Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Stefan Amaris

Stefan Amaris



NAME: Stefan Amaris

FACTION: The Ascendency

RANK: Leader


AGE: 47

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6' 2" (1.88 meters)

WEIGHT: 230 lbs (90.71 kg)

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: Caucasian



A soldier: Amaris is a through and through soldier. He has seen and fought in wars for most of his life, both as a rebel against his government, a soldier with his comrades in arms in the army, and now as a terrorist leader. He has seen the worst of people, and fought shoulder to shoulder with some of the best as well. In combat, if you underestimate this man, he will kill you. Without a second thought.

A leader of men: Amaris wasn't made the leader of Surric First just at random or through sheer savagery, despite what many will say. His words speak to the hearts of each of his men, they inspire fear in his enemies and valor in his comrades. This charisma has helped keep the various factions of his group together, and has caused them all to place their trust in him. On the battlefield and off, Stefan Amaris is definitely the spitting image of a leader.


Explosive Temper: Stefan is known as "The Butcher" for a reason. His violent outbursts tend to cause him to lash out quite savagely at his opponents or prisoners. He has zero tolerance for lack of discipline among his men, and will issue extreme punishments to those who do not measure up to his standards. In battle if his commanders fail him, he has a tendency to execute them.

Negative Sedentary: Stefan is not someone who is eager to see much change. This is true of his character as he is very anti-diplomat. He does not like to change, and finds it very difficult to move past old sins. Once he has an opinion of someone it is very hard to change it, except for making negative changes to it. To change this man's mind, or even character would require an act of a god. And after all he's seen, he's sure that no such thing exists.

Stefan is someone who at first glance, looks like your average soldier. He has a little over average height and build, he stands with perfect posture, and his face is usually pretty unreadable because it's always in a scowl. When he speaks, a gravelly low voice that sounds like someone who has lost all hope and has seen more then they had to is what is heard. If you look into his eyes, all you see is the heartless rage of a man that has nothing left to lose. When he is in command he is a striking presence to friend and foe, as all can see his resolve, his will to exact revenge. His body alongside his armor have numerous scars from all of the battles he's been in, including a disfiguration across the left half of his body. The skin here is raised, puffy, and deformed from the chemical attack he was in when his suit failed as he was fighting.

Amaris' life began the same as any other in the Surric System. With a corrupt Viceroy that had essentially sold his people into chattel slavery, Amaris would live his life like all the other citizens of Surric. He barely survived from one ration to the next, scrounging up whatever he could to survive while doing whatever job he could to make enough to get his next ration. Living this way, Amaris would begin to turn to a life of petty crime as a way to make ends meet. And as the situation in Surric got more volatile with people beginning to protest with the hope that the greater CIS taking notice of their plight he would do jobs to help protect the protesters. He worked as an enforcer during these times, keeping most of the really bad political enforcers of the Viceroy either tied up, busy, or flat out beaten to a bloody pulp to ensure they couldn't crack down too hard on the protesters. But then things started turning violent. Protests turned to riots, riots turned into clashes between the resident CAF security forces and citizenry, and Stefan decided enough was enough. Playing defensive wasn't good enough. He would lead a series of attacks against major government buildings, being one of the first to detonate bombs to send their message. They wouldn't sit quietly and wait for the Viceroy to abdicate.

That's when the civil war broke out. Stefan would take up arms with his fellow brothers and sisters, vowing to fight for their freedom under various leaders to defeat the Viceroy. He would lead small team attacks, raids, assassinations of key enemy leaders, and other special operations as they fought. He would do this while also fighting alongside the main body of the freedom fighters. With each atrocity committed by their enemy, he would slowly lose more of his will to fight as fair as he'd been told to. With each gas attack, each nuclear blast, each biological weapon deployed and each civilian target pressured by the Viceroy if not used as a weapon itself, his will to stop short would waiver. He became more and more aggressive. He would be more and more merciless. The straw that finally broke the camel's back however would come when the Viceroy dropped a literal station on landing forces while trying to fend off the final invasion. A station with many civilians still onboard. A station that would impact the ground with the force greater than any nuclear bomb.

A station with all of the loved ones he had left on board.

Stefan would decide at this point, the gloves were finally coming off. Nothing was sacred anymore. Nothing was protected. And if there even was a god, then he must not have cared at all what petty mortals did in this life. His message to the Viceroy was to take a small team of like minded individuals and kidnap the Viceroy's family. He'd opened a channel to the Viceroy and after torturing them all for six hours, he finally executed them. Six days later Surric's freedom fighting forces would finally achieve victory with the arrival of the CAF to achieve the final push. And while he didn't express this, he would carry a grudge for the greater CIS as a whole from that day forward. This was due to all the messages they had sent, all of the tries to get help that he'd seen and even tried himself, they had seemingly waited this long and now were taking all of the credit. He would transition into the Surric Local Defense Force, going into the Expeditionary Forces as he saw it the best way to ply his newly learned crafts. He would have a quite active and decorated career here, fighting on many planets both in support of and alongside the CAF. All the while he slowly recruited members that had the same viewpoints as himself. The same opinions about the CIS as a whole. And when the day finally came that the order was proposed for the referendum, he knew the time to act would come. He gathered his followers in secret and issued a short message.

"Regardless if our leaders see it, we will show the galaxy that Surric will no longer bend. No longer will it be the galaxy, or the Confederacy that are our concerns. Surric will be as it should have always been regarded, first among equals and second to none. Surric will come first, and all shall bend to our will,"



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