Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stolen goods going on a ride

Theodore Nash

Location: Eshan
Time: Late Night
Weather: Wet and Cold
Theodore shivered in the cold wet air, as it continued raining while he moved carefully from building to building trying to stay out of the rain as much as he could. He hoped he could find some kind of shop or store soon that sells warm coats as he hadn't really thought he would need one with his home often being so warm and sunny such a thing had never really crossed his mind that perhaps other planets wouldn't be as warm and sunny as where he had come from. He had to say he was highly disappointed by the state of the weather here on the Homeworld. Wet and cold he scoffed to himself, that doesn't seem right then again not much has since I left home.

He finally managed to find a shop walking briskly inside he found a warm rain jacket that was thankfully still within his price range but he would soon need to find some kind of work or someone who would be willing to set him up in some fashion to help out doing stuff. He pulled out a credit chit and payed for it leaving the store quickly carefully once again making his way to his accommodations. It was then shortly after he left he heard something happening down a side alley. As he watched he saw several droids getting loaded onto a truck.

He didn't think much of it until he also saw something else being loaded with them. He wasn't quite sure what it was but he wanted to go see what was inside. He was contemplating either going home or following the truck, when the man loading left leaving him an opening to jump aboard if he wanted to. Finally his curiosity got the better of him as he quickly ducked in and hid behind several of the droids. Being closer he noticed they were stolen goods, the news that morning had mentioned several droids and other goods had been taken from a local storage facility and now he was right in the middle of it all, as he saw the truck doors closed. Chit no getting out now, he thought not the way I wanted to spend my night but at least this could be interesting I guess.
You'd think, a planet of warriors, of galaxy known fighters would be...different. Binary had heard tales of the Echani when she was younger, glued to the holoscreen as the pale-skinned warriors fought their way through hordes of enemies to complete an epic quest or bring justice to a cruel warlord. Like with all her friends there had been that wish, that childhood dream, "I want to do that." Well, now she had.

It wasn't through a choice of her own, it wasn't quite how she'd thought it would work out but the HRD she'd found herself downloaded into had been based on an Echani. The pale skin, the platinum blonde hair and silver eyes, she'd managed to achieve her childhood dream, or rather had it thrust upon her. Diego had torn her out of her body, placing her in this droids frame as an act of sick revenge, a plaything for his amusement. And there was no way out of it, nothing she could do, the programming in her brain-controlled her every action, and the gangster controlled that programming.

She'd woken up one day to find she'd scrawled a message for herself on her bedsheets, 'if you look like an Echani, then you should act like an Echani, why not take a trip to Eshan'. It had been that simple, signed with a flourish, but she knew if she resisted she'd just end up there anyway in the worst possible way. It went against every fibre of her being but she really didn't have a choice. He'd broken her, broken her resistance the first few times she'd tried fighting him. Better to go along with whatever scheme he had concocted than suffer the indignity of his punishment.

Which was how she found herself here, acting as a goon for some minor street gang on Eshan. 'After all, once a criminal always a criminal', watching them hit a basic droid shop, a few hundred credits score. Yipee. The woman sighed, slipping into the back of the truck as the doors swung down, leaving her trapped in the darkness, huddled up against one wall, one leg braced against a deactivated droid as she fiddled with the laces of her trousers. The Echani really didn't have a problem showing off a lot of skin it seemed.

"You know, I saw you slip in here earlier. It's gonna be a long drive so you might as well come out and get comfortable."

Theodore Nash

Theodore Nash

Location: Eshan
Time: Late Night
Weather: Wet and Cold
Tag: Binary Binary
Theo carefully moved further into the truck until he was surprised by a voice back here. He turned around carefully and spotted a woman who looked like an echani not far behind him sitting down near one of the deactivated droids. He quietly cursed himself before finding a spot to sit down on top of a crate of unknown electronic items. Or at least he couldn't identify, in any case he looked at the woman and waited to see what would happen.

It wasn't long before curiosity overrode him and he actually spoke "So you uh with the crew on the truck or are you a random stowaway as well?" Then he thought some more before also saying "Are you an echani or do you just look like an echani?" He was slightly curious about it as he hadn't come across another echani outside of the colony. At least no so far beyond on this planet where most were either echani or humans.

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