Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Striking While the Iron is Not

How do you fit ten jawas into a speeder?

The eternal question, yet one well-answered simply by taking a cursory stroll down a street on Nadir.

Or, today, down a Csillan dock alley.

Wevawa and her posse stacked neatly into the backseats while there was still space. When it run out, they neatly stacked onto the roof. clang went the mag clamps on their belts, and one of them knocked twice on the hood of the speeder.

Ready and rearin’ to go – and so with the depression of a pedal, they were off into the busy traffic of the city.

[member="Aron Kaan"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Narbo"] | [member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="Scourge"]


In Hell i'll be in good company
[member="Aver Brand"] / [member="Slevin Thawne"] / [member="Narbo"] / [member="Helix Syndicate"]

Scourge and his two goons followed Narbo and the gang to a large speeder.

The tundra outside was cold as endless snow fell from the skies. The alien wished he had brought something warmer.

He hopped into the speeder as Narbo tossed him the keys, revved the engine and blasted the heater. Attempting to get the speeder to warm up a smidge. He watched as Jawa’s latched onto the roof and shook his head.

“If we don’t get pulled over for this…” Scourge growled under his breath.

He looked into the rearview mirror and spotted Junko and Borne smushed between five other Jawa’s. It brought a smile to his face and he hit the pedal to the metal.
[member="Helix Syndicate"] / [member="Narbo"] / [member="Scourge"] / [member="Aver Brand"]

Nix couldn't help but hold onto the seat in front of her.

There was something about all of this that made her somewhat uncomfortable. It wasn't the fact that she was surrounded by criminals, it wasn't the fact that they were breaking the law, in fact she was pretty sure it was just because this guy was driving like a madman. Her heart began to ache slightly, bile churning in her stomach.

"Here." She said as she handed up the map.

"She's there." Nix said confidently. "I need to get inside and slice the Security protocols."

That should be easy enough with the jawas creating a distraction, after that she and the others could get inside and get their target. The plan had never really exact one, but supposedly that was a good thing. According to her allies plans never survived contact with the enemy, and although she was dubious, Nix had decided not to argue.

Easier that way.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
General Kaan looked out his shuttle windows as it flew through the cloudy skies of the de jure Iron Imperial capital. Despite the harsh climate, Csaplar was every bit the metropolis as other large cities in more temperate weather. As the skyscraping buildings began to clear, the main docks began to clear. Between docked star destroyers and freighters stopping in daily, traffic was heaviest here. Naturally, it also had the highest security anywhere in the Iron Empire, save for the royal palace. Though segregated into military and civilian areas, the Csaplar central docks boasted a unique hybrid security force, a blend of military police and civilian port authority, which was sizable enough to be it's own small military.

The shuttle lowered, and as some of the fog closer to the ground began to clear, the flashing of bright red and blue strobes was made clear. This didn't appear to be a routine stop though. As the fog continued to clear, more flashing lights became visible.

"This isn't 4-4 Aurek."

Recognizing the general's curiosity and concern, the driver got on the radio to see what all the fuss was about. He hung it up, and turned his head slightly, keeping his eyes forward.

"Had a speeder try and run a checkpoint. It shouldn't be anything."

"Doesn't look like nothing. Take me down."

"Yes, sir."

Stepping out to a sea of strobes, General Kaan walked to the center. He was looking for the shinies as the juniors called them - rank that reflected in light. Leaning against a port authority patrol craft was a Trandoshan, bound and restrained. Near him were two officers, and a third wearing an almost identical uniform. The last one had the shinies, though.

"Captain.", Kaan grunted, making his presence known. The port authority captain visibly tensed up, not expecting to be visited by the commander of the Planetary Guard. He maintained his composure though, as he began to explain the scenario.

"Black market arms trafficker. We caught him trying to bypass the checkpoint. He hardly succeeded.", he said with a chuckle, kicking the legs of the detained Trandoshan. "He hasn't talked. We're still trying to identify him."

Kaan nodded in understanding. Then the thought dawned on him. If he was on this side of the checkpoint.

"He was leaving the docks?", he asked, his arms crossed.

It was clear the captain wasn't expecting conversation either. He looked visibly unprepared for any response.

"Y-yes, sir."

"What was he carrying?"

"We're about to cut the locks off now."

A group of officers began to assemble at the back of the cargo area of the Trandoshan's vessel. Suspense was now the feeling hanging in the air. Kaan felt it himself too.

As the cargo door lifted, Kaan's eyes widened. There were a few audible gasps, before one of the sergeants began ordering everyone away from the truck. Barrels. Lots of barrels. Some of them bore radioactive placards, others bearing symbols Kaan had never seen before. Though Csilla's top dog in the law enforcement realm, he wasn't stupid. He followed suit with the bulk of the officers. The captain was nowhere to be seen, which didn't surprise him all that much. He didn't look suitable for more than a desk.

As Kaan hastily began his return to his shuttle to evacuate the area, he was stopped by one of the lieutenants.

"Sir, we have at least one confirmed sighting of an identical truck being driven by a Trandoshan. We don't know if there's more...You should seriously consider closing the docks. The risk even one chemical bomb of this size would be catastrophic!"

If he was shocked, his face didn't show it. He began calculating the ramifications of taking the lieutenant's advice. The economic consequences of shutting down the port for even a day were considerable. But it was necessary for the security and preservation of the Empire and it's people. He nodded.

Shouting into his radio, the lieutenant gave the word to dispatch, who would route it to law enforcement and military channels throughout the planet. All military personnel in the city, tens of thousands in the port alone, would be ordered to general quarters and placed on high alert. Police would begin 100% identification checks and vehicle searches. Space vessels would be held in orbit, and those presently docked were grounded.

"Code Black, Code Black."

Today would be the day that a nod halted Csaplar.
Our scales are black. Our claws sharp.

As long and sharp as yours.

Capture was the ultimate disgrace to the T'doshok. Humiliation worse than death. It zeroed a hunter's points and left him without honor. Crissk hissed and spat in the back of the craft. How could he return to the clan now with head held proud? The shame could only be erased one way.

Steeling himself, the reptilian tensed, then launched his bound body at the officer who'd made the arrest, strong jaws snapping shut around the officer's throat. Teeth like razors sought to shred flesh and set loose a torrent of vitae.

Blood would wash away his shame.

Even his own.

* * *

"Crissk is captured," hissed Btrosk to the driver. "Thissssss wasssn't the way it wasss ssssssupposssssed to go."

"Calm down and speak normally," rasped Koss, the driver. "We can still do the plan. The scanners are going crazy, but our employers just need a boom. Rest easy, Crissk will not bring dishonor upon our hunt. And if we are to die today, our points shall be thousandfold and we shall join our ancestors in the eternal hunt."

[member="Aron Kaan"]
Given their unique vantage point, several of the clan were privy to the mobilizing forces screaming through the busy traffic of Csaplar airspace. Thing was, the jawas were looking up – right before they released their magclamps and joined the rest of the group in disembarking from the speeder.

The lot had already reached their destination. Or the vicinity thereof, anyhow – wouldn’t want to crash right through the front door.

Wevawa, who was without a doubt the most cerebrally gifted of her squad, approached the Coratanni slicer. “Is of girl turn now, yez?” the robed creature gave a swift nod, as if answering herself. “Boz-Nitaz will… distrekt.”

With what could only be described as a diabolical snicker, the senior Scrapper waved her people forward. Soon enough their unassuming presence was swept away in the tide of people rushing to and fro. Eyes on high easily missed what lurked below – merely another bump in the ever-ebbing crowd.

It wasn’t two minutes later that the first power outage hit the city.

[member="Aron Kaan"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Narbo"] | [member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="Scourge"] | [member="Bareesh Kajidic"]
[member="Aron Kaan"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Narbo"] | [member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="Scourge"] | [member="Bareesh Kajidic"]

It was at that point that Nix decided that she liked the Jawa's the most out of all of her companions. The other two seemed about as dead inside as a rock, and neither of them were great conversationalists. At the very least the Jawa's were talkative and gung ho about their task, that was something she could respect.

The thought was an odd one, but as she watched the tiny little men run around and cause their havoc she couldn't help but admire them for a moment. Of course when she spotted the first black out occurring in the distance. The lights flickered for a moment, and that was enough for her. Nix signaled her two companions to follow her. She was the slicer here, and although she could handle herself in a fight she wasn't really all that well suited for it. That was why they were here.

Back Up.

"Cover me." She told them as she rushed across the square.

From her small bag she pulled out a near translucent tablet, grasping it and pulling a wire free from the bottom of the device. With a quick jerk she pulled free a metallic covering that held the door panel in place. She pressed the cable into it and then quickly set to work.


In Hell i'll be in good company
Scourge hopped out of the speeder and watched the jawas go to work. The robed desert men seemed to work with ruthless efficiency as soon after their descent, blackouts began to appear all over the city. Junko and Borne followed their boss behind the young slicer and Borne watched intently as she worked.

”Huh, I didn't know you could do it like that,” He said and Scourge shook his head “That’s why you’re the backup…” The Vong growled at the man. “Now eyes on the streets,” He then looked to the spice addled arsonist and gave him a smile.

“Sounds like our Trandoshan pals had a bit of a hiccup, go to one of the city reactors and work your magic,” Scourge said to the man, this time his tone of voice was almost friendly.

Junko merely smiled and nodded vehemently. “Right away boss,” The fiend had been promised mountains of spice for this job. Although in all likelihood he would not make it back alive. He hopped in the speeder and went deeper into the cityscape. Shortly afterwards a nuclear reactor went critical as a chain of multiple explosions rocked it’s processors. Scourge laughed to himself as he heard alarms blaring in the distance… The fiend had actually come in handy.

[member="Slevin Thawne"] [member="Aver Brand"] [member="Bareesh Kajidic"] [member="Aron Kaan"] [member="Narbo"]

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
The Iron Imperial Army, ever present in Csaplar, mobilized. Squads of soldiers deployed to vital locations in the city, while more began patrolling the streets.

This was not the first time Csaplar had come under siege by terrorists, nor would it be the last. However, the Iron Imperials were prepared.

Heeding reports of their locations, a number of squads moved to intercept the vile anarchists.

Iron Imperial Engineers diligently worked to stop the blackouts, restoring power to parts of the city.

Csaplar would not tolerate this scum.

[member="Scourge"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Bareesh Kajidic"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Douglas Reed"]​

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The city came to a halt in everything but name, with the traffic and pedestrian movement slowing as a result of the checkpoints and searches. There were also dead spots for wireless communication, though this wasn't a result of the power outages. Checkpoints had signal jammers at vehicle checkpoints to prevent any remote detonation of devices.

As General Kaan boarded his shuttle, the blue strobes began flashing. As the door closed, he heard blaster bolts firing amongst some shouts and muffled screams. No doubt the Trandoshan wasn't being taken alive. It didn't matter at this point. He wasn't yielding any useful intelligence, he was of no further use. If anything, it probably did the law enforcement agencies a favor, though the paperwork with a captive death would prove to be an inconvenient hurdle in it's own regard.

As the shuttle began lifting off, Kaan's driver alerted him to other happenings in the city.

"Reactor 4's alarms have been activated. There was an explosion.", he started. He quickly quashed any worry, though. "Systems are stable, only a slight fluctuation in temperature. Countermeasures have been utilized and engineers are en route."

Kaan let out a disgruntled sigh. If war wasn't going to be the death of him, it'd be stress.

Officers waved the next speeder through. A pair approached the next to see identification, while a third officer approached with a scanner. The sergeant of the guard maintained a visual of the officers from a few meters back. It was his job to ensure things ran smoothly, and they were. His attention was redirected to the guard shack, however, as the phone inside began to ring. Because of the signal jammers, the police had to resort to landline telecommunicators. He picked up the phone and listened.

A sniper team they had on the roof spotted a vehicle matching the description in the queue for the checkpoint. It seemed unlikely, as they were at a less populated part of the city almost on the outskirts of the capital. Were they trying to lay low until the state of high alert subsided? Or did they have goals outside the city? It didn't matter. He authorized the use of lethal force, and called for a QRF - Quick Reaction Force - to be on standby. Once things got rolling, they'd need to be on scene, quickly. If there was anything inside the truck, it was imperative they got their hands on it quickly.

Exiting the guard shack, the sergeant of the guard returned to his post, as if nothing ever happened. It was just a routine status report. Or at least that is how he played it. As the vehicle was waved through and the next advanced to be searched, he saw the truck. It was about nine vehicles back. There was nowhere for it to go. By the time they'd realize traffic slowed because of a police checkpoint, they'd already have been wedged in by other vehicles coming to the same realization.

As the next vehicle advanced through the checkpoint, two loud bangs rang through the brisk Csillan air. The bustling of armor advancing into the middle of the road, as well as some frustrated honks coming from it. The sergeant could see one of the armored figures scanning the vehicle on his own. He thought he saw a nod. Two advanced to the rear and slid the cargo bay open. There they were in all their glory. Police forces scurried to the area, cordoning off the city block. Anyone in it would be rushed through the checkpoint, and everyone else would need to find their own way around.

"Sir, they found the second truck. Contents secure, both targets neutralized. Port authority reviewed the security footage, there were only two trucks. They came from Dock 4-4 Besh."

Kaan was relieved. He didn't want to be in his position if poodoo really did hit the fan. Csaplar would remain on high alert - the explosions at the nuclear reactor had yet to be explained. Kaan's gut said something nefarious was in the works. Some collective, operating in the shadows, or even in plain sight. But what was their goal? What did they hope to achieve by instigating chaos in the Unknown Regions?

[member="Bareesh Kajidic"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Scourge"] | [member="Isamu Baelor"]
"Looks like they got the second team," rasped Btrosk. "What will we do?"

Koss looked over, dark eyes hard as flint. "Kill them all."

Btrosk laughed nervously. "No really, what are we going to do?"

"I told you. Kill them all. Pull into this alley. We'll do it here."

[member="Aron Kaan"] | [member="Isamu Baelor"]
Explosions rocked the city from sources unknown to Douglas. Once the chief felt the ground shaking from the distant explosions, he jumped to action. He got his flight gear on and manned his fighter plane. "Get the skies on lockdown! No one gets in or out of the city!"

Douglas flipped some switches and pressed some buttons and his starfighter ignited as he finished the start up process. "This is Chief Reed. All wings form up on me as we enforce order in the skies. Whether this is an accident or an act of terrorism, we must stand ready to react as needed."

Douglas' fighter rose into the air of the hangar and departed. Once Douglas reached a cruising altitude, several sings of fighters and bombers followed behind him in formation. The skies above grew quiet as the Imperial wings patrolled the skies.

[member="Bareesh Kajidic"], [member="Aron Kaan"], [member="Isamu Baelor"], [member="Scourge"], [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Slevin Thawne"],
A code Black. Hadn't been mobilized for one of those since they were fighting the Chiss rebels. He sighed before checking his rifle. He and his team were in a LAAT, hovering around the nuclear reactor's home. Smoke still rose from the earlier explosion and searchlights waved back and forth over the building, looking for survivors and suspects alike.

"Captain Pryce," came a familiar voice over his com, "Your mission is to secure help secure the area. Engineers are en route to attempt to clean up this gorram mess. It seems like power has been cut off in parts of the city, so communications may seem sluggish. You see anyone or anything out of the ordinary take it down."

"Take it down sir?"

"Alive. We may need them for questioning. But again, your first priority is getting this area secure. We can't afford another blast like that taking out that reactor." The LAAT landed, throwing debris everywhere. He and his team exited, another team landing beside them just as their LAAT flew off back towards base.

[member="Bareesh Kajidic"] [member="Aron Kaan"] @Scourge@Slevin Thawne[member="Aver Brand"]
"Cover me," she said.

Narbo looked at her, then chuckled. "You do what you do, chika. Jawas and Uncle Narbo will keep the rest busy."

He and his Nimbanel companion unloaded their suitcases from the trunk and opened them. Reaching inside, Narbo retrieved his Deathhammer pistol, which he stuffed in the front of his waistband. Three fingered hands reached back inside and yanked out a bandolier of grenades, which he slipped over his shoulder. A third time, his hands reached inside the suitcase, and he hauled out a Z-6 Rotary Cannon.

The Nimbanel, likewise armed to the teeth, but with a fully automatic Czerka slug rifle, came to stand shoulder to shoulder with him and the two of them glared around. Porkers would show up. Eventually. Probably. If they did, they'd have to say hello to his lil' friend.

[member="Isamu Baelor"] | [member="Scourge"] | [member="Dracken Pryce"] | [member="Douglas Reed"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Aron Kaan"]

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