Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sugar and Spice

Saoirse had waited for over an hour until there finally was movement above the hangar. With a frown she watched as the small freighter set down These smugglers were never on time. The hangar itself was one of the more modest ones on Balosar. This meant less attention and fewer pockets miss Reyes had to share her profits with. The arrangement took good money to set up, but the following transactions would more than make up for it. That's what she told herself as she walked inside.

What met the smugglers was a small group of three; Saoirse and two fairly bulky Balosar men. They worked as bouncers at Club Tranquillity, but given the nature of that club it was understood that they would do more than just watch the door. For something like this it would have been preferable with more people, but they were short on manpower. Business was good, but not that good.

"Hello darling! What, not happy to see me?" the smuggler she had come to know as simply 'Kaz' grinned from ear to ear as he walked down the freighter's ramp with outstretched arms. "You're late" Saoirse frowned. "Ah, see, dodging government officials and other competitors transporting large amounts of illegal spices will do that to you. But don't fret dear, I've got your goods." Kaz seemed as carefree as always. He wasn't the type to worry about things in advance, and he'd slipped out of enough trouble to get a false sense of invincibility. If his blasters didn't do the trick, he could always talk his way out of it, right?

Saoirse rolled her eyes and gestured for one of her bouncers to hand him the credit chips. Kaz's co-pilot pushed a repulsorlift-powered cart down the ramp. After inspection and a nod of approval from her entourage, Saoirse was satisfied the transaction was complete. "Until next time, Kaz" she said. "What, not even a kiss? I flew a long way to see you." Kaz replied smirking. His tone was mocking. Out of all the times she'd met with him, he had never managed to stay serious for more than ten seconds at the time. It became clear no records would be broken today. "Bite me" she replied, back turned. "I might"

Leaving Kaz and their credits behind, the trio walked out into the streets of Balosar. It was a dark and grimy place, far from the clean, privileged lives of Coruscanti snobs or whathaveyou. The many suffered while a few profited. So long as Saoirse remained amongst the few profiting, she'd voice no complaints. Now all that remained for them was to make it back to Club Tranquillity and let profit happen.

[member="Livna Zios"]
After a daring rescue by a Mandalorian named Khalan Vhett, Livna was finally free to pursue her own destiny away from Priestess Tiin. The first few days of liberty were quite a blur. Eventually she ended up on Zeltros, the pleasure planet, looking for tattoo artist, Quint Salis. Unable to find him, she meandered along until she met a handsome Zeltros musician and ended up in a caravan following the Inter-Galatic Zeltstock Festival as it toured in a giant transport. For a while she didn’t have to worry about where her next meal was coming from, but after an altercation with the musician's fiery, pink-skinned girlfriend, Livna was dumped off on Balosar to fend for herself.

Very quickly, and with a growling stomach, the aimless Caprine realized she needed a way to make credits and fast. She entered the cool, dark, oxygen-rich air of Club Tranquility, and what a relief it was to get away from the toxic, polluted atmosphere of Balosar!
She was still clad in her festival-ware – a white romper with various coffee and grass stains – and with a ring of dried Tigercinth flowers in her hair. Her long, slender limbs were tan from being outdoors every day, and even though she desperately needed a bath, she glowed with the spirit of someone newly released onto the world after being locked in a cage for years. Which was essentially her life with the Priestess.

“Excuse me?” asked Livna to a Balosar bouncer as he guarded the dancers's stage. She glanced at a beautiful blue Twi’lek as she clung to a shiny, silver pole. That doesn’t look that hard, Livna thought. And this club hires almost exclusively alien female performers. What could be more rare and alien than a Caprine? You could get used to being in front of an audience.

“May I speak to the manager?” she asked him.

“She ain’t here.”

“Should I wait for her?”

“Dunno when she’ll be back.”

“Well, maybe I could go find her... right?"

The Balosar yawned and shrugged. Saoirsie would probably be annoyed at this dirty, little goat-girl interrupting her business, but whatever, not my problem, he thought.

“Sure,” he said, checking his chrono, having some vague details of her operation. “She’ll be heading up the main promenade just about now. Blonde hair, tattoos, sexy ass.”

Livna made her way out of Tranquility and onto the promenade where she essentially blended right in with the, mostly high, Balosarians. And not too long into walking, she spied the manager fitting the description she was given. Two Balosars were with her, perhaps her security detail. The horned maiden walked right up to her and asked, “Are you the manager for Club Tranquility? And are you looking for dancers.”

Up close the club manager was absolutely stunning and smelled very exotic, a mixture of pyro flowers and spice. Livna felt slightly insignificant next to her, not to mention, she was clean and fresh smelling, unlike the Caprine.

[member="Saoirse Reyes"]
The Club Tranquility trio continued to make their way back to base. It wasn’t that it was a ridiculously long way there, but there were certain routes you took and certain ones you avoided. It wouldn’t be too long.

That’s when she saw the horned blonde girl. At first she figured it was just another alien species who had been unfortunate enough to find her way to Balosar. Her outfit was cute, but it was clear she did not fit in. She looked a touch too innocent for the rough life of the planet. Would she adjust? Her outfit certainly would, as Saoirse couldn’t imagine it staying white much longer. The pollution of the planet would get to it, although upon closer inspection that battle was already lost. Perhaps she’d manage.

Saoirse had averted her eyes at first, but it soon became clear that she was headed their way. One of the bouncers tensed up, the other seemed to fail to notice or realize there might a threat incoming. The other girl’s direct talk left Saoirse a little baffled, looking at her with a surprised expression. How did she find her? Why hadn’t she just showed up at the club? Unless she had done exactly that, and Barad had told her where to find her and sent her here. One thing was certain, he was gonna get it when they got back…

“I might be” Saoirse had replied while giving her a skeptic look, not quite trusting Livna to not be a distraction before an ambush yet. But she couldn’t see anyone else. Was she looking for more dancers? “Can you dance?” Well she was pretty enough, and exotic to be sure - she had never seen that species before. “What are you supposed to be?” With a nod to both bouncers they started moving again “Walk” she told Livna. Time for the ol’ walk&talk.

[member="Livna Zios"]
At Saoirse’s chilly reaction, Livna gave her a small curtsy, alluding to the fact that she’d been someone’s servant or slave before – either in a noble court or elsewhere. But her disheleved clothing and tan skin spoke to the fact that she’d been on the run for a while.

“My Lady… I mean, Miss Tranquility… oh feth,” she stuttered. She didn’t know the imposing blonde’s name nor failed to ask it of the bouncer. Ugh, this was already going nowhere fast. Livna, you are making a fool of yourself, she thought. I have to do something to gain the club manager’s attention. Or else she will shoo me away.

The only dance that the horned nymphette knew how to do was a rollicking harvest dance, and she was pretty sure that wasn’t the type of dancing that the club manager had in mind. Otherwise, sure she had a pretty, hourglass figure and a nice smile, but so did billions of creatures across the galaxy.

I am not a dime a dozen, thought Livna bravely. But what did she have that set her apart?

“I am a Caprine. We are a little known species from Iktotch. Aside from my horns, I also have a light covering of fur on my skin,” she said, holding out her arm for Saoirse to have a feel. With a coy smile she said, “We also have a tail much like a bovidae species would. It’s small and fluffy… looks like a doe tail.”

As they walked, Livna continued, “I’m not shy, my Lady. While my dancing might need work, I have other charms which may be useful to you.” The blonde maiden really didn’t relish the idea of being a companion and doing more than gyrating on the stage, but with her empty stomach distracting her thoughts, she would do just about anything for her next meal.

[member="Saoirse Reyes"]
It had been ages since anyone had curtsied for her, without it being an act of grave sarcasm. The following words of introductions told Saoirse just how green this girl was. Balosar would not treat her nicely, but Saoirse could see the girl growing quite a bit. It was the kind of place that changed you, for better or for worse. Miss Tranquillity... As far as nicknames went, that wasn't too bad, she thought. Unlike Miss Caprine, Saoirse was dressed in an all black outfit. Black pants, belly-baring top underneath a leather jacket with wide lapels.

Livna was right. She felt dangerously close to dismissing her, shooing her away. Yet she didn't. Dancing could be taught, that wasn't her biggest concern. It would be fascinating to watch something pure be brought down and tainted by the very air Saoirse breathed on a regular basis. And there was a good chance Livna was one of the few, if not the only, Caprine on the planet at the moment.

"Caprine? Never heard of" Saoirse said with a disinterested shrug. Her hand lightly touched against Livna's arm, nearly hovering over her skin to feel the light fur cover. She had barely noticed when she had walked up. She let Livna keep talking, trying to sell herself in this impromptu job interview. "I'm sure you do" Saoirse remarked with a little smirk as the other girl made her case. At least she seemed to have no illusions as to what kind of a place Tranquillity was. Saoirse considered...

"Alright. I can put you on for one week, and we'll see what you got. Impress me and you can keep doing it and get paid. Until then, at least you've got food and shelter for a week" it sounded like a fair deal to Saoirse, particularly for Saoirse. The expenses and risks on her end were low. It was only the start of negotiations, but she was happy to leave it there if Livna didn't object.

A block later their little stroll would be interrupted. "More job offers?" she said dryly, seeing three guys coming around the corner, stopping to wait for them to come closer. The blasters in their hands indicated something different. She turned to look to the path behind them, but two more had stepped in to block that route as well. Oh for kark's sake...

[member="Livna Zios"]
Success, Livna thought triumphantly. The nightclub owner was interested, and the Caprine wasn’t about to negotiate for more than food and shelter, not when her stomach was rumbling so violently. The dancers at Club Tranquility did not look starved at least.

“Thank you… and what should I call you, Miss?” she asked, walking along with Saoirse. She was still watching the fetching blonde when she noticed consternation appear on her sharp features. The maiden looked around to see that some kind of altercation was about to take place. Luckily for the nightclub owner, Livna was such a scaredy-cat that she grabbed the lapels of her leather jacket and yelled, “Duck!” pulling the night club manager down to the hard duracrete of the promenade.

Blaster fire broke out directly overhead, the unknown thugs promptly killing Saoirse’s bodyguards. Ouch, bloody knee, the blonde thought, inspecting the gash on her knee from hitting the ground so hard. But at least the two were alive.

The assailiants pointed their blasters at the two females and around the corner came a hulking Zygerrian male, grey with silver eyes. Cruel eyes.

“Up now, whelps,” he boomed. “Time to get going.”

“Boss, I think that one is well known around here. She had the security detail after all,” said one of the thugs, motioning to the club owner with the barrel of his blaster. The muscular feline humanoid, roughly grabbed Saoirse by the hair and pulled her to her feet. With his other powerful clawed hand, he lifted Livna by one of her horns and threw her towards his crew. Also on her feet now, the young maiden promptly headbutted the nearest thug and sent him flying to the duracrete. The Zygerrian slapped stun cuffs onto Saoirse while his crew tackled Livna, causing her other knee to bloody.

“Try that again, billy-goat girl and we’ll have roasted ram for dinner,” the cat snarled. Then he offhandedly said to the crew: “Ship’s parked around the corner. Let’s get these beauties off of Balosar. The blonder the better is what Aava told me."

[member="Saoirse Reyes"]
[member="Livna Zios"]

Saoirse nodded with the hint of a smirk on her lips. Goat-girl had not tried to negotiate any of the terms. Good. She wasn't exactly in a position to negotiate too much to begin with either. Now, for the humble price of food and shelter, Saoirse would have the opportunity to observe her in Tranquillity. If she wasn't a good fit she'd be out by the end of the week. Very low risk for Saoirse. Worst case scenario, nothing changed. All she risked was some food and having this one turn out to be a good find.

"Saoirse works." she replied. No need for titles or miss. Respect was in the tone of your voice. She could attribute hatred to a title yet still follow protocol when speaking it. Saoirse didn't get too caught up in all that. She was pretty new to the position, admittedly. Had the girl told her her name? Hmm. Maybe she had forgotten already. "Who are you?"

She never got an answer to that. The scene in the alley was playing itself out. By all accounts, Saoirse's spice shipment was being raided. There wasn't much she could do about it, especially as she found herself pulled to the ground, body coming crashing down into the duracrete floor. Ow. However, considering the state her bodyguards ended up in, a few bruises was perhaps not all that bad.

Saoirse got up on her knees, slowly pushing herself up. Her facial expression was not friendly. "You've got no idea who you're messing wit-aah" her little bluff-threat got interrupted as catman grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet. She reached for her hair, as if she could unlock his grip on her. Her leg moved up to kick him, but catman didn't seem fazed. Unfortunate. The stun cuffs came on, and after that there wasn't a ton she could do.

Off Balosar? She was pretty sure that under any other circumstance she would've welcomed that remark. But this was not good.
The Slave Master of Drukarg was an absolute pro. With his quick reflexes and strength, he quickly separated the two blonde near-humans. Livna, also now stun cuffed, went with the other two thugs, while he kept a firm hold on Saoirse. As they walked together, he explained more to his crew then to her, “Keep them separated for now. The closer they are, the easier it will be for them to escape. There’s safety in numbers when it comes to slaves.”

And very soon the two females would see The Screaming Brezak, an Aurore-Class Freighter looming in an abandoned hangar. There was a hum in the air, and activity buzzed around the vessel.

“In you go!” Cadoc growled, shoving Saoirse up the ramp. With a flick of his wrist, the Caprine maiden was taken wordlessly in the opposite direction. Once they were all inside the ship, the door hissing closed and locked behind them, the blonde club manager would notice that it was unusually quiet for a slaver’s ship, but the silence was quickly broken by the sound of a stun baton making contact with some creature’s flank, and a male voice howling out in pain.

“I have some business with you first,” Cadoc Raal said, almost seductively, cupping his large, furry hand under Saoirse’s chin and running his thumb over her lips, slipping something under her tongue…

*And then darkness*

Once the white-haired Firrerreo awoke, she would feel pain, in her head from the drug she’d been given, and over her body as though a herd of Banthas had stampeded over her. She appeared to be on the floor in a puddle of rags and a torn sheet. When her eyes began to fully focus, she would see she was in a cell, and Livna was there also, lying on a slab jutting out from the wall with a bare mattress on top of it.

“Oh!” the Caprine said, as she saw Saoirse stir. She crawled over to the tattooed club manager and tried to assess her state. “I didn’t want to wake you, but… are you okay?” Livna’s face wrinkled with pity which perhaps would make Saoirse realize that she must have looked pretty bad. The bruises on her body would attest to the fact that something had happened to her, but the spice she was given would ensure she wouldn’t remember it.

“I’m Livna,” she whispered, folding her hands in her lap as she sat next to Saoirse. “And while you were gone, I was able to find out that we’re on a Zygerrian Slave Ship. But I don’t know where we’re headed, or who is in charge. I think it's someone named Aava.” The Caprine looked warily at the cell door. She remained largely untouched, but it was only a matter of time before what happened to poor Saoirse would happen to her.

[member="Saoirse Reyes"]
[member="Livna Zios"]

The element of surprise combined with the might of the slave master had overcome Saoirse, and left her relatively defenceless. She had been kept separate from Livna, which was alright considering she didn't really know the girl. However it took away any safety there was to be found in numbers. Saoirse quickly learned that she would find no safety aboard this ship.

There was an eerie quiet surrounding her, only interrupted by the pained screams of other prisoners. What was the aim of this? Had she been specifically targeted, or just unlucky? Saoirse had first thought this was all about the spice shipment she had been delivering, but now there had been mention of slaves... That was not good. Saoirse was not fit for a life of slavery. She needed freedom.

Cadoc, the man who had first grabbed her had come in. Not with answers, not with demands. He was just toying with her, and with her in the stun cuffs, she was again left defenceless. She maintained fierce eye contact, all up until her vision got wrapped up by the darkness.

Saoirse felt like she slipped in and out of consciousness. When she came too again she suddenly found herself with Livna. Some memories were clear, others were blurry. She didn't know all the detail, and her head hurt too much to try to figure it out, but she did get a pretty good idea. Saoirse tried to get up on her feet, but groaned in pain. Her hand went to grab at her ribs. Broken? She dropped down on the ground again. "They don't treat their guests very nicely, do they" she said in a dry sarcastic tone, as a wave of pain washed over her. Most of her body felt sore and beaten up. Luckily for her it'd all heal up nicely in a short while. Ah, the benefits of her species.

"I'll be fine. How are you holding up?" she asked Livna, looking over to see if she'd been given the same treatment. She noticed it was a little trickier to see out of her left eye. "Oh gods, what am I wearing?" she looked down on herself to imagine the torn rags. The look in Livna's eyes didn't help either. She got the impression her outfit wasn't the worst thing right now. Saoirse laughed. "I must look about as bad as I feel"

"That's not the best of news." Saoirse admitted with a sigh to Livna's little report. "Have you figured out anything else? I mean, we're escaping. Obviously. But how?" Escape pods? Wait until they landed? After they got transferred or sold off? There were many options, but they had to pick the right one. Failure could mean a life of servitude, and Saoirse wasn't having any of that.

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