Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stranger Sands


What does one do when they become comfortable enough to not worry about credits? You become a collector of course. That was what Sinara’s focus had been over the past few years. She didn’t care what the item was, whether it was powerful, broken or of significant cultural importance. If it was unique, she’d wanted her hands on it.

Even going so far as to keep an eye on the various scrap yards around the galaxy, especially ones that spanned the entirety of a planet. Bracca was not Sinara’s typical go to destination. Ankle deep in mud and scrap? No thanks. That was why she utilized scouts and informants to be her eyes and ears.

And Bracca had recently sprouted a particularly interesting rumour.

One of her scouts had picked up on some of the local rumours, one in particular. Apparently numerous workers had spotted a ‘glowing blue blur’ that kept scavenging in their spots, only to disappear into the surrounding sandstorms after. No one had since been able to get a good look, as the figure avoided direct contact, rather opting to dig when the workers were away sleeping. But within a week, that stopped and reports started coming in of new excavation spots being opened.

Untouched ships that had yet to be scavenged, set for a later date. Sinara’s hypothesis was that whatever this thing or person was, they had identified key points in the ships utilizing the existing examples, and were now making their own judgements on the best spots to scavenge.

Needless to say, it had caught the woman’s interest. So much so that she personally travelled to Bracca to investigate things herself. With protective clothing on, a lengthy scarf wrapped around her head, and a pair of goggles to finish it. Sinara blasted off on her speeder, disappearing into the ever raging sandstorms.

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