Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stepping back a bit

Hello all,

It is with a heavy heart that I have come to a needed decision today. Work and some RL commitments are taking to much of my attention at present and ORC is suffering for it. That said I have decided to step back a bit and hand the ownership of ORC to another owner.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] started the Underground and lead us in creating TKO, I would like to nominate him as my successor.

If anyone else wants to take up the mantle feel free to speak up or support Jorus. We will put it to a vote here shortly to make it official.

I hope to stay on as an admin with whoever is voted in but I feel that this is the right time to make this change.

Thank you all again for the support and building what we have today. It has been an honor to serve as owner of your faction.
:( This makes me sad Bryce why u do dis? In all honesty though thanks for bringing me into the fold still kinda trying to figure where I belong here but you got me started on this character so thanks for that. Cheers Mate!

[member="Bryce Bantam"]
Sorry to hear this, but real life comes first and I know I speak for everyone when I say you've done a great job and deserve to take a breather.

Good luck with everything.
I'm comfortable with the nomination; Bryce and I have bounced faction ownership back and forth more than once based on IRL needs. If someone else wants to commit, I have no objection. If I'm elected again, I'll continue to put the bulk of my Chaos focus here.
[member="Bryce Bantam"]

You've done a great job as owner man. I've been with the Underground since it's inception in various chars guises. I've watched you recruit and raise up a solid circle of writers here. Hope to still see ya around buddy.
I'll be lurking a few weeks here, not really gone gone, just can keep up with FO duties is all. Also as it seems no one else would like to try their hand at this ownership stuff I'll be putting up the faction vote thread here after the 4th.

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