Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Stone and Soot

Relationship Status: It's Complicated



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Open

Gerwald had traveled the galaxy. He had gone places and done things most from his lonely planet did not. His life until early adulthood had been a lie, or so he had thought. Parts of it had been for his protection, parts because of his clan’s secret, the rest had been because of his mother being overprotective. Whatever her reasons they had all failed. She was dead, and Gerwald had learned every secret she had tried to keep him from.

He wished he had not.

His time among his own kind had only opened his eyes as to why his mother had done everything she had. The wolf still did not agree with her methods, but he understood her reasons. To some extent it did not surprise him that his species originated as a Sith experiment, for a lack of a better thought. They had evolved beyond their intent over millennia, but the truth remained the same. They had been made to serve and kill. Originally fodder for the armies of the dark side, Gerwald found joy they had become something more.

His thoughts turned toward the past. He wondered what those that created his kind would have thought about all he had achieved. Gerwald had climbed the ranks of the Knights Obsidian until he had become their leader. His loyalties eventually found their way to serving the Sith, back to a role of service to the emperor. It was only for the sake of the empress Srina Talon Srina Talon , that Gerwald had sought our Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , yet the two still had their understanding.

Gerwald worked autonomously save for the moments the emperor called upon him. His aim was to further the empire, but more importantly the will of the emperor. Gerwald was his hand, his wrath, and he had been absent for some time. His curiosities had been satisfied, and the wolf no longer felt the need to wander as he had been. War was returning to the galaxy, the one thing Gerwald knew better than anything else.

He was made for war. He was bred for it.

His sharp blue gaze looked over the city. Jutrand was not Naboo or Geonosis. They were not the worlds of his training, nor the one he called home, Stewjon. It was dark. The shadow of the Sith hung over the place. Like Geonosis, the world lacked forests.

It was depressing.

A city stood where Empyrean had built it. In a way it brought beauty to the stone and gray of the planet, but not enough for the wolf which desired the lush green trees and the fresh aroma of soil. This was why Gerwald would continue to wander, even if he had found his focus among the Sith once again. Besides, there was always one who bid him return.

Gerwald could never stray far from Naedira Darcrath Naedira Darcrath .

He looked on at the training grounds, and everything the empire had built. His feet carried him through parts of the city he had yet to visit. There seemed to be new life in it. The population had grown. Despite the way Sith were, even their expansion drew those looking for better living, or what they perceived to be a better living.

It was time he learned everything about the city.

So he would explore it until something demanded his attention.



TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
GEAR: In bio




"You sure about this?"

Samron looked at Danika as they stood on very old soil.
"Say what you want about the Sith, darling, but they have history. Which means knowledge." she told the Falleen.
"Don't we have enough already, Mistress?"
Teal eyes turned to him. "Know thy enemy, Samron."
The creases on the Falleen's head got deeper. "Forgive me, my lady, but didn't you once belong to the Order?"
"Once, yes. They burnt that bridge when they killed my Master and tried to kill me. I intend to return the favour one day." The air turned frigid around them.
"Wouldn't it be more lucrative to join forces with either the Mando'ade or the Jedi?" Always the military tactician.

Danika started walking into the city while he spoke, but as he ended, lightning forked across the darkened skies as she turned on him, power crackling in the air around them. Even the men following them, took a step back.
"After all we've seen and done and you ask that of me." she told him.
The big Falleen looked at the sky before looking at her again. "I apologise. It is true what you say." He still remembers the day he found the young woman, half dead, all those many years ago and their alliance and friendship began.
"Good. Then let's go." she said before continuing to walk into the Dark city.

Along with them and the Ash Hellions, a pall of Death followed. The Herald had drawn the Veil thin, the frigidness of it clear to anyone paying attention. The dead beyond had not manifested yet, but those with Sight would see them still, following behind the dread-helms of the Bone unit.

The Lady of Conquest had come, not as a quiet thief, but as warrior to claim any knowledge she sought.

On a planet where her power would be amplified.

Just like on Dromund Kaas.


Relationship Status: It's Complicated


Wearing: xxx
Tag: Danika Leventis Danika Leventis

There were parts of the city Gerwald had not seen, and they had called to the part of him that wanted to explore them. His wolf was never comfortable in unknown territory, and if this was to be the place he settled for some time, then the wolf would walk the streets until he knew every detail.

Something was on the air.

The aroma was familiar to him.


Gerwald would not have thought the scent would follow him to Jutraand. It was not a scent one ever forgot. This particular aroma had become one Gerwald knew intimately. It was not that he killed so many. It was the fragrance of the devourer, the netherworld. It was the scent of death walking among men. This was an unnatural thing.

And it was in the city.

Gerwald moved though the streets with a fervency. He had to find the source of it. Naedira was free, she was back in the home Empyrean had gifted him. It was clinical compared to what the wolf had been used to. He would decorate, make it his own, with time. For now it was simply a place to rest his head. He slept and he ate. There was life to be had in it for sure, but the wolf was always on the move, always fighting, always facing some enemy.

It seemed he would be doing that again.

The scent led him toward the outskirts of the city. It was darker here, the seedy parts. Passenger transports, and landing bays for those traveling to the capital of the newest Sith Empire. The trail led from there closer into the city. He was on the trail, and he would soon overtake his prey.

He smirked. This was not a forest, but Gerwald was still on a hunt. His legs were swift, but his movements were silent. No one would hear him as he moved about through alleyways. A quick leap saw him take to the rooftops as he neared his target.

A woman.


He supposed the element of surprise was his, so he landed just in front of her.

“You bring something here that does not belong in the city. Death follows you.”



TAG: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
GEAR: In bio




Ah, there was the first surprise from those that she would destroy when the time came.

Well, not really a surprise. The Lady of Bone had felt him coming. So when a figure dropped down right in front of her, she merely cocked her head, studying him. Samron, on the other hand, had a pistol out and trained on the stranger faster than she could raise a brow.

Danika placed a brief, soft hand on his arm.
"Calm down, my friend." she told the Falleen before returning her otherworldly gaze on the Dark Sider in front of her as Samron only slightly lowered the pistol. Danika knew full well that the Breshig weapon would have left this stranger in just a handful of particles. Her curiosity got the better of her - for the moment at least.

If she got bored, she'd deal with it herself as usual.

“You bring something here that does not belong in the city. Death follows you.”

The Herald cocked her head to the other side.
"Does not belong? Oh darling. How much do you know about the masters you so blindly serve?" she asked him, though the teal in her eyes glowed brightly as power swelled. "Those that serve me, belong here more than the living do." Not adding that she was neither anymore. A wraith between worlds - the Anchor. She belonged everywhere and nowhere.

Yet there was something that her keen senses have noticed.

"You know what follows me, but you can't see them, can you? What has touched you to give you the knowledge to bring you in front of me now with those words?" The words were calm, but the Herald was watching. She had long since learned to study faces and presences - especially of those that tried to hunt her.

She had become what she was now for a reason.


Relationship Status: It's Complicated



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Danika Leventis Danika Leventis

The wolf reacted. He did not take kindly to threats, verbal or otherwise. When the pistol was raised toward him, a massive pull from the force saw the weapon in Gerwald’s hand. The bodyguard could always get another one, so, Gerwald simply used the force, shatterpoint, to find the weakness of the weapon and watched as it dissolved into metal dust in front of them.

“Your friend does not seem well prepared to be on a planet filled with Sith. At least I did not mask my presence. I cannot say that others will not give the same courtesy.”

Her companion calmed down at her request. This was already an interesting meeting. With what had followed the woman, Gerwald was not certain why she felt the need to travel with a companion. Was it for her protection from the Sith on Jutrand, or was it from the shadow which haunted her. Whatever her reasons, Gerwald would learn them before long.

“I know far more than you do, and if you knew who I was it is a question you would not be asking. Any attempt to sway my loyalty will fail. That is a dance which we can avoid in this meeting.”

She did not know what she was handling. No one controlled death, and it certainly served no master. It was an enemy to all things which lived. Gerwald knew that better than most. Empyrean had been twisted by it. Carnifex refused to succumb to it. Naedira had been consumed by it. The wolf had been taunted by it.

He simply shook his head. At least she found it curious that Gerwald knew what followed her, or at least sensed it. She was correct that he could not see them. He did know they were there.

“I have crossed over and back many times, and still live to speak of it. For a time a beast, a sick and twisted creation, of that place haunted my sleep. I know how it changes the atmosphere, the cold feeling left in the wake of all things from that place. What you bring with you… it does not belong here, and if you claim mastery, then you do not either.”

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