Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Superweapon Hunt??


Well-Known Member
So i am thinking of doing a long, long, long hunt for some ancient hardly heard of ultra superweapon. Destroy universes style stuff.

Only for it to fall apart before anyone even finds it/touches it.

IE, anyone down for an interesting plot that in the end will be a story driven let down?

Disclaimer: The name, and goal, will never be met, therefore no rules will be broken.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Jan Valdum said:
It depends, what will be in it for us? Other than potentiall finding a superweapon, why would our characters be committed to this goal? what else are you offering?
a good story...

The Directorate could throw some opposition to this if you like. I am looking to expand into counter-espionage stuff soon this might be a good way to open that up for us.

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