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Subject 02 | Jesse


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Subject EX-02 // Jesse

Subject 'Name': Jesse
Preferred Aliases:
- Joseph
- J
Subject Identification Number: SG-78/02--AI|~~16885
Subject Identification: Subject Experimental 02 // Alius Ingenii Group
Subject 'Allegiance': [Redacted]
Subject 'Ranking': Alius Ingenii Weaponi 012 (See [Redacted] for further Information)

Genetic Makeup:
Human - percent makeup~[Redacted]
[Further proceedings in Category are 'Redacted']
Birth Conditions:
Lab Birth
Cloning and [Redacted]

Force Sensitivity: [Redacted]

Age: Sixteen GSY
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120 LBS
Eyecolor: Lime Green
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Style: Thick and Soft
Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian
Body Type: Lean
Muscle Type: Lean

Current Status: //[Missing/\\/]
As of [Data Entry Missing] Subject has ... disappeared ...

Doctor Korran's Personal Log:
[+]Super Strength - The subject's genetic make up is one part Human and another part [Redacted] along with a mix of the [Redacted] races. All of this leads to the subject using a mix of the most 'aggressive' genes and 'dominant' genes, which, of course, were selected by the Gene Therapist's. This has all resulted in the subject having 'super strength,' allowing this subject to be able to carry immense weights and heavy objects and be proficient in combat.
[-]Mental Instability - Our cloning technology was no up to par with the possible...ramifications of the modification and splicing of the subject's gene sequence in it's birthing pod. Their were irreparable malfunctions and errors due to inner turmoil caused by Scientist [Redacted]. However, we must continue with our experimentation. Sadly, all of this 'tinkering' done by the aforementioned Scientist who had now been [Redacted] of course due to their idiocy, had led to complications with the experiment. During [Redacted], the subject had displayed signs of mental instability ranging from minor to severe in random and inconsistent time-frames. Medication had been administered, though these issues persist...further information will be elaborated on in [Redacted].
[-]Youth - The Subject is in the youth of it's life and it's mental growth is stagnant due to genetic abnormalities in the gene editing sequence prior to the cloning and [Redacted]. The subject thus displays levels of immaturity and timidness, and any sort of youthful fiber of fear and unknowing of the greater Galaxy that they are no part of.

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