Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sunshine In A Bag


[member="Darth Rapax"]

Jabiim's primary exports were mud and depressing war stories. It was only its convenient location along the Mara Corridor that brought Hegemonic Automaton to this world. A distribution center was to be erected in the city of Choal to facilitate the sale of droids to the sector. The distribution network Hegemonic Automaton had cooked up was simple and efficient enough, but that had already been explained to death. Construction wasn't to be the focus of events that were getting ready to transpire, anyway.

While Gerion usually supervised such projects himself, he was absent this time around. Adekos would be there in his stead to conduct business with a most unsavory individual. A malevolent plot was brewing and its completion relied on the acquisition of money. It stood to reason that Adekos could gain a lot by simply selling arcane secrets to upstart Sithlings- Sithlings like Darth Rapax. The appointed meeting place was an alleyway in a particularly low-class part of town. Sirens and blaster fire could be heard sporadically, filling the night sky with that familiar symphony of crime and anarchy. Adekos was at no risk of harassment. Though he was lingering in the alleyway as he waited for his contact, light bent around his form, rendering him invisible.

He'd drop the cloak once Rapax arrived.


Rapax landed on Jabiim ....such a interesting world it was indeed, He walked down the ramp of his ship and looked over Jabiims surface, It was a useful world despite its history but he wasn't here to enjoy the view....He had a meeting to attend. He looked at his datapad that had the funds he was required to bring...he would need it for what hes getting in return for this, It was understandable given the item in question he knew it wouldn't come for free. He was happy he had access to some of Atrisia's funding and pooled it with some of his own personal funding, He walked towards the meeting was a simple alleyway appropriate for this kind of business. He saw no one but his instinct's told him someone was he waited for the man in question to show him self.

[member="Darth Rapax"]

The cloak vanished from Adekos without a discernible sound. In the blink of an eye, a less observant individual would think he appeared from nowhere. Fortunately Darth Rapax was more observant than that and the simultaneous appearance of the masked Umbaran would do little to startle him. A lightsaber was clipped to Adekos' belt and one of his wrists bulged slightly with the presence of a wrist blaster. Other than that he appeared to be only lightly armored. A sealed cylinder, likely containing the knowledge Rapax sought, was held in his right hand.

"You certainly smell like a Sith." He observed. "You are Darth Rapax?"


Rapax looked at [member="Adekos"] then to the cylinder he held. When the man asked if he was rapax he merely nodded before speaking"You have what i requested?" He wanted to make sure it wasn't a con but he didnt see this man as the kind of man to do such a thing ...never the less he had to ask
[member="Darth Rapax"]

Adekos rolled his eyes. These people were so negligent with formalities. It made him skeptical of returning, but necessity was necessity. "I wouldn't have bothered to come in person if I didn't, would I?" Adekos tossed the cylinder towards Rapax, underhanded, for him to catch. A quick inspection would reveal the cylinder's cap was sealed with an electronic lock. On the bottom of the cylinder was a small, circular datapad that was presently set to display a banking application- something that allowed quick, discrete transferring of funds between accounts.

"The lock will disengage upon the payment being confirmed. Otherwise, don't try to tamper with it if you actually want what's inside."

The contents were of little concern to Adekos. Sith scrolls, artifacts of sorcery and witchcraft, detailing a technique called Odojinya. He had already photocopied them seven different times and had the files stored at several different locations. The scrolls themselves were only of relevance because they carried the distinct taint of the Dark Side. His tactical droid, TD-18, had secured them from an academy on Korriban shortly before the Republic sacked the world during the fall of the Old Sith Empire.

Being as he had no talent for Sith Magic, Adekos was content to sell parts of his less important hoard if it helped along his plans.


Rapax caught the cylinder and saw the lock...clever means of transfer indeed... He put in the amount requested for it and waited for it to confirm payment. He was finally going to get this spell he was looking was one of the many sith magics he was interested in attaining he will work on the others later but now this was more immediate

[member="Darth Rapax"]

For a few moments, nothing happened. All was silent except for, again, the sound of a local crime wave in the distance. Nothing for them to be concerned about. The distribution center was constructed many miles from here in a far more upstanding part of town. Those types of locations could often be afforded because of people like Darth Rapax- paying extraordinary amounts of money for things Adekos had for sale. Was there any problem the free market couldn't solve? Although this time it wasn't better real estate Adekos was after.

Eventually the lock disengaged- signaling that the of the previously agreed upon eight hundred million standard galactic credits had been successfully transferred. Adekos may have pulled a few strings within the financial institution of his choice to facilitate a speedier transfer process.

"Marvelous. I think that concludes our business here. Unless you have anything you want to add?"


Rapax grinned seeing it unlock ...finally... another spell to learn that much stronger in the force and a increase in his evolution..... he looked to [member="Adekos"] before speaking. " Yes i believe it does....thank you for your buisness." He said with a bow.

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