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Approved Tech Superiex Mauda's Armour

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Well-Known Member


Intent: Provide Orex Mauda with Personal Armour

Image Source: Pinterest

Canon Link: None

Primary Source: None


Manufacturer: EEC

Affiliation: The Emergence Empire / Orex Mauda

Model: UCRA-X

Modularity: Interchangeable Cape

Production: Unique



Classification: Anti-Blaster, Anti-Lightsaber Dark Side Artefact

Weight: Average


- Blasters: Very High
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: High
- Other:
  • EMP/ION - (No Electronics)
  • Elemental - Average
  • Sonic - Average



Angry Armour :angry: - Mauda's armour is imbued with Dark Side alchemy that channels his Anger. Instead of simply covering his Flesh in a wrathful quote, it extends over his armour, providing him a Force-Based layer of armour

Blaster-Proof - Made of Duraflex and coated in Ultrachrome, Mauda's armour offers superior protection against Blaster Bolts

Damn Laser Swords - Ultrachrome and a coat of raw Anger allows Mauda's Armour to protect against Lightsabres

Mobile - Being made of Duraflex, Mauda's Armour is very mobile and flexible


Walking Beacon - The combined Force Signature of Orex, his Mask and his Armour makes him a walking Force Beacon of Darkness

Force-Light - The heavy use of Dark Side Alchemy makes the UCRA-X vulnerable to Force Light. This can remove its buffs and even destroy the Armour


Mauda's Armour incorporates Resilience, Regality and Dark Side Power, rolled into one set of Duraflex and Ultrachrome. The use of Duraflex allows for greater Manoeuverability and Flexibility while offering Blaster protection suitable for a Battlefield. The armour is coated in Lightsaber-Resistant Ultrachrome and finished with Skist Obsidian, giving it a Black/Red gloss and slight Kinetic Resistance.

Orex used his extensive knowledge of Dark Side Alchemy and bond with Darth Nihilus to imbue a shred of Nihilus' spirit and a connection to his unending rage to bolster the Armour with a Draining Aura and a layer of Force Rage Armour.
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