Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corporation Name: Streghe Arx
Headquarters: Dathomir
Locations: Dathomir
Operations: Farmers Market and Rancor Breeding
Rationale: Created the business to assist in financing the technological advancement of Dathomirian citizens.
Owner: [member=Celestine deWinter]
Tier: One

Taking a common and daily need such as food, open lands have been converted into farming. Grains, for example are grown natural and organically with no man-made chemicals. However, they get a boost with Dathomirian Magic. Call for rain and quick healthy growth are two examples of the force used on the crops. This allows harvesting and selling of crops at faster rate. To ensure nutrition in the soil do not get used out, soil management system was in place. Crop rotation, composting, crop diversity, and magic are part the system that company put in their standard operating procedures. Employees of the farming department of the company range from Dathomirian humans (force and non-force using citizens) to Rancors. The company stands on being an equal opportunity employer for all citizens of Dathomir.

Other department is more gear towards the selling of rancors. Using selective breeding, the company takes the weaker members of the herd and trains them to be sold as pets for the rich, circus and fighting rings. Many do not approve this method but the council watches over to ensure that company follow the laws put forth to make sure that this business is legit. Some of the laws are the rancors cannot be children, bulls or breeders. Only mature male that have grown between 4 to 6 meters tall. The buyer must be researched before final sell to better supply the proper rancor to the buyer's needs.
Ownership has been transferred from Petra to Celestine, with permission from Petra obtained through a skype conversation.

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