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Super special Healing lessons! (PM for invite)

The Eternal Queen
The Queen had decided. She was going to take a break. A small one. Every week, she was going to dedicate a few hours to herself so she could do something that truly made her happy- teaching! She really did miss those days when she had a student to push around. The sound of a student grumbling in frustration, the scent of bacta, the feel of a scalpel between her fingers... Good times.

The Queen was dressed in much less than her usual royal attire, instead, she was garbed in a perfect, crisp white medical uniform. Her long black hair was piled on top of her head, tucked under a white medical cap. She hardly looked the part of a Queen. If not for the makeup, she might even pass as a common healer. The white makeup, the symbol of her planets history, would remain until she gave up the throne, however.

She had opened her doors to any potential healer. The infirmary of the Palace had been set up for lessons. Rows of tables took up one whole room of the infirmary. In front of each seat was a datachip fully equipped with notes on today's lessons. For now, they would start on the very basics. Folded on each chair was a uniform, one she expected each of her students to change into, a pale blue version of the uniform she herself was wearing, complete with a matching cap. Gloves would be provided when necessary.

The Queen went through her lesson plan one more time, Checked her supplies. Yes. Everything was in order. She was ready to teach again, at long last.
Amelia raced for Naboo as soon as she heard that the queen was giving healing lessons and snuck away from the temple to learn from her. Amelia always preferred the gentleness of healing to the brutality of lightsaber combat and such, she preferred helping people instead of killing them, and this is what she wanted to learn from the Queen. It was open doors and they were massive doors indeed. She quietly crept into the massive hall where a servant was waiting to lead the potential students to the queen. She listened to the man and made her way to where the queen was waiting. She looked gorgeous in her training clothes, changing her royal look for a nicer, more relaxed attire. She went over to the queen to make an introduction. "Good evening your majesty, I am here away from my temple because I wish to learn how to save lives from you." Amy did a small curtsy "I will follow any instructions you give me mistress."

[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
The Queen looked the first to arrive over with one swift glance.

"Yes, I suppose you are. Very well, Dear, have a seat. Anywhere you like. Change into a uniform. Don't worry. It's one size fits all."

Promising. Only a few moments had they been open that her first student arrived. And a foreigner too! Anyone that would travel to learn the healing arts was well worth giving a shot to, that was certain. But if anyone spoke to her former students, they would be well aware of the fact that she was not an easy woman to impress. It would take much to graduate as a healer.

[member="Amy Rivers"]
She glanced down at the uniform and lifted it off the chair, she quickly took of her Jedi robes and replaced them with the uniform that the queen had provided. She examined herself in the mirror to fix her hair and placed her lightsaber among her robes as she believed she would not be needing it today. She stayed standing while her and the queen waited for other potential students that wanted to learn the benevolent art of healing. Amy wanted to learn how to heal more than any other force abilities, she was never one to enjoy battle, she preferred the Jedi Consular way of helping others, instead of the brutal life of a Guardian. She admired the queen though, she was able to heal and also lead her people. For a brief moment, thoughts of being a queen popped into Amelia's head, but she quickly brushed them aside.

[member="Feena Mason"]
[member="Amy Rivers"] [member="Feena Mason"]

Wendy had to work to contain herself, she was in the presence of the women, the myth the legend.... the hair.... Feena Mason and she was one of the best healers in the galaxy. Even stronger then most of the circle of healers when she was in the jedi and standing there now Wendy was in her leather dragonskin suit with the satchel holding the false bottom. Not to take things but because she only had one place where she could keep the things Miss Domino entrusted her with. On herself and she also had the other things she needed like her credits a change of cloths just in case after she kept walking and brushed her hair back. She had cut it and her saber was on her hip the rest of her equipment in the ship. Shewas just now trying not to jump up and down and squee like a girl.

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The flight to Naboo had been a relatively short one, considering the recent upgrades to the Mephirium's hyperdrive. Graxin had spent the vast majority of the flight in meditation. He could not afford not to. Keeping the spirit of Darth Vulcanus on a leash was an enormously draining task, and Graxin would have to give it his undecided attention for long periods of the day until the Dark Lord's soul weakened. Then, he would conform to whatever Graxin wished of him, and only then.

Normally, he would have waited for his mother to finish her session before paying a visit. He himself was an accomplished healer in no small part due to his mother's assistance. It was something he prided himself on, and thought all Jedi should take the time to learn. After all, what good was a protector if they could not repair the damages after the enemy was repelled?

Today, he bypassed the usual security. The public knew nothing of their blood relation. Most assumed Graxin to be a Jedi advisor to the Queen of Naboo, not her son. Graxin was content to keep it that way. He didn't want any further publicity, and the knowledge of another child in her family would only give ammunition to her political enemies. Still, within the palace walls, he was welcome. Right now, he needed to speak with his mother on important matters---and he missed her dearly, along with his sister.

He was content to help her with her lessson should she need it, though the real reason for him barging in was not about himself. It was about his Padawan, [member="Kaigann Fossk"] who needed to learn the healing arts. Who better to teach the boy than the galaxy's greatest living healer?

The boy needed to know that Theed was safe for him as well. While the Jedi Order as a whole knew nothing of Graxin's ties to the royal family, his Padawan would be able to reap the benefits. He needed to know that the Queen and her allies would keep him safe if the Order fell onto hard times, and he needed to trust Graxin. That meant that there would be no secrets between them.

Graxin strode through the halls leading from one of the private landing pads to the infirmary, his apprentice walking along with him. "I've brought you here to learn the arts of healing from its greatest master." He informed. "One outside of the Jedi Order, and my mother. The latter of which you will not tell a soul, do you understand Kaigann?"

As he walked, he reached out with the force in a way of letting his mother know he was coming. He had barely spoken of his quest to put down Darth Vulcanus, and she had no doubt wondered why he had hurried off so quickly.

[member="Feena Mason"]
Having heard of such an opportunity, Tugoro would have been a fool not to take it. The young Jedi had attempted healing techniques in the past, however they had been extremely ineffective compared to what this [member="Feena Mason"] individual could do. The young boy was not one to pay attention to the politics of a planet, or anything of the sort, causing him to be rather surprised as he gazed upon the large palace from high in the sky. The Jedi had just arrived on Naboo in his Aleph superfighter, it's sleek design descending towards a hangar that was nearby the massive estate. After securing his vehicle, Tugoro would leap from the ship's cockpit, his brown leather flight jacket glistening in the sun. He enjoyed Naboo, for it was one of the planets that was more attuned with nature, unlike Nar Shaddaa.

Tugoro would leave the hangar, walking through a series of corridors before exiting onto the streets. From there, he would arrive at the palace gates, being let through after relinquishing his weapons and giving his reason for appearing. Trying not to get lost within the vast hallways and intersections within the estate, Tugoro would slowly but surely make his way to the infirmary, spotting the Queen, [member="Wendy La Fey"], and [member="Amelia Rivers"] who was fixing her purple hair. Interesting. Spotting the purple haired female's robes, the youth would conclude that she was a Jedi, most likely a Padawan just like he was. It was good to know that others were fine with sneaking out of the temple without permission. Stepping before Naboo's Queen, the young boy would give a brief, but low bow, completely oblivious to any formalities he should have been employing. "Nice to meet you, miss," Tugoro would speak, eager to jump right into the lesson.
It had not taken the padawan long to pack his things and prepare for the journey to Naboo, he had pondered what his master had in store for him once they hit planetside. The Mephirium made short work of their trip time, arriving sooner than Kaigann had expected. Once they touched down in Theed, it would be in the capital city that they would reach their destination, none other than the Palace itself.

Theed was a nice change of pace in comparison to Coruscant and Ossus, the city was low, condensed, and filled with beautiful architecture befitting of it's people. All in all the wondrous domes and tiered archways were inspiring to the soul, he wondered what the palace would look like inside. Brushing past security, the duo strode from a private landing bay into the various hallways, it would be near the infirmary that his master would mention the class that was being taught. By one of the greatest healers no doubt. "Of course master, with my life."

Entering the infirmary, Kagainn gazed at the many faces of those under the current tutelage of the master healer Graxin spoke of, his mother. The apprentice bowed his head in respect as they entered the chamber, he was in the presence of the Queen of Naboo herself.

[member="Graxin Rade"]
[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
As the new students piled in, the Queen... no, the healer, nodded and said her appropriate hellos, giving them each instructions to put on the uniform provided and take a seat. She would soon close up her classroom and get down to business, but for now, she was interested in two young men who arrived in her class. One she knew. One she knew quite well. The other one was a stranger.

"Cyril," the healer beamed, "You're home."

Not exactly home. Not to him. Not yet. She was trying to do everything she could to make it feel like home to him, but she was never good at creating that loving bond between mother and child. Not with any of her children, and Cyril..., Graxin, had less reason to love her than any of her children. Still, she was going to try until the day she died.

"And who is this?"

[member="Kaigann Fossk"] [member="Graxin Rade"]

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Home. Such an odd way of putting it.

Indeed, Graxin found himself returning to Theed far more than he did Ossus. The palace was beginning to become home, and those within it his family. More so than the Order itself, but that remained a closely guarded secret that he swore never to tell a soul. Regardless, he stepped forward and pulled his mother into a tight hug. It might have seemed inappropriate to strangers, but he didn't much care. He had almost died on Utapau, and he still wore the wounds of that battle. Likely until they day he died.

His voice lowered to a quiet whisper. "I missed you mom. I went to Utapau, found Vulcanus. Killed him. Going to Gratos to set the Graug straight after this. Give this to Felicity, don't let her open it until I see her." He muttered quietly into her ear, pushing forth a small cardboard package bound in a ridiculous amount of duct tape. He set it in her hands, and pulled away; bringing his fist up to his lips and coughing politely. "This is Kaigann, my Padawan. He's a fine young man, so long as he's eaten. Otherwise, I'd keep a distance." The Knight paused for a moment to look over the small crowd.

He dipped forward in a great bow, and smiled warmly at the strangers. "Hello all. I am Knight Rade, liaison from the Jedi Order to Queen Mason and her fellows. Truly a pleasure." He glanced over to his mother. "If you don't mind, I'd like Kaigann to sit in on this. I could help you as well, if you need it."

[member="Feena Mason"] [member="Kaigann Fossk"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Amelia Rivers"]
Wendy had entered finally and stood there making sure her hands were visible while her instincts took over, Miss Domino had taught her to be aware of the room and she took it all in with the different people while she accessed them before moving forward and bowing. Her dark suit straining only a little as she bowed low. "Your highness, this is an honor. I am so glad to get to learn from the great and powerful Feena Mason."
The Eternal Queen
Feena, the Mother, stared at the boy with wide eyes. She had no words. Not for a good moment. A package was placed in her hands, the words that came with it stung like broken glass. Felicity. He didn't know yet. He didn't know because he'd been gone, not training with the Jedi as she thought, but going into certain danger... and he hadn't told her. He didn;t say goodbye just in case.
She felt such a tightness in her chest.

"...Felicity isn't home," she said quietly, moving to place the package back in his hand, "She hasn't been home for weeks."

No other explanation was given. None was needed. The tone in her voice would be enough. That dead look on her face. She was hurting. Her children. One was a runaway. One was standing here, still recovering from the injuries that he wouldn;t have gotten if he hadn't gone and done something so... stupidly dangerous.
And he was training his own padawan too. They were all growing up. She was getting old.

She motioned with a slight tilt of her head for her son to follow her out into the hall, turning to address the class.

"We will return shortly. I must discuss today's lesson plan with Mister Rade. While I am gone, you all have a data chip in front of you. Read the first six paragraphs to yourselves before I get back. Consider that you first assignment."

[member="Graxin Rade"] Kaigann Fossk Tugoro Taidarious Wendy La Fey Amelia Rivers

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He lofted a brow. Felicity was gone? He took the small package back with a puzzled nod, and slipped it into the recesses of his robe. He turned toward Kaigann, and motioned toward those already in the room. "Go ahead an get familiar with the material. We'll only be a moment."

He followed as requested. A thousand thoughts were running through his mind. Had someone abducted the teenager? Was she alive? Had she gone off to the Sith? He frowned at each possibility. None of them were at all pleasant. He made sure to close the door behind them as they walked outside, leaning back against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. "We can't remain long or they'll suspect something is wrong...which clearly they're is. Where is she mom?"

[member="Feena Mason"] [member="Kaigann Fossk"]
The Eternal Queen
The Queen shrugged, having a hard time keeping her eyes clear. She'd been strong so far, but she was starting to crack. Keter hadn't said anything about it. Keter didn't seem worried.

"She ran away," she answered, "Coruscant was the last place she was seen. Her Uncle found her, but lost her again. She... ran away with a boy."

Did she do something wrong? That was the question that kept her up at night. How had she failed?

[member="Graxin Rade"]
It hit him like a cargo speeder crashing into a durasteel wall, he was told who Graxin's mother was but the realization of her being THE Queen of Naboo was startling but gave no reaction initially, only the here and now had brought the delayed reaction out. Kaigann, ever mindful, kept his head bowed in respect to the royalty before moving forward alongside his master.

Graxin's comment cracked Kaigann's tough facade, he was amused by the comment enough to smile from his shy but tough acting demeanor. "A pleasure my Queen." Kaigann turned his attention quickly to the situation at hand and to the subsequent haste in his master after being handed 'something'. Turning to face Kaigann his master spoke of beginning along with the others in the class, he responded with a quick nod and jest, "Don't be too long lest you endanger the class to my hunger."

Watching as his master left for the hallway beyond the classroom, Kaigann familiarized himself with the room for a quick second studying it's contents before moving for one of the datachips located in the room. Giving a quick nod to each of the students he shut his social butterfly attitude away for the studying at hand, only giving a quick greeting and flashy smile to each person. "Good Evening Sir... Good Evening Madame."

Getting to it. Eager to learn more, he began looking over the contents of the data chip before him. Scanning the first paragraph before moving onto the second he slowly recalled memories of his time on Ossus and Coruscant... the daunting, boring classes taught by his prior masters.

[member="Graxin Rade"]
[member="Feena Mason"]
[member="Wendy La Fey"]
[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]

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A boy?

Graxin had a bit of an idea as to who this boy might be. He and his sister had spoken briefly of him--well, he'd teased her about the matter, but that was beside the point. The Knight frowned, and cast his gaze down toward the ground. Coruscant was under the control of the Sith, and the girl was force sensitive. He did not like those odds.

"Triple Zero then?" He mumbled. "Alright. My Padawan and I have to arrive at Gratos soon, but I'm going to look into finding her. She's too young to be off on her own...too immature." He turned about toward the door, and nodded. "We should return before they realize something is wrong. Better to avoid awkward questions."

[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
The healer at once was reminded of who she was again. She was Queen. None of this personal drama would be allowed to interfere with her affairs. She straightened up at once, nodded swiftly and turned on her heel.

"Bring her back, Cyril," she ordered, voice soft, "She is behind on her school work."

That was all she said before returning to the infirmary.

"I suppose that was enough time to read up, mmm?" she addressed the room, hands behind her back, "Or do we need more time to catch up?"

[member="Amelia Rivers"] [member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Kaigann Fossk"]
Wendy didn't really involve herself in the goings on she was just waiting for Feena to acknowledge them and she had as the young girl spoke. "I am ready to begin." She remained ready and standing tall as she flicked her eyes around to see what was going on with the others and just gave a nod turnign her head back to look for the next instruction.
Kaigann found himself finishing the information found on the data chip quickly. It was boring work reading, but in his time on Coruscant and Ossus he often devoured books, tomes, and data chips on various lores from the Order. He had grown accustomed to memorizing and generalizing items he read, a habit he learned from his previous masters. He gazed upward as the Queen returned to the classroom, gazing around at each of the others he responded to the healer's query, "I speak for myself my Lady but I do believe we are finished with the material." A short smile came out as he waited for the lesson to commence.

He was a hands on learner, always had been, always would be. He was excited for the lessons to come and hoped to get some hands on experience from it in the future possibly on the field of battle. Time would tell.

Seated in an upright position with correct posture the padawan waited for what awaited them next.

[member="Feena Mason"]
[member="Graxin Rade"]

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