt for the oncoming claws.

His attacker was clearly both bleeding and in pain. But it was far from dead. Another swipe caused him to dive into an awkward roll. A second behind him, the tree was eviscerated.

The Muun scrambled up to his feet, blade held up in a defensive pose. With his hearts hammering, he decided enough was enough. Scrambling around was only wasting precious energy. He spread his feet and pointed his blade slightly down as if to indicate fatigue.

The wampa bought into his ruse and redoubled it's efforts to kill. Trees and roots forced it's path as if in a maze. This allowed Dansk to time the next swipe. Instead of the expected retreat, he angled his blade up and caught the beast's arm with his crimson blade.

It roared in even greater agony as it's hand was severed at the forearm. The Muun grinned savagely as it recoiled back. He seized the advantage and delivered a hard punch through the Force. The wampa's head snapped back like a blow from a prizefighter had landed.

With his would-be killer recoiling, he once again sprang forward. This time he thrust his weapon up into the wampa's probable heart with his own roar. The great beast paused as he withdrew the crimson blade. It looked down to regard the blackened hole in it's chest.

Then it stepped forward to attack as if it refused to acknowledge it's own mortality. It staggered and drew in a ragged breath. A pause and then another tentative move forward. All the while, Dansk held his blade ready for another blow.

Maro saw it's eyes lose focus just before it collapsed. A death rattle emerged from the heap. Finally the Muun stepped forward with his blade still poised. He saw the hulking brute to be dead and he extinguished his weapon.

Covered in sweat as he was, he decided to take a swallow of water. Collecting his breath took a few moments as he analyzed the attacker. A wampa in form, but with a different colouration than that of it's natural species. More aggressive too.

He determined it to be the work of the Sith alchemists. Natural beasts were rarely that aggressive unless provoked. It made him wonder just what else lay ahead....

Ladybug Ladybug
As the night was drawing to it's conclusion, the early signs of daylight mere hours away, she took time to make camp; erecting a small fire with a makeshift roasting spit, with a small meaty creature set above the flame. While her meal cooked, she held a small flask of water in her hand, pondering the past events so far. Day one into this and already she fought and killed a very angry, confused, hungry beast. She wondered, watching the meat turn over and over, what the next six days would present. After her less than desirable meal, she turned in for a quick nap.

A few hours later, with the heat from the sun growing denser by the minute; she awoke feeling rested and ready to continue. Traversing through the open wilds, where the foliage lacked any advantages for an ambush, she caught something off in the distance; a shiny and shimmering curiosity. Coming closer, she noticed it was hatch; odd she thought for such a placement for a shelter or bunker. Hinges busted, slightly rusty, and easily opened; Mikilanna slid down the rickety ladder landing on a mushy and mudding ground. It was complete utter darkness, but again her eyes worked to her advantage. The tunnel, erected in a height where her head was slightly a few inches from the ceiling, led straight ahead.

Walking for some time, the tunnel swerved to the right, then zig-zagged for several more meters before emptying into a massive chamber. Upon closer inspection, it resembled a mass grave site. Skeletons and grave markers dotted the majority of the chamber. The former, most undoubtedly, took their own lives after burying those in graves. The wheels of speculations began churning in her head. What could have spurned such a overreacting response? To her left, another tunnel led out of the chamber. Perhaps there were answers further long that tunnel.

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Day Two:

The Muun's eyes opened as he felt the heat of dawn's first rays. He'd slept a few hours after stopping to create a fire. He was glad to have surpassed the swamp before the night came. Another encounter with a wampa-like predator would've been very unwelcome.

Dinner had been some of his rations. A little hard tack and leathery dried fruit were hardly filling. Yet it'd been better than nothing. And he had the Dark Side to draw upon too. It could sustain him for many days yet even without food.

He sat up then rose to his feet to begin his second day, brushing off the dirt on his clothing.

In the early afternoon the next event of consequence happened. It began much the same as the previous day. He'd felt a presence in the Force which he thought might be another Sithspawn. The Muun wanted to groan in exasperation.

Would these mindless beasts not leave him alone? He didn't come here seeking combat. It was here where he'd find the reward promised to him. All he had to do was find it.

But he knew others were here too. Delays like these ones increased the odds of another apprentice claiming his rightful prize. So it was with great irritation that he once again stepped behind the bole of a tree. His long-fingered hand rested on his weapon as his eyes and ears searched for signs.

Several moments ticked by and his eyes narrowed. What was this? He'd heard nothing, no great beast crashing through the undergrowth. Nor had the indigenous wildlife gave him the telltale silence. He saw nothing among the trees around him either.

It was playing games with him. He fought the urge to come out from hiding. That was what the predator would want. But he wasn't some stupid non-sentient creature.

More time passed before Maro heard the rustle of leaves ahead of him. His pupils dilated unconsciously as he focused in on the sound. His lightsaber was in his palm without thought now. And then he heard the distinctive crack-hiss of another lightsaber awakening.

Another apprentice!

He'd barely finished the thought when the zeyd-cloth robed figure carefully emerged. A human female, she held her lightsaber up defensively. It painted the small space ahead in bloodshine. But the Muun wasn't relieved at all.

This idiot's going to draw every hungry mouth for kilometers!

"Turn off your lightsaber, fool!," he hissed just loud enough to be heard. He emerged just enough to be seen. The other apprentice drew back into a combat stance. The Muun loosed a long sigh of exasperation.

"If you don't turn it off, you'll bring every predator down on us!," he growled softly "Alright...will this help?"

He hooked his weapon back onto his belt with an exaggerated slowness. She followed suit, extinguishing her blade and putting it away. They stared at each other from across the distance.

"So...," she began.

Maro cut her off with a gesture and motioned for her to follow him into the trees. Her hesitation caused him to roll his eyes. She threw daggers at him with her look but folllowed. Maro faced her and studied the human before him.

She was above-average in height for her species. Dark hair with brown eyes, clearly in the early stages of adulthood. Her posture still radiated wariness. That in spite of her knowledge that they weren't to kill each other.

"I trust you heard your Master's warnings about killing me, Muun?," she said with her tone full of acid.

Her last word was practically spat out and he narrowed his eyes in growing anger.

"I did, human," he spat in reply "But you needn't worry about me. The predators here will sense your presence and your lightsaber."

Her momentary confusion confirmed that she'd not met any yet. But her arrogant sneer returned in an instant.

"I'm not afraid of some local wildlife. Besides, Sithspawn were only released in small amounts. The chances of encountering them are small. Besides, I have this."

Her hand patted her lightsaber. It caused him to shrug his narrow shoulders with nonchalance.

"Very well. Then we'll part from here. So you know, human, there is a swamp ahead."

He added the last with a thin smile. The other apprentice glared at him and began to reply. Before she could he turned and strode off in the opposite direction. On with his search.

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