Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den pulls the Nei'ida his custom Firespray ship out of Hyperspace just in time as he arrived at his destination. the planet glowing bright dark shades of blue before him. A'den looks down at his navigational charts making sure this is the right planet. It read "Dromund Kaas" A'den silently nodded as he entered the planet's atmosphere. A'den navigated the ship down just hovering over the jungle tree lines as he was watching out for exactly what he was looking for.​
after about 15 minutes of searching he came across what looked like it was once a major metropolitan city. He used his ships computer systems to see if this is what he was looking for and it indeed was. Kaas City, once home of the Sith Empire over 4,000 years ago. A'den looked for a spot to land and found it in the crumbled starport. A'den set the ship down and shut the engines off and left the cockpit and gathered supplies and his weapons. He walked to the back of his ship and lowered the loading ramp and then walked out onto it.​
A'den felt the rain down pour on his armor and thunder struck down through the black night sky. A'den knew what he was after so now the truble was to find it. A'den started walking through the starport until he found what he thought was the main entrance and walked through it seeing what looked like metal plating dug into the dirt making a trail through the over grown grass. A'den begin following it. It felt like a mile of walking he then reached a wall and walked through a hole in the side of it and srood there as he looked up stunned by the sight of what he saw....​
A'den took a deep breath and shook his head and proceeded into Kaas City, he checked abandon stores, abandon apartments and houses looking for a clue on what he was really looking for. He knew he would find it soon, it just would take time.​


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
As A'den walked through the city he came across the Cantina, he went inside and explored it yet found nothing that gave a clue as to a location of what he was looking for. A'den then exited the cantina and after walking for about another 30 minutes he finally reached what he assumed was the Sith Emperor's Citadel. A'den looked up at it through the rain pelting down on him.​
A'den went inside and begin looking around, he found out that it was a labyrinth inside, a maze pretty much. You got to be sh*tting me A'den muttered and drew a westar 35 blaster pistol not knowing what to expect, he then activated the night vision in his helmet as he navigated through the halls. He finally reached a huge room with doors that were off the hinges on the ground. He looked in and saw what he assumed was the Emperor's throne.​
A'den walked into the throne room and right up to the throne. A'den turned and sat in it. Thats right b*tches i'm the sith emperor, bow down! A'den chuckled to himself as he accidentally pressed a button and then a holo screen appeared in front of him. A'den was surprised this still worked. A'den looked through dozens of files regarding the Sith Empire's Armada, his ships and weapons as well as his troops and war stradegies as well as very well kept secrets that others would love to have. Including the location to a secluded Dark temple not far from here where the Emperor stayed to gather strength, This must be the location for what i am after thought A'den.​
A'den then downloaded all the files. once the download was complete A'den stood up and placed a small bomb in the throne and walked out of the throne room as the bomb went off destroying the computer techs of the throne chair so no one else could get this information. A'den then begin making his exit of the Citadel to head for this dark temple.​


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
After some time A'den has finally made it out of Kaas City in the right direction to the Dark temple according to the directions he has downloaded. A'den noticed very little wild life around and found that very unusual. As he walked he couldn't wait to get off this planet, he could feel the darkness here flowing around and through him. A'den was force sensitive and knew how to use it, he was very skilled with force lightning and telekinesis, but refused to use the force. Thoughts of what this place was like in it's prime. A'den reached a cliff side and looked over the cliff and saw a sight to behold.​
A'den begins walking down the cliff to the temple. once in the court yard he notices a person with black robes with a silver mask. the figure then activates two red lightsabers.​
A'den holster's his blaster pistol and pulls out both of his swords. The sith runs at A'den and spins in the air and starts swinging both glowing red blades at A'den, but A'den was quick to block every shot and swing. Both men engaged heavily in swinging both of their swords at each other trying everything they can to get the advantage. The sith then breaks away and uses force push, A'den soars backwards but uses his agility to do a back flip and land on his feet then charges back at the sith and does a round house flip over him and swings at the Sith's back as he lands but the sith is quick and puts the blades behind him blocking A'den's shot. the sith turns around elbowing A'den in the helmet, A'den stumbles backwards and the sith kicks A'den in the chest knocking him on the ground. A'den then curls his legs up over his head and then kicks them out getting back to his feet without his hands and then both men again engage in swing after swing trying to get a swing on the other to kill but to no prevail.​
A'den grunts getting tired of this but also admiring that the sith is well train in swords play, he had to give him that. The sith then stepped back and show lightning out of his hands. Blue bolts ripped through the rain at A'den engulfing him in electricity. A'den absorbed it all refusing to go down and channeling it and taking the pain. Once the sith realized this wasn't going to work the sith stopped and swung at A'den hoping to get a lucky shot because A'den was weak from the lightning. The sith failed at his swing when he landed and felt two sharp pains in his chest. A'den dropped the sword in his right hand and put his gauntlet blades through the sith's chest.​
A'den yanks the blades out and the sith stumbled backwards. The sith kept coming at A'den. A'den couldn't believe it, that was a killing blow and he's still coming, what is this guy Super sith A'den thought to himself as he picked his sword back up and blocked the shots the sith took at him swing for swing. A'den then realized it, the sith was slowing down, he was dying. A'den stepped back swung around and elbowed the sith in the back of the the head and then kicked in the back of the sith's leg snapping his leg. the sith fell to the ground and then A'den punt kicked the sith in the head. The sith dropped and rolled onto his back dropping his lightsabers. A'den holstered both his blades and then picked up the two lightsabers and then activated them. Using a scissor effect A'den decapitated the sith and then turned off the lightsabers and put them on his belt. A'den then sat down on some rubble for a rest before going into the dark temple.​


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den stands up and takes the mask from the dead sith and took his black robes. A'den cut off the hood and then put the robes on over his armor and then proceeded into the Dark Temple, once inside he noticed it was very dark, it is lucky he has night vision in his helmet. He proceeded up a long stair case, once he reached the higher floors he walked through the temple looking around at the old droid parts that litter the floor. Noticing most of them cut with a lightsaber or blaster scorch marks. He finally made it to a massive archway that was blocked off with rubble. A'den took out some thermal detonators and placed them around the rubble and then set the timer for 10 seconds. A'den went and took cover behind a nearby wall. The explosions blew all the rubble out of the arch way.​
A'den went in threw the smoke and dust to a room that was littered with rubble. At the back of the room he saw a platform with a massive chair on it. He looked to the bottom of the stairs and saw black robes with shoulder plates. A'den walked up to the robes and picked them up and heard a metal tink hit the ground. A'den look down and noticed finally what he was looking for had just hit the ground. The lightsaber of the once great Ancient Sith Emperor Darth Vitiate. A'den picked it up and pressed the button. A red beam of energy shot out of the hilt with the familiar hum sounds of a lightsaber. A'den swung it around for a bit then deactivated it and placed it in a pouch on his belt then he picked up the robes and the shoulder plates and started heading out of the Dark Temple knowing his mission was a success.​


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
A'den continues walking through the over grown grass and and follows the path back to Kaas City. He finally notices wild life around but they don't bother him. A'den wondered why he wasn't being disturbed by them. He pushed it to the back of his mind and pressed on. A'den feeling the weight of the robes he took by now that they are drenched from the rain. A'den looks to the sky as he walks and watches a thunder bolt rip through the sky. A'den remembers reading about this planet and how the atmosphere is cracked from the old Sith Emperor's rituals, which caused eternal night and electrical storms.​
A'den continued walking and then reached into a pouch and pulled out the sith mask. He instantly recognized it as a mask from the old republic, during the great galactic war. He noticed it in an old book on the history of the Sith Empire. Question is, how did that sith he killed get ahold of it and where did he find it, but then A'den thought of the BIGGER question.....who was he? A'den shrugged the thought off as he made it back into Kaas City.​
A'den looked around at Kaas city one more time before heading to the starport. The Citadel giving him chills which was unusual because nothing ever made him uneasy, at least not like this, something was engulfing his body with cold, and darkness and death, and he didn't like it. A'den tried to ignore it as he made his way for the Starport. After about a mile or so he finally made it and walked inside and headed straight to the Nei'ida. He boarded his ship and took off the robe and hung it up in his quarters to let it dry. He placed the sith's lightsaber and mask in a chest. He then took Darth Vitiates lightsaber and placed it inside a velvet lined wooden box with a lock on it. A'den then made his way to the cockpit and fired up the firespray engines.​
A'den lifted off anf flew out of the starport and leaving Kaas city behind him and then leaving the planet behind. A'den put in the coordinates for Dxun into his navigational computer and then put the ship into lightspeed and he was gone. This adventure was finally over A'den thought. Closing out this story as A'den and the Nei'ida made it's way to Dxun. What would the future hold for A'den only time will tell......​

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