Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starting Over.....Almost


Myles sat in a bar he frequented on Coruscant, although he couldn't tell you the name. That much didn't matter. He consolidated Triad Security and operations were no longer being managed. All he had from his enterprise was his trusty ship, his small amounts of weaponry and the experiences he had. Waving the bartender, he would toss a credit chit toward them and ask for a Correllian Whiskey. He had much to think about and needed to find his place once more in the galaxy. Being former Security Chief for the Queen of Alderaan and a premier risk/security analyst he figured he could find a decent job somewhere.

Not only was he an able bodied veteran, he was also a decent pilot. He could ferry individuals across the system, but where's the fun in that? The bartender set a glass of Correllian Whiskey in front of the old soldier. Myles would pick the glass up and knock it back. Triad's operations were shut down completely and the assets were sold to third-parties, and Raven Squad was sent back to Rishi to oversee the shutdown. Although they pledged to stay with Myles, he gave them the rundown that these men were still young and should go ahead and retire while they are able.


The word crossed his mind. He would rather be dead than to live some boring life back on Naboo. Doing nothing. It sickened him. He didn't judge others who lived like this, he just knew that he couldn't do it. Luckily, he still maintained a list of prior clients on his datapad. Perhaps some of them could use his expertise?

He thought of the man he served a long time ago. Man by the name of Ardgal Raxis, he alone was able to put the soldier's name out there and reward him richly. For now, his finances were okay but not the best and his lodging was his ship; The Tempest.


Myles would respond to the incoming transmission

"Yes? What do you have for me?"

The young voice crackled on his comms and replied. "Sir, the consolidation is done and the drives have been wiped clean. Everything is done as you have asked. Standing by for orders"

Davorak smiled and replied quickly. "You're done. No further orders. You and the others may head out. It's been great having you on the team. I hereby relieve you and the others of Raven Squad from duty. Take care you three".

Myles couldn't be there in person to relieve them of duty. He had business here in Coruscant. Davorak had to meet a contact regarding a job. Now it was a waiting game.

Isaac Hale perked back up on comms. "If you ever need us sir, we will still be here on Rishi. We got some local jobs to keep us busy for a while. Been an honor sir".

With a polite smile, the transmission crackled off. This left Myles to his musings as he was waiting for his contact.
Naten walked into the nearest Canteena next to the spaceport he just arrived at moments ago and gave the place a quick scan before continuing his way towards the bar. Although it wasn't his first time traveling around the Core, it definitely wasn't his favorite part of the Galaxy to execute work; unless the pay was worth it.

He took the first seat he saw that was empty at the bar and waved the tender over. "Hutt bile over the rock, will ya, and if ya don't have any, just give me something strong." Naten said as he leaned against the table whilst lighting a death stick. "If I could get a decent pilot who knows how to maneuver through this jungle of a galaxy that would be fine too, but too bad you don't serve any of those." He grumbled as the bar tender passed him his drink.

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