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Approved Tech Stormtrooper Blast Vest

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c: Fake it 'til you make eet c:
Intent: To provide a little more armor than the FO medical uniform provides, to be used in the case of enemy boarding, fieldwork, ectetra. It is made specifically with my character in mind, but, theoretically, any FO officer could use this item.
Image Source: (x)
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: Blast vest (x)
Manufacturer: The First Order
Model: Stormtrooper armor (First Order) blast vest
Affiliation: The First Order
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: 100% Plastoid composite
Classification: Body armor; heavy armor; "semi-armor"
Weight: 10kg
Resistances: **contingent upon a chest shot or strike**
- Blasters/Plasma: LOW
- Kinetic: AVERAGE
- Lightsabers: NONE
"Semi-Armor" - A potentially major drawback is the amount of body that is protected, though it may not matter much if the wearer stays away from the frontline. Aptly named a vest, it only covers the upper half of a humanoid's torso. The rest is left completely vulnerable.
Mobility - Especially if a doctor is unaccustomed to working in the field, and thus in anything but their unconstricting uniform, they may find it difficult to treat patients in this armor top. It is not at all accommodating; after all, the plate is one piece and in such moves stiffly.
Easy to Store/Carry - Due to it's design, this piece is easy to store away in small places, like a medbay cupboard, until it is needed. Likewise, it is relatively light and easy to carry (either on one's person or off) compared to the standard Stormtrooper armor.
Easy to Equip - The vest is quite simple to don: one loosens the straps, pulls the breastplate over their head, and then tightens it back up.

Meant for use by uniformed officers in the case of sudden, unexpected vessel boarding and/or physical engagement, this blast vest comprises of the chestpeice of the basic Stormtrooper armor. Therefore, it is all white, without arm protectors, and only reaches down to about the midsection of an average human male's body.
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