Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Steel Meets Steel [Deborah vs. Vrag]


The Second Seal, broken.
It wasn't her first night out in some dingy club with clientele of questionable repute, and this one was looking to turn out the same way they usually did; with a brawl. Vrag was normally very good at restraining her perpetual anger, but a few strong drinks could do much to rattle that cage, and the Sith had downed her share of shots that evening.

It wasn't so much the alcohol — the poison burned through her body without much effect — as it was the flames the drink left in its wake, a fire that had a nasty tendency to turn into a roaring pyre that couldn't be contained.

It that precarious state the woman pushed through the crowd surrounding the various would-be rings; some were little more that clearings in the throngs, whereas others had put up makeshift barriers using tables and chairs in the vicinity. Vrag didn't discriminate in her use of elbows and boots to make her way, however, paying little attention the people already beating on each other.

Entirely heedless of who she was pushing out of her way, the Sith encountered something hard and resistant in her next attempt to remove a humanoid obstacle, and her blue eyes focused on the owner of the mechanical appendage.

"Get the frak out of my way, lady," Vrag growled just loud enough to be heard over the screams and music.

[member="Deborah Waller"]
Deborah hadn't been in the club long. Only had two drinks. It was all just for trying to clear her head away from the men and being swamped with work in the last few weeks. These places weren't the best but it helped her to "fish", as she put it, for some local tail to take home for the night. There were cute boys and girls all about. Deborah had trouble deciding what she was in the mood for, though anything to clear her head would be great.

Suddenly she felt someone push and call her out, making her turn to see who it was. Some armored up woman who looked like she was mean drunk. Obviously, from the look of her, Deborah could tell she was sith. While others may have been put off Deborah wasn't.

"You talking to me? Can't hear you past all that tin can you're wearing, pal!" she said, poking her finger at her.



The Second Seal, broken.
A single eyebrow arched at the response, but no other reaction was visible on the firrerreo's face; and even if there had been something more substantial, the lighting wasn't ample enough to penetrate the helmet she was wearing. Her gaze followed the offending finger being pointed at her, and without much thought Vrag grabbed the brazen digit, her gauntleted fist enclosing around it with more force than perhaps strictly necessary.

"Maybe you should pay a visit to the doctor, then," the Sith replied, her voice surprisingly level. She was having none of [member="Deborah Waller"]'s bullpoodoo, as the grip of her hand clearly indicated. She took a step closer in the already crowded space, looking down at the slightly smaller woman.

Deborah could feel the pressure from [member="Vrag"] gripping her finger like that. It was her left arm, meaning her normal hand. It hurt, that was for sure, but Deborah wasn't intimidated by her. Even as the crowd of people began to see as the two looked ready to fight Deborah was too focused on the lady in armor she knew she was about to have a thrown down with.

Reaching out with her other arm, which was concealed by the long sleeve of her jacket and a glove on her hand, she grabbed her by the wrist that had her finger and began to add her own pressure, Sure enough her sudden strength began to waver against the armor she wore.

"You'd best let go before you wind yo doing something stupid, honey." she threatned with a bemused look.


The Second Seal, broken.
The Sith blinked, once, twice, then cocked her head to the side. Trying to crush durasteel plates wasn't exactly the smartest course of action in the given situation, but Vrag was not going to complain about stupid moves on her opponent's part. She had to admit the the amount of pressure the woman was able to exert was commendable, but she'd drunk one shot too many that night to find it suspicious.

Instead of wasting any more time on words, the firrerreo jabbed forward with her free arm, aiming for [member="Deborah Waller"]'s exposed stomach, slightly above the navel where the solar plexus was no longer protected by the ribcage. Unlike Vrag, her unlucky target was wearing no visible protection, and considering they were nearly grappling at this point, a dodge would be nearly impossible.
The sudden cheap shot to the gut made Deborah back up. That armor had added some durability to [member="Vrag"] which Deborah lacked. Still she had a few tricks up her sleeve, and one advantage she currently had was her head more clear than the sith's. It took a minute for her to suck up the pain before shaking it off.

Looking back to Varg she said "Okay then. Have it your way." She came up and wasted no time, lifting her leg up for a kick to the chest to knock her back before trying to land a punch to her face with her left arm. Her right arm she was keeping ready for any attempts she would try with her armored attacks; the covered cybernetics being another advantage.


The Second Seal, broken.
While the woman was recovering Vrag moved backward to establish a more comfortable range to what was obviously turning into a bar brawl. The crowd which had been pressing against her from all sides was now in a hurry to get away from the two fighters, turning over a few tables for good measure. The Sith rolled her shoulders and neck, then put her fists up in a classical unarmed guard.

She'd been expecting a punch, and so the boot that she took to her chest came rather unexpected, bypassing her arms as it rushed in from below. She stumbled backward, but her left hand found purchase in one of the overturned chairs behind her. The momentary loss of equilibrium had rendered her exposed, however, and she had no time to block the strike [member="Deborah Waller"] followed up with. Not that she needed to, anyway.

Vrag winced in sympathy for her attacker as the bare knuckles of the woman's left hand met the durasteel of the Sith's helmet head-on, and she could swear she heard something cracking. She didn't waste any time on further musings, though, moving forward to exploit the beautiful opportunity of the human's extended arm. She grabbed the offending appendage around the wrist with her right hand and then went to deliver an uppercut to the exposed elbow with her left.
Durasteel. This Sith was just a walking druken tank of power. Deborah had felt her hand smack against the steel and almost break from it. She yelped, thinking that the clear matrieral wasn't any stronger than glass. Apparently not. That only left herself for the strike to the elbow in the process. She screamed and backed away, feeling her entire arm trembling from the hit. A durasteel fist to such a tender area was bad. she held it cringed in her other arm before looking to [member="Vrag"] and sneering.

"Guess I'm going to have to peel that off you, one peice at a time!" she said before working on her jacket.

Working around her brused arm she managed to slip her jacket off, revealing the black tanktop she wore. But it also showed her heavyily armed cybernetic steel arm that she'd been hiding. Te glove she wore still covered the hand but it was clear the entrie arm was nothing but robotic.


The Second Seal, broken.
The Sith felt a small smirk curling at the edges of her mouth when her opponent realized how unwise it was to try and open a tin can with your bare hands. Still, the smile faded as quickly as it had appeared when the woman managed to lose herself of the tight fitting jacket, revealing a most unusual sight underneath. Unsure if she was seeing correctly, Vrag blinked and cocked her head again — pinching was not really an option at this time — and her expression grew even more bemused when she realized that her eyes were not deceiving her.

"Well, kark," the firrerreo blurted out unceremoniously and brought her hands up in a high guard again. She was prepared for kicks this time, though, and with the woman's left arm out of the equation, her focus was much less divided.

"Men let you jerk them off with that?" the slightly buzzed Sith chuckled incredulously as she gestured to [member="Deborah Waller"]'s robotic limb.
Hearing her joke Deborah smirked before retorting "Ladies too, if they're cute enough. Which means your out of luck."

Deborah kept her left arm close to her side. She may have been down one arm but she still had her legs and her robotic one left. And besides [member="Vrag"] was still a roaring drunk, meaning she had less of a clear head than Deborah. However that also meant she was more dangerous thanks to that armor she wore. That would have to go.

Deborah stepped foward and faited a kick before trying to follow up with an uppercut to her jaw. She was keeping her military training in-check while she dealt with this sith in durateel armor.


The Second Seal, broken.
Vrag ignored the quip completely as her blue eyes narrowed on her opponent, scrutinizing her every move in an effort to spot the woman's tells. If she managed to figure her out, the fight would become much easier to win, and truth be told, the Sith had little desire to be on the receiving end of the human's cybernetic appendage. It didn't look particularly friendly, but she had to admit that it added a certain amount of intimidation level to the previously unassuming woman.

She'd been on the lookout for kicks this time, and the one that came was reasonably expected. When her opponent shifted her balance to plant her boot onto some part of Vrag's body again, the firrerreo was no longer there, having taken a step forward into the narrow measure. Her right foot landed firmly on the floor, shifting the tall Sith to the side and out of the way while her left hand moved to grab [member="Deborah Waller"]'s free leg.
When [member="Vrag"] had grabbed her leg Deborah had been hoping she would. It gave her the chance to do something effective, but also a little stupid. Needing to bring her memeto up she managed to swing her other leg up and into the sith's face, her boot aimed right against her head. This would leave her with only her arms to break her fall, but with one gone she needed to use her robotic one instead. Once she'd landed she would try to roll out of the way before getting to her feet. Even for a drunk this sith was a little more coordinated than expected.


The Second Seal, broken.
Her opponent must have had truly impressive abdominal muscles to pull a stunt like that, and the human's other boot rushed up to meet the side of her helmet. Unless [member="Deborah Waller"] was wearing something exceptionally sturdy, those toes were probably badly broken from the impact, since the dark-skinned woman had put enough force behind her kick to send them both to the floor.

The hit she'd taken to the head left her disoriented just long enough that her opponent managed to scramble free from her grasp, though,slinking beyond her reach. Rising to her knees, the Sith grabbed a nearby chair and threw it at the retreating form of her foe. Counting on the fact that the woman would have some trouble rolling over her injured arm, Vrag hoped to smash the barstool right into her back.

Vrag said:
It wasn't so much the alcohol — the poison burned through her body without much effect — as it was the flames the drink left in its wake, a fire that had a nasty tendency to turn into a roaring pyre that couldn't be contained.
She's not exactly roaring drunk. :)
Deborah had onyl just managed to get to her feet and turn before the stool came towards her. All she could do, al she could react in time to do, was bring her robotic arm up to block the stool. Teh force of it had knocked her arm back into herself before it broke, some of the prices managing to fly by and hit her chest or head.

She dropped again, feeling like she'd been hit by one of them along with the impact of the stool being tossed into her. She was losing. She had a cut on her head from the stoll part that hit her. Her foot was sore, her arm bruised, and meanwhile [member="Vrag"] still had that damn armor on her.

"Coward...." she said, trying to pick herself up. "That's all you are....hiding in yout tin suit for protection..."

(To Deb she thinks of her as roaring, mainly since she's tearing everything up while their fighting lol)


The Second Seal, broken.
The Sith shrugged, unmoved by her opponent's accusations. "Oh, please," the firrerreo smiled coldly behind her visor and took a step closer to the struggling woman. "You can't say I'm completely honorless." With that, Vrag extended her left hand in an offer to help [member="Deborah Waller"] back on her feet, her stance as unthreatening as it could be for a mountain of plate armor. Her right arm lay seemingly relaxed by her side and her feet were firmly planted on the floor to help maintain balance when she would pull her foe into a standing position.
And now she was offering her hand? Deborah was confusef to say the least, but one thing she wasn't was gullible. Even if [member="Vrag"] had meant it Deborah didn't trust her. Especially not with her own history and the fact that this armored sith was so keen on breaking Deb at almost any chance she had.

Deborah stood, not even touching Varg's hand, before saying "Says a woman dresses in armor and acting all rude to people. What, too many drinks to the head?"


The Second Seal, broken.
The moment [member="Deborah Waller"] tried to get up the Sith moved in, keeping her left arm raised as protection if the woman attempted anything with her robotic appendage. She put the whole weight of her body behind her strike, letting the force pass through the twist of her hips, then through her shoulder and finally into her armored fist. Her opponent was in a highly unfavorable position, struggling to get back on her feet and with only one arm to defend herself with, so Vrag — honorless as she was — went for her left kidney, a target that her foe would be hard-pressed to protect in her current predicament.
Seeing her coming blow for the kideny Deborah, using what she culd must, brought her right hand out and up to strop her fist. She caught it, and she was lukcy, but it wasn't done there. She held her arm out, taking [member="Vrag"] with it, to keep her from trying anything else. The grip of her metallic arm would hold her good and tight for a moment.

"Not this time." she said before increasing her grip on her fist to try and crush both the metal and her fingers in the process.


The Second Seal, broken.
It was only natural to try and defend your kidneys; after all, they were very precious organs and any trained fighter knew that a blow to their general area caused unimaginable pain. That's why [member="Deborah Waller"]'s attempt to reach over and stop her didn't come as a surprise to the Sith, and her poised left arm snapped forward to prevent her opponent from doing exactly that. Her armored fingers wrapped around the robotic wrist and slammed the cybernetic arm into the woman's own body. At this range, the impact probably wouldn't even hurt that bad, but Vrag's intention had been to lock that arm in place, not cause further damage.

That's what her other hand was for.

The armored fist hit its target with the force of two hundred pounds of durasteel and muscle behind it, slamming into her adversary's left kidney without a shred of mercy.

Post interrupt discussed in PM
Her last atempt failed. The sudden hit to the kdney was too much. Deborah screamed in pain before s spit of blood coughed out of her. Some of the people watching had gasped as they saw her fall to the floor. She groaned, holding her side in pain. She was a mess in the end. Gritting her teeth and trying to get up despite everything feeling like it was broken.

Before [member="Vrag"] could make anymore moves, however, a small group of men all dressed in jackets similar to Deborah burst in with weapons pointed at her. They were a mixed group of differen species numbering up to seven all-together. They looked ready to fire but didn't, the only one making a move being the chiss that helped his boss to her feet.

Looking to Varg Deborah, still coughing blood, showed her a little transmitter she'd been hiding in the clentched fist of her left arm. She'd called them ahead of time.

"You're done, for now." one of the gang members said to Varg "Boss says you'll live because you're sith and the Ravens need sith. But that's all you're getting off for."

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