Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stranded: Political Upheavel

Throwing the report on his desk, he allowed a hand to run through his beard. He had been given the mission by a Republic agent that detailed a planet experiencing several murders of high officials. The planet's security was on high alert and the detectives who were investigating weren't finding anything.

That was when they had called the Republic, and why he had been given the mission. And while that was all fine for him to go on a mission, he needed somebody else to join him, seeing this would involve most likely a battle if this murderer was actually a terrorist or assassin.

But who...?

There was a list of Jedi on his table, all of them different ranks, species and abilities. Each was worthy of coming onto the mission, but one stood out, so much more since he was a part of the Silver Sanctum...


Pulling out a holopad, he contacted them, bringing one of its members as a hologram.

"Yes, I'd like to speak to Jake Jace..."

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